Chili Weather run!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Arrouquelas, Oct 6, 2014.

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  1. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Thank you Suze for your assiststance! I'll have Oysters to celebrate, which is my 3rd favorite mullusc! Number 1 are blue mussels and number 2 are Razor clams. Delicious all of them and I'm more than willing to share. :)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    Arrouquelas likes this.
  2. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    Milling the dragonfire sauce is a nearly-death experience...-.-

    2h15 for each dragonfire sauce is 90 hours exactly. I was about to ask in the general question's area, why my super mill rune (10% less time) wasn't working until I took a quick look at the FAQ again and it says 2h30!!! (I was so sure it said 2h15 yesterday. Perhaps it was changed...)
    Anyway this is so painful without the mill subscription!
    WHY did I miss it the last time? >:(
    I'm being punished for taking vacations...:sleepy:

    Anyway, good luck to all!!!!!!!!!

    EDIT: @hatzeva - I don't know which seafood I prefer because I love them all. Yummy!
    Brookeham likes this.
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    arq I am also thought it was 2h15 -.-
    It is definitely more tempting :music: but I have already sold my stock, so unless there is a BBD I will have to live with my choice :p Either way I'll be fine :)
  4. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    Well, Mir maybe it was and BP changed afterwards. You know, those little surprise changes that they like to do...

    Also, I'm having the worst start ever for an event...
    Couldn't login yesterday to prepare it. Luckily, I planted garlic before but baha was maturing a 2-hour vanilla overnight...-.-
    Now, I just realized that I forgot to plant a field with the event plant. In fact there was absolutely nothing planted there. And I already had started the mill production so didn't want to stop.

    My astral chart must not be in a good conjuction. I sincerely hope it's not Neptune with Pluto. Otherwise I'll have to wait a looooong time until it's over... xDxDxD
  5. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    maybe it will change when the full moon comes arq xD
    Arrouquelas likes this.
  6. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    Let's hope so!... xD
  7. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    I asked in the general questions section of the forum and was told that they are mainland so I will leave that one until the last. I don't need anymore XXX Catalpas.
  8. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Purely a guess, but I wonder if there will be a mill subscription sale during the event, since it requires the mill to complete and many will become frustrated with the long wait time, thus increasing their likelihood of buying the subscription. Inquiring minds want to know!xD
  9. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    It only works before you start milling, it's like CB and ZAB. ;)

  10. snobunny333

    snobunny333 Junior Expert

    FWIW check the price of the regular animals in your market. I sold some cows for $1K cc earlier. ;)
    illy1996 likes this.
  11. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Just saw an official reply that they ARE Baha seedlings! Yay!
  12. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    I sincerely hope so, spotsbox. It would be the best time to promote it.

    It's true what you said, Baw. But unlike using (eating) artisan products, you can stop the milling production and start a new one at anytime. All the goods that were still not used will be refunded, thus it makes no danger to stop milling production at anytime. That's why I'll be making all dragonfire sauce needed, regardless of the milling subscription coming or not. Hope this helps.

    EDIT: I want to go to beeeeeed!!! :cry:
    spotsbox and CaliChrome like this.
  13. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Just getting back online....severe storms in the area and tornadoes knocked our power out for hours...Not having the best start to the first day but hope it gets better as the event goes along...
  14. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    I just checked two of my farms and mill time is 2:15 on both.

    I've been waking at 2-2:30a every day lately! Grrr... And not going back to sleep... GRRRR!!! I've been in zombie mode for about a week now. Getting ready for Halloween... LOL!
    The Blood Moon is supposed to be visible around 4a tomorrow. I might peek outside... I should have some crops ready shortly after midnight... Maybe I'll reset them...
  15. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    So sorry to hear about that, pnp!!! And I thought I had a bad day...

    That's because of the tree rune, Suzee. Otherwise it should be 2h30.

    Blood moon? So jealous! This part of Europe won't be having it. I've not seen one for a very long time (lunar eclipse, that is. Not blood moon... ;))
  16. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    Oh, thanks for yrs reminder(breed animal for quest), I forget that event.:eek:
    But they only want one of them not 30 or 40.
    I used over 1 million to get cocoas & roaster. brown cow is still around 40K per one,
    since it's not cloud row requirment. If price don't drop down below 20K(but that still
    near 800K), I won't consider buy the brown cow. breeding, no way
    My PF stock is 183. (I done LV 1 getting 50PF), even I start mill after I finsihed the
    dragonfire sauce. It only give me little help , maybe I could keep a little remain after the
    donkey breeding. xD
  17. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Arq, I never thought of stopping mill production *headslap* :eek: Thanks dear, hun, whatever you want to be called, definitely friend. If there is one that is definitely what I will do, after purchasing it of course. ;)

  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Snobunny for the tip: it's only cows, the pigs and rabbits are pretty normal priced on both my farms - at the moment!:)

    Sorry to hear you are not sleeping well Suze. You could do with some rest. Though getting an early start for Halloween could be seen as an advantage! Seriously though, take care of yourself. *Illy wraps a string of Arq's garlic round her neck.* 8)

    PnP: hope the storms haven't caused any damage anywhere. Good luck catching up! ;)

    Me, I have finished the silver and gold of level 1 - the attraction of the PF was too much for me. That's it now - well, may tinker with the little farm as I already have plots out and it won't disrupt my once daily log-in - might even use comfy fields. (I am not around to do much farming so got to stop there.) Definitely not buying any breeding animals lol! I sold them before the prices hit the roof but at least I sold them! No temptation to get up in the middle of the night to harvest lol! :inlove:

    Good luck everyone! ;)
    -Mir85- likes this.
  19. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I spent yesterday without internet :( After many calls and complaints to service provider it turned out to be MY router :cry:.
    So got my starter seeds started late last night.
    I'll be joining you playing catch up puppiesnponies. Hope every things alright after the storm.

    Just looking at the Blood beautiful :)
    Brookeham likes this.
  20. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    I think I read "working" so I didn't understand it. So sorry to hear about that... Have you tried reading to get back to sleep? As long as it's not enthusiastic reading, of course. I put myself in a comfortable position to sleep but uncomfortable to read. It usually works for me and I have trouble sleeping...
    You being my green card wife, am I safe with your zombie mode??? o_OxD
    Anytime, sweetie! And you can call me whatever you feel... ;)
    For instances, "You can call me AL... and I can call you Betty!" :music:xD
    sglick, baw815, SuzeeRabbit and 2 others like this.
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