Chili Weather run!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Arrouquelas, Oct 6, 2014.

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  1. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    forget to check forum for the new event FAQo_O
    I never thought BP set a event would ask for breed animal-.-
    It's a good idea for new attempt, but...........
    why so many qty,not 10 or 20, it's 30, even worst is to finished whole event, it required 4
    differnt animal, should we thank for yr kindness to let us have 2 to get the cloud row.
    yes, it is really a big temp for us, high LV farmer esp it give us BEP
    To get them from market will be "unkown" Even you had CC, you never know when the
    offer come & at what prize. Thus force you to breed them if you really want the cloud row
    with donkey breeding come soon. keep yr PF or used them right now. Or, follow BP's perfect
    prediction: be a good customer >>> Buy the PF (I'm sure a PF sales will be come out soon)

    my strategy: I'm glad that I got plenty of brown pig on hand, I only need cocoas, I will check
    the market more frequency, see if I could find some cocoas, my stock is nil . if I could buy half
    of it, I might breed the remain, if not, I will try to forget the cloud row, 6790 BEP every 18 hr,
    Oh, no, I will really miss of it.:cry:
  2. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    So here I am breeding rabbits to get a cocoa and I get a skip to cuddles because I have the rune open. Back for another try.
    farmerumf and puppiesnponies like this.
  3. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    Hi Mir85...thanks for reminding me that I just need the Cocoas..:p...if push comes to shove I'll hopefully have enough PF to Breed them...hopefully I WONT get skips...xD..xD..xDnever thought I'll EVER say that..!!xD..xD..xD
    Thanks for the Birthday wishes...:inlove:..I ended up buying Cocoa Beans...:p..:p..just a few...;)..xD..xD
  4. blessedlady2

    blessedlady2 Old Hand

    lol, it is a Lovely day on my farm as Love Shacks seem to be springing up everywhere. Wishing the best of luck in this event to all as it seems we may need a bit of it. Thanks Mir for posting requirements and Happy Birthday Belinda!
    Just a little reminder for some who may be struggling for high crops. The requirements are low so be sure to check prices in the seed store compared to market prices. 100 a day will even cover garlic if need be.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  5. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I have love shacks going too on both farms. I don't normally do events on BillyWhiskers but I am going to make a run for it this time! Let's hope the drop rate is reasonable with everything else considered. I hope my PF holds out...I have 89 left and in 9 minutes I will know if pnp can make it...

    Happy Birthday Belinda!
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  6. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Happy early Birthday Belinda!!!! :inlove:

    I have all my animals and have been selling the extras so fast they are gone before I can get back to look at the listing.
    I just have a feeling BP has a PF sale coming up soon.
    Brookeham likes this.
  7. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    I'll wait till Friday. BBD is coming. No need to panic and waste PF. Absolutely no need...

  8. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Happy Birthday Belinda! Balloons, birthday wishes and a good karaoke sent your way!

    I'm already loving this event more than I have any other event in a long time. Yes the requirements are huge, have we ever heard of giving away breeding animals before, but the prizes are good. I think the people at BP finally listened to the High Level players and created an event that is challenging for us that have been loyal for 3+ years/or has reached Lvl 70 :)

    Good going and best of luck farmers: I think we'll need it this time
    sglick and JJenks like this.
  9. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Too late...panic already set in and I am finished breeding here. Still need to work on 2nd farm. Are you sure? Guess my PF was wasted if BBD is truly coming again. I hope it also comes for donkey breeding...
  10. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    Just started with the bunny's and hope to get half. Then I might wait for BBD. I think I will do the bean stalk minimum.
    Hopefully 600PF will be enough for the donkey's. Was milling the pf since I read about them.
  11. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Well, looks like I'm joining the stoopid club - got all my coco trees out in order to sell the extra stock and then realised it was rabbits! Marvellous, especially since I had a go at rabbits last BBD and so have none :oops:. All those breeding animals and so close to donkey breeding - how greedy of you BP-.-
  12. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Is it so difficult as it seems?o_O
    I came in the forum and read about this event and I was shocked!
    I really don't like about the breeding animals and that it starts Tuesday and not Friday so I would have a good start8)
    I like the cloud row so I will give it a try!
  13. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I only just opened the brown pig cloud row so only had six so bought the rest, I have money on this farm. Bred roasters, Cocoas, Brown Cows and bought some base animals to breed, didn't have enough to breed, had like 100. On my little farm well, don't have money there, but did buy some rabbits and pigs, enough to get my minimum, but only around 50,000 CC left :oops:. Probably will skip cows, not sure. I WANT that cloud row, not sure if it's better than the one from Ice Cream Social that gives Baha EP, don't have that one on my little farm. The little kid wins out.

    I WANT THE CLOUD ROW, I WANT THE CLOUD ROW. Boy, that feels better. *chuckles*


    I am putting this up for my benefit, I might forget where it is, if here I can't lose it. :p

    for Total Event Dragonfire sauce requirements:

    1200 Habaneros
    80 Vinegar
    1000 Carrots
    400 Garlic

    For Cloud Row Completion:

    960 Habaneros
    64 Vinegar
    800 Carrots
    320 Garlic

    I know the totals are in
    Mir's post, but I wanted to have just the Dragonfire sauce stats. :p ;)
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
    -Mir85- and Arielh like this.
  14. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Good idea baw :) I will start milling as soon as I have the habaneros & vinegar needed.
    Banjoman likes this.
  15. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Same here Mir. ;)

  16. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    It would be nice if we could mill the Dragonfire with the Baha Mill -.-
    baw815 and MissSmartyPants like this.
  17. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    OMW...!!! :eek:..I am sooooo tired of clicking on the Coacoa and/or Brown Cow just to find a blank screen...:cry:...two days flat and I still can't even get 1...:cry:..they are just GONE...SOLD OUT in a FLASH...:eek:..:eek:..oh please people...leave some for me...:p...:p..:p
  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I think I beat that! I saw the word "chili" and bought up a couple of lots at the market last week - and then the FAQs came out. Not one chili required! Should have known it wouldn't have been that simple! xD

    I knew that I couldn't do this event as I am otherwise engaged from Thursday to Monday and it would have been a miracle if I could complete the event in a day! So when the FAQs came out, I sold every Cocoa, Brown Cow, Brown Pig and Roaster on the farms. Started with a very low CC balance on both - less than 30k - after a recent spending spree to level up on the islands and now both farms have a little fortune ready for my next spending spree! :music:

    I would love to say that means that I have lots of PF ready for Donkey breeding but that is so not the case (about 40 on each farm)! -.-

    Good luck to you all - hope you all get that Cloud Row (I will only be a little bit jelly! :wuerg:)

    And Belinda:

    TCRooster and msmeow like this.
  19. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I made a mistake on BW yesterday. I had '30' in my head for the breeding animals and stopped breeding pigs when I reached 30 brown pigs. This morning I am reminded that I need 40 so I still need to breed more pigs. I do hope we get a BBD for those last ten. I did not have to worry about the pigs on pnp since they come from the clouds (I guess pigs really do fly:p)
    baw815 and illy1996 like this.
  20. Mar_Bear

    Mar_Bear Regular

    OMG only thing on my market is 455 Brown pigs and reasonably priced @ 1200 compared to the 20,000 for a Roaster. I sure hope its true that BBD is on Friday as I need the cocoas. Wasn't really going to do the event till I saw on here that the cloud row will give BEP. Somehow I missed out on the Ice Cream Social cloud row. I don't know how I did that as I can see the cloud row but I have nothing to put on it.
    Good Luck to everyone!!
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