Feedback: Septemberfest 2014

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Sep 17, 2014.

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  1. morieta

    morieta Forum Greenhorn

    Not forced to pay, no, but still it is one more encouragement to buy BB :)
    But the event rewards are not WORTH the BB. So at least I will not be spending any this time.
    Puski96 likes this.
  2. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Still not happy that there are no Baha rewards - GB instead of Stars would have been good.

    Barrels are too big and difficult to see where to put the extra feed on manually. I harvested a couple by mistake instead.

    This is not a very inspiring event with the rewards just average.
    Puski96 likes this.
  3. Peanut1492

    Peanut1492 Active Author

    I like the event. I don't think I'll finish it. One suggestion, please, please find a way to place the barrels with either the harvester or like the way you plant crops. Where it's continuous. I have cramps in my hand from having to click on the box, then the little vase (decorations), then the tea barrels, then plant it on my farm, then do it again 300x. Ouch! Carpal Tunnel. :cry:
    Puski96 and steph2014 like this.
  4. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    You can use the builder to place them (accessories) and the seeder to put the tea bags on them. (The builder is the lower right box when you bring up the harvester.)
  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    IF you complete the event perfectly. If you accidentally harvest even one barrel early, if you are not able to sit and harvest every crop basically as soon as they are done, (including using whatever supergrow, etc, you have).

    I stand by my statement. Its not really a even a complaint, just a comment. You need to make money, no doubt. I am not questioning that. Its just that to fully play several aspects you simply have to pay, its not fully a truly free game.

    Yeah, its possible if you don't make a single mistake, don't harvest even one barrel early. Even then, you have to already have things like supergrow and a fair amount of goods already on hand to finish.

    I will complete some of it, am happy to get the party tickets (though 4 mulch should NOT be a party ticket prize!).

    You need money to keep going.. no doubt on that, I just dislike what smacks of trickery instead of honesty. Plenty of the game truly is free, but there are several parts of the game that pretty much require spending real money to complete. Its just when you pretend its otherwise that there is a real issue.
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 21, 2014
    Puski96 likes this.
  6. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    Hi Woody.

    I have to disagree with you, I have played this game for nearly five years and have never used real money. I have two farms, levels 78 (just) and 92 and will finish this event on both by Tuesday. I appreciate that the events are easier if you can pay to get on faster but it is possible without paying. What I do is decide for each event whether I can do it on either farm or both farms with the resources I have (including time as I work) and if I can't do it, I don't bother. There are other ways to enjoy an event - raising chickens and selling poo comes to mind. Chickens are good profit makers and manure prices go through the roof during an event. :)

    Half of the enjoyment I get from this game is the strategy to complete events and FSQs with what I have in my barn. I don't always get it right and I don't always complete events but it is fun trying! xD
    snobunny333, Puski96, sudhir and 2 others like this.
  7. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    I am sorry, but I have to disagree again :( You get a total of 700 barrels from completing 100% of the first quest. This allows you to make 50 mistakes, not 1, since you need only 650 fully matured barrels for the second quest.

    Indeed, there are obviously some features that do require spending real money, like the Party Spins sale, or the mystery seedlings events/wonder stables - nobody denies this. But there is nothing forcing you to pay either. Also, allow me to point out that I, or any of the moderators, have no interest in "pretending" otherwise, we are volunteers who offer their free time to help players, therefore - I have pointed out these matters to avoid any confusion made by your statements, which leave the impression the event cannot be finished without spending money on it, or by making a tiny mistake.
    julie1013, BillyBluff and Puski96 like this.
  8. taycramtree

    taycramtree Forum Inhabitant

    As of this moment, there are 68 hours left in the event. I harvested the last of my event crop this morning and planted all of the tea barrels, which I will harvest tomorrow morning. It is absolutely possible to finish in plenty of time without paying real money.
    Puski96 likes this.
  9. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    @Peanut1492 If you don't have the builder, you can still get away with fewer clicks. Plant the first barrel, then press Ctrl (on your keybord) and click to place the next and so on. It saves you from having to go to the decorations every time :)
  10. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    Thank you -Mir85-
    that works so well. I am glad that I learned something so useful today.
    Puski96 likes this.
  11. -CountryGal-

    -CountryGal- Junior Expert

    Just wanted to comment on this time consuming game, my mind and butt are numb from planting the individual tea barrels, trying to do the math to get all the requirements done on time. This will be the last time I try and complete a quest that requires all the extra things to do. It takes too much time and energy. I play the games for fun, not to get totally stressed out and frustrated. I have two farms and gave up the game entirely on one today. It was taking up too much time trying to plant the tea barrels one by one. I was developing carpel tunnel in my wrist. I also have spent too much money trying to complete everything. Too expensive to buy all the tea bags, and super grow needed to get everything done. Sorry, these challenges are just getting too complicated for me.
    Puski96 likes this.
  12. howk01

    howk01 Padavan

    I also did not like this event. Mainly because of the 8 hour crops which I find very boring to grow over & over. The prizes were not great thou I did like the wonder boxes & I would also have liked to see some Power Feed as a reward. I wish that when you harvested the tea barrels that you could receive ep for them. They take 16 hours to harvest and you get nothing for them. Such a waste!
    Puski96 likes this.
  13. Toocloseforcomfort

    Toocloseforcomfort Forum Greenhorn

    I liked this event. The 8 hour crops were easy to work in between school and my other activities. As a student I don't have any money to spend for the extras, so was very nice being able to win some. I managed to finish the event yesterday and I didn't have any problems finishing without money.
    Puski96, baw815 and JJenks like this.
  14. .lita23.

    .lita23. Someday Author

    would greatly appreciate the countdown clock frozen for 2 hours and I can make it for both farms, ah but a dream
    julie1013 likes this.
  15. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    I thought this event was easier to get through than the last would agree with most people saying regarding the event being too close to the last one, lack of decent prizes, too many teabrews needed to complete given you have to complete the crops before even getting the tea barrels then having to wait 16hrs to harvest them. I liked that the event was split up into two quests as it gave room for choice and at least some of the items needed were things people would already have a few of. The stars came in useful but the rewards really need improving. I love this game and the events are a fun extra but they're so close together and it does seem to be difficult to finish some of them without purchasing loads of SG or being on the computer all day and night. Constantly having to uproot your fields is a pain and please can the developers look at making putting numerous items out from the inventory easier!!!! Placing over a hundred tea barrels out one by one and having to go back into the inventory each time IS NOT FUN!!! Deffo enjoy the events but please listen to your players suggestions as they're seems to be the same complaints cropping up!!!
  16. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    A flexible event where you could plan to fail, if you wanted.
    why do I always get stupid results from the mystery-whatevers. Fix that pronto...

    Well, as if anyone cares.
    heidels, Banjoman and steph2014 like this.
  17. gggg806

    gggg806 Advanced

    :DI enjoyed the event

    It wasn't too strenuous and the prizes were well worth the effort - I love cloud rows

    I was delighted with my mystery box/seedling results as I got a tree and an animal that I didn't have so thanks for that

    Its a big thumbs up from me
  18. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    A single 8 hr crop does not fit with my schedule. So as I knew I could not hope to complete the event I didn't bother. I like the flexibility of 2 different times and once more, silly amounts to be donated. I also hate the fact that you have to surrender 650 plots for no point (no ep, no drops :wuerg:) and for 16hrs unless you can get enough tea bags.
    baw815 and steph2014 like this.
  19. lilbayberry

    lilbayberry Forum Apprentice

    I loved this event, and was especially glad for it because I disliked the last one so much xD I liked that it was a 2 part event (2 quests involved). I thought that the prizes were great and comparable to the requirements to get them. The barrels were cute :inlove: Also I enjoyed that the event wasnt so challenging that I wanted to pull my hair out like that last one;) The reset option was a really nice addition for anyone who wanted to use it, and you dont have to spend money to get BBs. I get 3 a day from the cinema and that really adds up! I give this event an A+:D Oh, and I got awesome trees from the mystery seedlings; and no craptalpa--thanks so much for that xD
  20. watershipdown

    watershipdown Forum Apprentice

    OMG! Thank you so much for that little gold nugget of knowledge :D I had no idea that we could do that YAY! :inlove:
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