Chili Weather run!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Arrouquelas, Oct 6, 2014.

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  1. Neddy38

    Neddy38 Forum Great Master

    In market 7, there is some cocoas offer, I;m glad that I had some cocoas breed out
    on last BBD. I really thank myself forget to use them to breed upper lv.
    so I only need to search 22 unit. a very kind farmer(I click so hurry that I get no time
    to notice the name) offer 3-4 offer of 10unit per one, I'm lucky to grab 2 set,
    later on another 7 offer, I get the remain 2pcs. Now, I could get the cloud row if I don't
    get any accident like lost of internet.
    Used below one million CC for the cocoas, should I be happy for that?
    Ys, cause I could save my precious PF, if I could get some roaster from market, I could get
    further 30PF,

    Hope other could find their cocoas on market soon.:oops:

    Edit: just find some roaster on market, really expensive , However, it return 30PF it's BB cost item.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  2. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    The Roasters are currently 30,000...Thankfully I got them around 18,000 last night...we are getting some Cocoas, but I'm bypassing...sorry not in a Million Years am I going to pay 49,000...:eek:..:eek:..:eek: I will buy later in the Event, if they haven't dropped back to about 26,000..(I managed to get 5...over a period of 6 hours...:p)..if it's still high then I'll have to use my precious PF..:cry:...the Brown Cows are appearing on the Market and they are 39,000..:eek:..:eek:...I shall not bother with the section of the Event that asks for Brown Cows so that I'll only end up using as little PF as possible...:oops:
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I used the rest of my power feed to breed cows for sale. Then I went ahead and sold the rest of my brown cows :music:

    Decided that I wanted a million cc more than 4 secret catalpa trees xDxD
    steph2014, spotsbox, baw815 and 3 others like this.
  4. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Drops are decent after I planted Garlic for my overnight crop.
    By not doing the 4 Diamond levels that require Breeding stock I figure I will need 8 harvests with 500 1x1s with CAC per.
    By the time I read the OA the breeding stock was gone and now its highway robbery that I refuse to pay.
    I guess I will have to become a hoarder ! :D

    The Mill is now running and producing 32 DragonFires... 72 hours !
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    so this quest needs the breeding chicken roaster not the normal roaster right?
  6. snowballcracker

    snowballcracker Forum Greenhorn

    yes thats right it does .
    Arielh likes this.
  7. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    That is right Ariel.
    Is anyone else having fun selling browns???:p Woo cc producer in a very long time!xD
    If someone wanted to sit this event out....I would breed brown chicken, rabbit and cows and rake in the cc!!!!:D:inlove:

    p.s It seems BP has set a limit on the Roasters.....I cannot sell above 20k all of the sudden.
    Arielh and msmeow like this.
  8. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    I wouldn't breed outside of BBDay, esp considering PF is so precious to me. And then there is the donkey factor... But yes I've made good coins too. I happen to have had a sizable hoard of roasters and brown pigs. Since I'm not as organized or efficient or energetic as many other farmers. One farm is getting good coins for brown pigs. The other two not so much. All three farms are getting good prices for Roasters. I have just enough of the Cocoas and brown cows to complete the event. Just need lots of habaneros, vinegar, and the milled stuff...

    Drops are the same as always, little more than 100 for three fields of carnations. I expect to have all the drops by day 3-4. Once again I'm not tearing up my Baha. Using most of the other three fields. Have at least one AFK day that I will only be able to get two rounds of harvests done. Probably won't have all the crops until the 5 day, as usual. Almost forgot the CAC and ZAB, UGH!

    I agree, hatzeva, nice to have an event for upper levels. Not really more challenging than any other event. I'm looking forward to the new cloud row.
  9. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Yes Ariel it needs 15 Breeding Roosters for This Event, I dont blame you or others it confusing cos there is Rare Rooster Animal and Breeding 1st Animal also called Rooster, Big Point Needs to Rename one of them...

    It a Reminder that you will be needing 15 Breeding Chicken Roosters and 30 Breeding Rabbits Cocoas and 32 Dragon Sauce To get the Cloud items and Cloud Unlocked

    There was an event in the past that Needed Breeding Animals, so it is not the First Time just in case Newbies not aware of this !!

    Yes it will be very hard if you have low stocks or no stocks of breeding roosters and Breeding cocoa Rabbits just to get the basic cloud row that gives 35 x Bahamarama EP

    I am a Hoarder as I have fair amount of everything for this Quest as I already made a few million cc selling surplus Breeding animals while the prices are high, I would have love to donate to those who needed this breeding animals to those needy farmers but it just not possible Sorry Fellow Farmers

    I Have made great start on the drops as i have 198 Vinegar so far, as soon as i have enough Habaneros to cover my whole farm then i start to mill some Dragon Fire Sauce I am fortunate not to use my stock of PF as saving them up for Donkey Breeding
    julie1013 and Arielh like this.
  10. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    Would it make you feel better if I told you its 4 Island never know, you might just get lucky...:p..or end up getting XL Banana's...xD..xD
  11. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    It's roasters that you need, not roosters.
    steph2014 likes this.
  12. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    OK, my market suddenly had many cocoas offer, I get enough ,30 cocoas, no need to used
    any PF for this event. Good.
    waiting my second planting Habaneros to mature, 90 2X2 field with CAC, that is 7X90=630
    enough qty to fill all 3 field with excess for some mill, my island will keep lemongrass for this
    round, Then it come my bed time.
    Tomorrow, all 4 field will go for Habaneros..(as usual, part of my field will stay for some
    workshop & stables ,using CAC, I could done this event well.)
  13. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Okay, off to a roaring start! Broke down and went ahead and bred some cocoas and how now brown cows, and sold a few surplus (gone instantly :p, *poof* no more surplus! xD). I think I sold 7 cows @ a little over 42,000 each o_O. I have a pretty good PF reserve, so decided to go ahead with breeding and take advantage of the high prices while they were hot. Took 2/3 of my cc reserve on bearbabe farm, but finally got all needed animals to complete there too, as long as I am able to meet the other requirements. Got my first batch of 17 dragonfire sauce going (17 hrs., and that's WITH mill subscription:eek:), so by the time these finish up, I'll have plenty of habaneros to make the remaining 23. Will start milling sauce on alt tonight, no subscription there, so need to get them going pronto. Got excellent drops this morning with spelt, not sure whether to plant long overnight crops, or just go with the event crops overnight, as they are 8 hours - again -.-. Any thoughts/suggestions on this? All fields are now planted with event crops, just waiting for next harvest. I enjoy the events where we have to mill something along with other requirements, and all and all this looks to be an enjoyable event to me. Hope everyone's having fun and going strong, good luck to all!

    per mooboy's statement, "There was an event in the past that Needed Breeding Animals, so it is not the First Time just in case Newbies not aware of this !!". I remember one where we needed albino bats and the white crows, can't remember which one it was, tho, and the numbers weren't quite so high, I don't think.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    Banjoman and Mooboy like this.
  14. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    I was thinking we had an event with bred animals as well but can't remember which event, not good at that. I was thinking it was bat breeding, but that was 2 or 3 yrs ago. lol

    Spots, if you are worried about event crops like me then plant event crops. If you are not worried about them but prefer EP or drops then plant a longer crop that will be less likely to leave the farm idle. May I suggest hazelnuts... 11:11 + 6:23 + 6:23 = ~24hrs.
  15. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I don't know if this event is the one you mean or not but Tricks n Treats last October required 1 gray crow, 1 albino bat, 1 albino crow, 1 brown bat, 1 fiesta crow and 1 hungry bat. Prizes included orange upgrades to bat and crow roosts and guano production and crow hoard. Much less than what is being asked for now but at least all that are required now are level 1.
    Mooboy likes this.
  16. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Often one has to eat ones words and this is what I have to do right now.
    Didn't realize all the breeding animals required :)xD
    I have: 6 Roosters
    4 Cocaos and 9 Roasters, out of the 15, 30 and 40 asked for. I'm trying to be the cool cucumber here and wait for,and if, there be a BB this weekend. Best of luck all of yous!!
    heidels and Mooboy like this.
  17. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I think that's the one, pnp, thanks! And I also love your quote, it is incredible, and a reminder to us all to never give up. Hope you're having a good day *hugs*.

    @Suzee, thanks for the suggestions! I always worry about meeting the event crop level, even tho I don't usually have much difficulty with it anymore. I think I probably will go with the habaneros overnight, even though this will leave idle fields until I wake to harvest, at least for the first day or so. Once I'm comfortable with my crop progress, I'll switch to long overnighters. I've got LLR open, so drops usually aren't too difficult to meet, even if it is usually up to the last minute before I get them all, lol.

    @hatzeva, don't forget the 30 brown cows! But they are only necessary if your FOCD demands you finish all levels of the event; they aren't required to get the cloud row and cloud items. The 40 brown pigs are, tho.
    Mooboy likes this.
  18. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Hopefully the words taste better than crow. ;)
    You do NOT need roOsters, you NEED roAsters. Forget the roOsters!


    roOster: male chicken
    roAster: "a foodstuff that is particularly suitable for roasting, especially a chicken."

    I don't want to see anyone else wasting coins, time or precious PF on roOsters. Unless of course, you really, REALLY want to. In which case... carry on. ;)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  19. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    I don't remember exactly , but I think I remember that the breed's were already wanted in the silver step. That was what so many made angry.
    Mooboy likes this.
  20. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Dienstag, and the fact it was crows and bats, not everyone has them unlocked, those that had made a killing on selling the bred animals. I didn't have either unlocked then and only have bats unlocked now. -.-

    Mooboy likes this.
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