Chili Weather run!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Arrouquelas, Oct 6, 2014.

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  1. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Been there, done that :wuerg::p. Hope you're going strong again by now! At least there's a SG and Suzy's SG sale this weekend, you can replenish what you had to use extra. I sometimes wait until I have all the requirements, but I really wanted to make sure I got the Guy Fiery ep giver (love that dragon :inlove:), so donated for that one, and am working on the chili cook-off one now, hopefully will complete it by end of day. Then can kick back and get rest of crops to finish up cloud row and habanero salsa levels, and whatever else I can grab. I was really surprised that cocoas and brown cows are still going for such incredible priceso_O; at least there are some on the markets now, where there weren't before.
    baw815 and hatzeva like this.
  2. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Thanks heidels: I'm sorry to say this cucumber is not so cool anymore :oops:

    It doesn't look like we're getting a BB event this weekend (I even went unofficial to get maybe a hint..but nothing)

    So it seems I have two options: breed the animals required using my limited PF or spend my CC's in the market to get the Roasters and Cocoa. Need 6 of the first and 34 of the latter :eek:

    Have been buying up what ever Roaster (20 000) or Cocoa (25 000) that were below my cut off but now they don't seem to drop in price any more.

    Thanks Aluntino! But for event like this, please keep your best tips to us your buddies ;)

    Best of luck all!
    heidels and farmerumf like this.
  3. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I am back on track now, luckily I started dragonfire sauces before I did this. Because dragonfire sauces take so darn long, I am donating the gold level and everything but the sauces on the diamond level. I have through 6 with the sauces, still need diamond on those, and about 4 diamond or 5 gold with crops. Thanks for the commiseration, I had avoided it . . . until now. :p I am now initiated in the bonehead, donate all your crops when you still have to grow some, club. xD xD xD ;)

    TCRooster, hatzeva and farmerumf like this.
  4. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    I think prices will go down as most people who fail to complete, due to reasons, opt to cash out on the sales. Also, as more people finish, say by Sunday, demand will drop and supply will rise. Simple economics dictates that prices fall in that instance. But then, I ain't no Economist...

    sudhir, Banjoman and hatzeva like this.
  5. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Bhodho, I'm so hoping (if not even praying) that you're correct with you're prediction! I'll try and hold on a little while longer before I spend any PF or CC's on Breeding Animals.. Agony at its best :)xD
    heidels likes this.
  6. poor_didums

    poor_didums Forum Apprentice

    have not read all the replies as i got to this one and thought wow thats great to know so thanks for that Mir
    -Mir85- likes this.
  7. freerange

    freerange Forum Apprentice

    Hey just read in Event section of forum that the Chilli event has been extended due to log in issues yesterday and today.
    Been extended until Tuesday 14 October 14.00CEST.
  8. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    Late news:
    Like spotsbox, I also have the blue dragon. He proudly sits in the cloud waiting for the other two guys to appear. Quite funny, the "little" fellow.

    I've decided to do all steps except the one with the brown cows (unless I change my mind on saturday). Don't care much about the four baha seedlings and the 48h helpers doesn't make any difference to me.

    That means I'm about 4 harvesters to finish. Saturday, I can finally concentrate on those cocoas. (Roasters I only need two, so I'll just buy them). I'll only spend 54 PF, so if I have higher skips, I'll just buy the remaining ones.

    I need to make 5 extra dragonfire sauce, though. 11 extra hours, adding to the current 29. But I think these 40 hours are more than enough before event ends.

    Well, good luck to all! Especially on breeding!
    Banjoman and Brookeham like this.
  9. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    So far I'm doing every step except the Diamond Level which needs the Brown Cows...I need the full amount of Brown Cows and they are still roughly 45,000-50,000 a pop...!!!...:eek:..:eek: I'm not paying nearly 2 Mil CC's for 4 Island seeds which will still be XL at my Level...:oops:..neither 80PF for XL Trees...:oops:

    Good Luck to those finishing the whole Event as you'r FOCD demands it...:p
    julie1013 likes this.
  10. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Now that you mention it, they have just become as unattractive as ever. Knowing my game permutations, I never get any meaningful rewards in these lottery things.
    Imagine, I never won the 120,000 CC on the previous FarmWheel, neither did I get the Music Boxes a few weeks ago. Why should I fool myself that I could get the Parrots Feathers Tree or any meaningful Bahamarama Tree???

    Banjoman likes this.
  11. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    in my market one cocoa is around there 40.000-45.000 CC but one time I saw a bargain 30.000CC
    Well I believe it is better to spend some money and not spend some PF for these rabbits...
  12. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    Hi there,
    Despite my FOCD I am simply heading straight for the completed cloud row as I want the BEP - the Farmer's Society format is good for that. :DI am currently waiting a harvest to get the row, then must do level 7. Mill is now making last of the sauces and I have plenty of vinegar drops. I am not going to breed/buy brown cows but I did breed the cocoas and have plenty of brown pigs from the cloud row. We are going to the UK, from France where we live, for two weeks from Monday so must finish before then. I can keep farming with wifi but it is not so easy when on the move. Does anyone know when the donkey breeding event is as I can't seem to find it?
    Good luck to everyone.
  13. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Well I spent some time last night after consuming a Pink Jelly breeding my 30 Cocoa's. It helps having the Breeding Rune got a few skips to Cuddles nothing more, and got the Habanero Salsa sticker for the Cloud Row. I should be finished in about 10 hours. Still hoping for Roasters to go down in price. I did sell 50 cows at a price that I wouldn't buy them at... but some fool did.
    Brookeham and hatzeva like this.
  14. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

  15. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    My advice - bring a brolly, it's very wet here at the moment!
  16. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    Hey, thanks Aluntino - now why didn't I find that ! :p I had better hurry up and finish what i want in this event and get those donkey pens out again..... Wonder if they will give us donkeys like in the panda breeding event? :D
  17. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    I've been reading the posts since my last post but been too busy to post. Forgotten most of what I've read.

    This was definitely an event aimed at upper level players.

    As I said earlier I had a lot of bred animals to sell. Made about 3 million coins. I needed them. If I were on top of things I probably would have sold them years ago. I think it's a rather rotten deal for anyone that doesn't have them in stock to have to breed without a BBDay. Esp right before a scheduled breeding quest. I did like the idea of selling basic cows to make coins. As usual I didn't have time for that tho.

    Current status:
    As of last night I had half the crops.
    As of this morn I had all the drops I'm going to need to finish. And about half the milled stuff.
    I think I need about 3+ rounds to finish up the crops, tomorrow afternoon or night. Might not have all the milled stuff until Sunday morn.

    Thanks for the mention about the milling time. Otherwise I probably would have missed it. It didn't sink in with me how long it was really going to take until I saw my count after half a day of milling. LOL!

    Arrouquelas, I think I misread your post about the mill time. I went back and reread it. Sorry. I get it now. Yes, I have the rune.
    I have a friend that is into zombies, vampires, etc. Her fave holiday is Halloween. Me not so much... my reference to the coffin was a reference to vampires. That is pretty much the extent of my knowledge of them. I could have it completely wrong. ;)
    You have a Ramses sarcophagus?! If he's not going to use it... then heck yeah! Use it. ;) Those are rare and expensive. If you ship it here... Pretty sure I'll be the first on my block with one in my backyard. I'll be the envy of my neighborhood. If they had any clue what it was. LOL! If you're rich enough to afford to buy one and ship it here why not just send me the money and I'll build a proper house to live in. ;) I'll even use some of the money to upgrade the vampire coffin for you. :D
    sglick, Arrouquelas and hatzeva like this.
  18. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Hello Suzee! I reckon you're doing great with the event, they've added an extra day so plenty of time to grow them crops. (That is if Arq. is not over rearranging your garden! :D)

    As I'm still on sick-leave for my dodgy hand I've been harvesting and planting on the minute up until today when I reached the needed 18 800 "Habaneros", exactly. Promptly switched to "Chicken" farming and turned into a "Poo Farmer", something which I hate but which usually brings in the cash (to buy them 24 Cocoas I need). But there must be more people on sick leave in our community cos within an hour the price of pooh went down from 160 to 100. I guess I wasn't the only one who had finished their Event crop. ;)

    Still I'm hoping that selling poop will pay for my remaining breeders, or at least cover some of the cost. :)

    Hope you're all on track with the event and the best of luck!!
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
    sglick, Arrouquelas and Banjoman like this.
  19. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    Well...I've finished the Event on both my Farms yesterday EXCEPT the Brown Cows...I've donated everything needed there, just in case I get good deals on the Brown Cows...if not, then I doubt I'll have lost a lot of CC's and/or EP's from the stuff I've donated in that Level.. Boy oh Boy...that empty slot is bugging the living daylights out of me...:p..:p..:p
  20. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Since I got behind on this farm, I have 2 harvests to go on this one, besides waiting for the dragonfire sauces to make. They are taking forever. -.- :wuerg: :sleepy: o_O I have one harvest left to go on my little farm, and those dragonfire sauces. I keep hearing the jeopardy theme in my head when it says I have 0, yet I have some to deliver and it's churning them out as fast as it can. :music:

    snobunny333 and Banjoman like this.
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