Chili Weather run!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Arrouquelas, Oct 6, 2014.

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  1. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Reporting back to base.....roger, roger we hear you laud and clear... What's your status, over? "Done with the Event, apart from the Brown cows, over"? Do not worry about the Brown cows as they are not worth it, over. "Why not so?", over. Your more than likely to get 4 Brail Nut trees than anything else, over. Thank a bunch and good night all xD
    illy1996, spotsbox, julie1013 and 7 others like this.
  2. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I finally finished on this farm. I had miscalculated and needed one more harvest, so finished this morning. I hate trying to figure out how many seeds I need near the end of my harvest run, I usually screw it up. More accurately I screw up how many seeds to plant to get what I need and take that into account. -.-

    Arielh, JJenks, hatzeva and 1 other person like this.
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Congratulation on finishing :D

    If you are using 1x1s with cac there is a simple way to calculate how many you need to plant for the last round:
    Find out how many more you need, divide that number by three, that's how many you need to plant the last time :)
    JJenks, Banjoman and baw815 like this.
  4. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    baw, as you approach your final harvest, to find out how many seeds to plant, use the following formula:

    Total number of plants needed to finish/3 = how many plots if you are using CAC**
    Total number of plants needed to finish/2= how many plots if you are using PJ**

    This assumes you are using 1x1 plots

    Edit: I was typing at the same time as Mir
    JJenks, SuzeeRabbit, Banjoman and 2 others like this.
  5. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Thank you both, Mir and PnP, I know it's been posted before. I just have a difficult time with it when I'm under the gun for the last planting. I want to finish so bad I get a brainfart. ;) :p xD

  6. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    Congratulations to everyone who finished!!!
    Good luck on those that are still striving!!!

    Over and out ;)
  7. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    xD xD LOL are so right, all I got for my brown cows were 2 brazil nuts, pistachio, an a xl kiwi.
    Definitely not worth my brown cows :p
    Brookeham and Banjoman like this.
  8. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Woo hoo, finished here yesterday and on my alt today! :D I can't believe I actually finished an event on my alt, and I didn't even move my trophies around all that much, lol. Now if I can just remember to put out the seedlings and stables...xD. Good job everyone who finished, and keep plugging away those who are still working on it :). Now to prepare for those cute little donkeys :inlove:.
  9. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    I have one more field (in Baha) to harvest and I will be complete. I got an XL Mandarin, XL Cocoa, XL Mango and a Pistachio. I haven't yet put out the stables.

    Quest completed! :D
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
    Banjoman likes this.
  10. lovelyfarm1

    lovelyfarm1 Active Author

    Thanks Auntie Suzee..:) I really appreciate it.Big hug x

    I finished last night.spent more than a million CCs buying all the 30 brown cow:oops:
    Now back to recoup my CCs and restock my crops.
    After read what you all have got for your Baha seedlings I guess I'll not planting them yet. I'm afraid the results might frustrating me. so I'm happy to let them remain mystery atm..hehe

    Congrats to those who have finished and Good Luck to those who are still trying..:);)
    Have a wonderful day / night. Take care..Big hug x:)

    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
  11. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Hmm.... I have made quite a bit just selling brown cows. Oh, and I was disappointed by the trees, (1 pistachio.. already have one, along with a mango and coconut, both of which I have more than I can use already)
    JJenks likes this.
  12. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I got the cloud row :D
    Now I am producing two dragonfire sauces for the task 1 gold and platinum so I will finish the event tomorrow.
    I could have finish it earlier but I didn't notice these two sauces:oops:
    I completed all the tasks except the task 2 because I have no more money to buy these cows but even if I had the I don't like the rewards.
    JJenks and -Mir85- like this.
  13. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    I have been MIA due to RL - busy, busy, busy! If you knew what i was really doing you may not think so. LOL Anywho, what I was doing was keeping me AFK. I did not have time to read the forum except to skim briefly over the FAQ and read the 1st 3-4 posts on this thread. Thanks Arq, & Mir!!!! You gave me all the information that I needed to completed all aspects of this event on 2 farms and make 5 Mil on this one. Yip-a-dee-dip-a-dee-do-da!!!!!!

    I finished this farm Saturday sometime and the Little farm, Sunday. I got Truly Forgettable (Think Unforgettable.) stables. I did not plant the crops, because I could not find them. I can't tell you how many times I checked the Mainland trees looking for them. I guess I got off easy on the bonehead moves. Baw, and Umf my heart bleeds for you. Yippee, that you both were able to recover.

    I interrupt this regularly scheduled post to inform you that I just made 6 Million on my Little farm. I just noticed as I was typing. What a shock. I only sold less than 10 each of Rabbit and Cow breeding animals and a 100 regular Cows. I see a shopping spree in my future that Farmer Broke would be proud of.
    I think that I will breed some more Rabbis & Cows on this farm. I do not have many cows left. I sold 1.5 K of them already. I had already planned and budgeted RL money to buy PF for Donkey breeding so I can have fun. I do love the preview calendars so I can plan ahead.

    This reminds me to make this comment. I do not think we can no longer rely on old patterns like BBD or Mill subscriptions occurring when an event requires these things. It makes more Business sense not to offer these things. Remember that BP's Prime Directive is to suck us dry of our money.

    Lastly, I must compliment Suzee, Arq, and Hatzeva for being so entertaining. Suzee is Back. I can stop my worrying about you, but I do hope you can sleep easier. Suzee you and Arq are so delightful. Where can I send your Wedding gift? Are you registered Wraps-R-Us or Mummy's Maddness? Hatzeva your call to yourself was hysterical.

    Good Luck to all working on this event and Yipee to all who finished it.
    SuzeeRabbit, baw815, hatzeva and 4 others like this.
  14. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Finished yesterday - by some miracle I had twice as many brown cows as I needed, so sold the extras. Haven't planted the Baha trees yet or the wonder stables, brain like a sieve - forgot about them.:eek:
    baw815 and -Mir85- like this.
  15. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    sglick - what a treat to have you back! Was just about to send out a search party.

    Thanks for your kind words. This has been a tricky Event for me, (and I love it!). Started off with between 3 and 9 breeding animals in my barn of the 15/30/30/40 needed (Brown cows being 3). Knew I HAD to get all the Roasters, Cocos and Pigs so hung around the Market more than I have ever done before. In the end I bought some and reluctantly bred the rest so I finished all bar the Brown cow level.
    This is when my FOCD-parrot starts bugging me, the bugger. He sits on my shoulder at every Event and tells me to finish it, come hell or hell wire, even though I'm perfectly clear it's a waste of resources but I have a hard time ignoring him. Still looking for a good bargain for the remaining Brown cows, but it doesn't seem to happen

    Over and out silly parrot. This time you will not win as I refuse to pay 35 k for a Brown cow. Touche!
    sglick and -Mir85- like this.
  16. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Finished. Set my pens out. (Did the trees during the event.)

    2 Fox (now I have 4).
    1 Mole (my first). :)

    1 Yellow Paint factory.
    -Mir85- likes this.
  17. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    So great to have you back! I was worried!:D
    This was a great event to make CC's, wasn't it? If only I'd realized that sooner...:sleepy:
    Talking about entertaining, I laughed so hard at your registered shops! xD
    What do you think, Suzee darling? Which one you prefer the most? 8)xD
    sglick likes this.
  18. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Actually, Arrouquelas, you did not realize too late. At least in the mkts of all my 3 farms, yesterday night brown cows were selling at 59+K CCs (I even sold some at 73K), roasters at 47/48K and cocoas at 38/43. All 3 mkts showed exactly the same behaviour: guys desperate to sell -probably because they were going to bed-, underbidding by 30, even 50%, got their bargain offers very quickly sold (I bought many of those offers and resold them less than 30 min later at a 50% higher price).

    For those who see themselves in the future in another situation of a serious shortage of bred animals required in rather large quantities by an event (like in this one) and plan to buy them, take into account the following (this time, the pattern was practically identical to what I saw in other occasions when bred animals were requested by an event; I'll use the recent brown cows -BCs- case to make things clearer with numbers):
    * at event start, prices tend to be high but drop rather quickly and stabilize in a mid level for several days (50/60 --> 40/50);
    * 2/3 days before the event ends, over the weekend -more people playing, more people not used to mkts showing up-, they tended to get to the lowest levels (29/35), for many many hours, mixed with the stable numbers (40/50) and peaks towards my night - -03:00 GMT- in the 50/55K range;
    * the last day is a well of opportunities because of those who underbid in fear -or because of lack of time-, but they quickly disappear, again at 30/35: so, if you want them, you must visit the mkt very frequently to be able to grab them or be prepared to pay way more;
    * in the last 12/18 hours of the event, prices sharply rise (underbidders and those plagued with fear of loss run out of stock) to the highest levels in the event -55/75-.

    Of course, for those wanting to profit by selling, the former list may serve as a guide on how to increase your profits by buying and selling. The key suggestion for you is to be patient. I started with a BCs stock of 76 -sold too many in previous weeks at 7/8/9K CCs each-, bought no less than 200, and my current stock is 0, with 0 offers left in mkt. Everything sold. (The only remaining offers I still have are for cocoas: they were consistently lower in all 3 mkts all the time; in roasters, I bought loads at 18/19K, sold in the end between 30/40, and so on).
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2014
  19. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Sweet'ums... I already registered us with BatsRUs.
    Re: pre-nup... Silly boy. You've already forgotten that I get everything... regardless. ;)
    Re: collecting old things... Are you referring to me?! *scowl*

    sglick, GIFTS!!! Oh, please send all the valuable ones to me. Send the other stuff to what's-his'name in the cork capital of the world. If he wants the good stuff he has to visit me at least once.

    hatzeva, WHAT have you been feeding that parrot?! More importantly... WHAT have you been eating?
    Re: bred critters, I checked and we had the Midsummer Event 2013 that requested brown pigs, as well as gray crows, squirrel monkeys, blackies (sheep). 10-12 of each.

    I did finish all the crops on Sat. Main farm didn't have all the dragonfire until Sun. I turned in everything except the S & D levels of Farm Machinery on Sun morn. Used the 8h to rearrange the farm and put some critters out. This is the only time I bother with critters is when I have the droids. Mon morn I turned in the rest to extend that time.

    Only excited about the following...
    Main farm: Beehive III: red
    2nd farm: Ostrich pen III: red

    Baha trees:
    3rd farm: parrot tree

    On Sat I was concerned that I have less than 200 PF for the donkey breeding. After I turned in the event stuff I have more than 200PF. That should be enough. I hope... Otherwise I was going to get upset that my mill had been so busy with this event that I wouldn't have what I need to finish the next.

    Been AFK taking care of real life. Going back there now...
    sglick likes this.
  20. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I have to say.....the huge benefit of this event was as Aluntino stated, market strategy of the necessary brown breeding animals! I did make quite a few cc's........but just observing the market fluctuate was highly entertaining!!!!:wuerg:xD:D

    Arq & Suzee....just love your newly wed banter!!!! The bats-r-us store will be inundated with prezzies for you 2!!!:p
    sglick likes this.
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