Wonder tree results

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Mir85-, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Ι have too 3xxl eggs and you gave me a good idea what to do with them:)

    I bought one more wonder tree and I got one Brazil nut tree:) I didn't had one
    puppiesnponies likes this.
  2. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    The best way to deal with XXL eggtrees is putting them out somewhere. They are extraordinarily good EP-yielders, considering they could be harvested twice a day. If I had to choose a place, then the Magical Glade should be it, where their EP-yielding power gets boosted by 5%. In fact, I did choose that place: I have permanently there 22 of them, including those gotten in current Mystery Seedlings edition.
  3. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I have two of them in the Magical Glade and now I got one and I will put it there also! Thank you for telling me:)
    You give good advice every time;)
    wow and you have 22 of them!
  4. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I bought way to many too but I just love all the XXL trees I got. :) It seems like the new "In" tree was Stone Pine, I ended up with 11 of them. o_O I did get 1 Loquat and 3 XXL Elderberry, so happy there. On the mainland I got 4 more XXL egg :). I also got orange, maple, apple, 3 date, oak, walnut, mulberry, 3 lemon, 2 pine, 2 yellow pear, and 2 almond all in XXL, then 5 more sakura and 4 goat milk.

    On the island I managed to get 1 Budda's hand and 2 new XXL Poms. I did get 3 more carob and lots of XL trees. I got a few XXL that nice but the really nice ones are XXL Sea Grape and XXL Moringa :)
    Now if the train would visit the island that would be great.;)
    Hope everyone got something that they needed/wanted:)
    baw815, puppiesnponies and Banjoman like this.
  5. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    The only thing about the train is that the item has to be in the game for 4 months... that means at least February for the newest trees.
    Say... When is the next Transeedlantic Express ?
  6. grllvs2hnt

    grllvs2hnt Padavan

    I got a stone pine, XXl dragon fruit, Buddha Hands and a full moon maple....please tell me what the harvest is from the full moon maple. I cannot find any info anywhere.
  7. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Full Moon Maples produce Samara
    DBAYES likes this.
  8. pickles60

    pickles60 Forum Connoisseur

    still going, but i got sakura, medlar, xxl peach and loads of trees (including upgrades) i already have :sleepy:. hoping for a strawberry! as for bahama it was pretty disappointing, but hey like i said i am still waiting :p
    puppiesnponies, althea247 and DBAYES like this.

    DBAYES Count Count

    4th batch,

    2 XXL Sea Grapes :D
    2 XXL Mate xD
    2 Buddha's hands :inlove:
    2 XXL Peach xD
    1 XXL Jocote:inlove:
  10. althea247

    althea247 Forum Apprentice

    Congrats to all for your good wonder tree results! I bought 10 of each and ended up with 1 loquat and 1 buddha hand and several XXLs (incl. 2 Elderberries) and XLs. Also got Royal Poinciana which I did not have. SWEET! No Craptalpas! Whew!xD
  11. smiley2emc

    smiley2emc Someday Author

    i bought 4 of each and this is the result
    XXL Egg
    XL Yellow Pear
    Stone Pine
    Parrot Feather(did not have)
    Star Fruit(did not have)
    Royal Poinciana(did not have)
    Brazil Nut
  12. poor_didums

    poor_didums Forum Apprentice

    i only had enough BB's to buy 4 of each
    XL Elderberry
    XXL Apple
    XXL Crapola
    Buddha's Hand(happy dance lol)
    XXL Banana(can never have enough banana's for my monkeys lol)
    XXL Pomegranite
    XL Fig
    DBAYES, JJenks and -Mir85- like this.
  13. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    That very good results for your baha wonders :D

    I am very curious about the fourth mainland wonder though :p
    Arielh and puppiesnponies like this.
  14. poor_didums

    poor_didums Forum Apprentice

    lol -Mir85-
  15. watershipdown

    watershipdown Forum Apprentice

    I didn't buy any Baha trees, just 4 mainland trees. Here is what I got:

    XL Elderberry
    Stone Pine
    Strawberry Tree
    XXL Egg Tree :inlove:

    Overall I am pretty happy with these :music:
  16. dustydi1

    dustydi1 Someday Author

    I got 2 carob trees and a loquat on baha.
    belindamotion and DBAYES like this.
  17. tlcmom

    tlcmom Forum Expert

    mainland trees:
    Strawberry tree yeah finally!
    XXL Salt tree
    Sakura tree
    xl pine tree

    Baha trees:
    Royal Poinciana
    Pistachio tree
    Banjoman likes this.
  18. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I bought four.

    1 XXL Almond
    1 XXL Date
    1 Strawberry
    1 XL Lemon
    Arielh likes this.
  19. escalonilla

    escalonilla Forum Commissioner

    Chili event
    2 xl-.-
    1 xxl moringa :D (I unlocked this tree yesterday)
    1 xxl avocado:)
    Arielh, baw815, Banjoman and 3 others like this.
  20. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    2 xl and 2 Pomegranate
    Arielh likes this.
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