Feedback: Cuckoo breeding returns - Cuckoo for Cuckoos

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Sep 26, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the Cuckoo breeding returns: Cuckoo for Cuckoos event, in this Feedback thread.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    The FAQ of the Event can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    Don't forget: You are also more than welcomed to join us and give your Feedback, or ask your questions in Chat!

    We are looking forward to your feedback!​

    Your Farmerama Team
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    It is a good event but the bad thing is that we need a lot of power feeds to complete it...
  3. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Too many click to breed...

  4. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Cuckoo breeding has pretty good prizes, tho upgrades for production pens we have trees for (goat milk tree vs. red goat dairy production pen; get 8 milk from 4 trees vs. 1 from dairy in same amount of space) seems a bit useless. Love the pink pens, definitely hope this feature stays in future editions. Love that we can go back and work on previous cuckoo quests we missed or couldn't complete. Love that we get PF prizes to replace some of the depletion in our stock. Hate that it takes so much more PF to breed cuckoos than it does regular breeding quests, or at least it seems so to me. Doesn't seem to give very good skips most of the time. Overall, I enjoy this event, and will continue to participate in it. :)
    abubadi66 and farmlily3 like this.
  5. lilbayberry

    lilbayberry Forum Apprentice

    I always like the cuckoo events and the fact that we can work on the older ones that we haven't completed yet. I am not working on the newest one, as I am still trying to complete an older one; however, I checked out the quest FAQ and really like the prizes I see there. I look forward to working on this newest one after I complete the older one :)
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    We can work on older cuckoo quests

    Pink pens

    Workshop upgrades

    PF rewards

    Secret stables


    Too many animals required

    Too much clicking

    Too much PF needed

    Workshop upgrades - they should not be for workshops that have product trees. It would be ok for an upgrade for any workshop without a corresponding tree

    Breeding results need to be more balanced. In traditional events, there are a certain number of crops you must grow and drops to collect. While drops are random, players do have some control through their trophies. Breeding results that are so random making some players require hundreds more PF to complete the same task is very frustrating. Breeding results are completely outside of the players' control.

    Finally, in general, and not relating specifically to this breeding event, I feel that breeding events are too often. There is not enough time to replenish PF, pheromones, and breeding stock before the event comes around again. Additionally, there are too many new breeding animals too coming too fast making it impossible (for me) to work on anything already in game.

    Edit: Additional thought for feedback: Please allow base cuckoos to be donated to the animal trophy or come up with some idea that the thousands of leftovers can benefit the farm in some way.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
    aisyahsaad, heidels, -Mir85- and 2 others like this.
  7. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I agree with your opinion and especially with this part! Like this time there was a red diary pen as a reward although there is a goat milk tree
  8. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Love the pink pens and it's nice that it's a recurring event so you can spread it out over a few sessions. I hate that there seems to be a breeding event just after it, when you've exhausted your PF supplies. And the red goat dairy :wuerg: - now how am I supposed to get rid of that?
    farmlily3, JJenks and -Mir85- like this.
  9. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Gift it to a low level player that hasn't yet managed a goat milk tree?
    farmlily3 and Arielh like this.
  10. gggg806

    gggg806 Advanced

    Great event
    It's nice to know that I can continue at a later date
    Prizes, especially pink pens are really worth the effort
  11. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    I second this Post/Motion and add that I though the skips were hard to come by even with a Baby Boom Rune and I used a lot more PF than I thought I normally would.
  12. msmeow

    msmeow Junior Expert

    Agree gggg, for me the pressure cooker timed super one time events :eek:don't suit my life and play-style well...even though I will give them a go some of the times. But I do love those little cuckoo critters, especially since I don't have to have just the right stuff at just the right moment. ( luckily I had saved my PF, and had pink jelly too) But doubtful I will get to finish, so very nice to know I will get another chance.
    Continue to keep your long time players happy too BP, new comers like me appreciate their wit, knowledge, humanity and generosity and want them around for a long time to come also.
    farmlily3 and BillyBluff like this.
  13. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)I liked this event a lot...because it had excellent prizes (pink pens), and appropriate (PF) prizes, plus some surprises - secret stables (except that I got an orange COW PEN!.....o_Oooh, Mir:music:, here is another little lost cow for your collection!! lol:p) The drop rate was fantastic, and the only breeding event that I ever wound up with MORE (cuckoos) than I started with!:wuerg:
    Spotsbox's :
    And PnP's suggestion about workshops are EXCELLENT ideas.
    Arielh likes this.
  14. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Completely ignore this event... Power feed too expensive to waste on a quest.. Just my opinion..
  15. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    In general I like the Cuckoo events......the only problem is that they are very power feed consuming. This becomes especially difficult when suddenly other breeding events are announced......
    So, for the future the frequency of any breeding event should not be more than one event every 3 month. (Although I understand that the short intervals are supposed to tempt hesitant spenders to finally buy BBs)

  16. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Agree... I did start a thread in player to player section where we can list cuckoo totals... at least something somewhat fun from the event.

    Otherwise... I have 9000 cuckoos, but until I am maxed out on breeding, I cannot see myself completing any of these quests. Not worth using my PF. It seems to be for people who don't mind plopping down real money to get PF (or perhaps barnyard bills), or who have done everything else already.

    NO WAY!!!! I LOVE the regular breeding event, but can do without the cuckoos. Pace cuckoos out as widely as you like, but keep the regular breeding events! Also, the cuckoo events seem to coincide with the breeding events by intention... so those who do go for the cuckoo quest get more out of their efforts. In other words, if you LIKE the cuckoo event, its good that it ties with the baby boom days because you get more out of it. The rest of us ignore the cuckoos, but go for the breeding boost.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 2, 2014
    julie1013 and Michael1877 like this.
  17. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Whilst I understand it is difficult to have enough PF sometimes, I do think the Baby Boom should come around often. I only breed during the Baby Boom but sometimes I am unable to breed at all, or very little, due to real life. This time I did manage a couple of rounds of cuckoos but did not get to breed on Baha as I usually would. Obviously not all timings are right for everyone, but that is no reason to change them.
    Arielh likes this.
  18. Teagle22

    Teagle22 Forum Inhabitant

    I like the Cuckoo events best. I'm a "Time Management" junky who likes to have a goal and be able to accomplish it. It gets gets boring just to plant, breed and harvest. Gimme somthing to shoot for. Plus BBD come at the same time, so I can save my PF and hit the Cuckoos and other animals while breeding on BBDs. I'm at level 87 and need the reachable challenges to stay interested.

    Suggestion: use the mill to make PF when you've stockpiled your animal feed. Keep the mill running 24/7.

    I agree with the suggestion to not give stables that also have trees. Gimme GB's or a statue, or a tree on the island that is unlocked, as a reward. Make it fun, interesting and rewarding to everyone. Players and BP.
  19. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    I invested in the mill 50% time subscription and the runes for reduced mill time and increased water storage. That cuts mill time for PF to 4 hrs per and I can currently stack three PFs for milling. I rarely stop milling PF to mill other feeds. If necessary I can buy feed for CCs. I can't buy PF for CCs. I do try to keep the mill running 24/7.

    I would love to have a "free" unlock for something in Baha. I'm just not sure how it could be done with all the complexities that are currently involved in the temple. Maybe couple a new animal with a free unlock of a feed ingredient? Right now you have to unlock so much to get the bamboo for your pandas. I think you need about 5 level ups to do so (or more).
  20. fbdesigns

    fbdesigns Forum Greenhorn

    I love this event. The only thing I am wondering is if we finish the quests will there be new ones that we can use our little eggs on in the future?
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