reward bahamarama EP when our neighbor levels up

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Arielh, Sep 22, 2014.

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  1. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    When one of our neighbors levels up then we have an EP reward depending to the level of our neighbor. Why not could it happen the same when one neighbor levels up on Bahamarama?
    We could get some Bahamarama EP depending on the bahamarama level of our neighbor.

    What do you think?:music:
  2. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Sounds like an excellent idea, Ariel.
    penguilnz and Arielh like this.
  3. Elemeef

    Elemeef Forum Pro

    I really like that idea too. Great thinking Arielh.
    Arielh likes this.
  4. solo1978

    solo1978 Forum Apprentice

    I also think that is a super idea. Please BP, think about implementing this, as we all need tons of golden bananas.
    spotsbox and Arielh like this.
  5. lilbayberry

    lilbayberry Forum Apprentice

    Yes! This idea is music to my ears hehe:music:
    farmlily3 and Arielh like this.
  6. msmeow

    msmeow Junior Expert

    Oh, yes please..."ta da da..ta da da.. ta da da" etc. Happy tune:music:
    farmlily3 and Arielh like this.
  7. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I am happy you like it!
    When bahamarama first intruduced to the game I came up with this idea.:)
    penguilnz likes this.
  8. shetaz71

    shetaz71 Active Author

    They need to do something about giving more golden bananas. You need SO MANY to open up this or that... then you need more just to get what you actually want! I mean, it takes 30-40 bananas just to get into the right place and then you have to get 20 more bananas to get the item! And its for every single item there! In order to get all that you need to play to games, you'll be playing this game for the next 10 yrs (if not longer). As it is, just to get the pepper seeds, I have to play this game every day (several times a day), for the next 4 months to level up to get golden bananas! This is crazy!
    Arielh likes this.
  9. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I definitely like this idea. In fact it would be nice to have the choice to have BEP when our neighbours level up on their farms instead of EP.
    penguilnz and Arielh like this.
  10. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    Brilliant idea - should be easy to implement too....:);)
    penguilnz and Arielh like this.
  11. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Wonderful, Arielh!!! I think this idea is wonderful...and, it does everyone else!!!:inlove::D:D:D
    Arielh likes this.
  12. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I really like this idea, I don't think it would be that much more to program. More Baha EP equals more GB which makes everyone happy. :inlove: :D :inlove: :D :inlove: ;)

    Arielh likes this.
  13. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    If anyone didn't know, when your neighbor levels up on mainland, you can in fact get the EP on Baha. Just make sure you are on Bahamarama before you collect the EP bonus, and if you have the owl and/or crow pets, don't forget to use them too! I discovered this by accident, and now do it regularly, and the EP always counts towards my Baha level. Hope this helps!:)
  14. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I do it on Baha and it never goes up, just the mainland EP. I still do it, just in case. :p

  15. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I have done it also but is it sure that we get bahamarama EP?
  16. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    It always shows the EP gained under the total bar, but I can't remember if I've ever actually checked to make sure the gain was there on the total:p. Seems like I have, but can't say 100% positively. Guess I always just assumed it was being applied to Baha. *note to self: never assume anything :(* Sorry if I mislead you all.
  17. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    spots, unfortunately it doesn't work :( If you look at the graphics, you will see that is is the symbol for EP, not BEP. It was also confirmed by a mod not long ago in general issues that you do in fact get EP even if we are at bahamarama :(
  18. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    :cry:Sorry to misinform you all. Once again, spots knows not of what she speaks xD.
    TCRooster, farmerumf and baw815 like this.
  19. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    It's an easy mistake to make, too bad it doesn't work like that, would be nice :p
    farmerumf, spotsbox and baw815 like this.
  20. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    no problem spotsbox! I would like to be like you said though!
    baw815 likes this.