Mach-o-meter results

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by bwraven, Oct 14, 2014.

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  1. bwraven

    bwraven Someday Author

    Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever hit more than 9900 in one go?

    I've been earning chips on this one as long as I can remember and never hit more than 9900, which is a bit odd since one is supposed to hit it three times in a row to get 10 chips
    vlady likes this.
  2. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    My highest score for total is 29202
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I have actually hit 1000 twice today, one time on the slowest, and one time on the medium speed (pure luck :p)

    My best results today (out of 80 tries so far):
    9306+1000+9801= 29107 and
    9800+9801+9801= 29402 :)
    But mostly I win 4 or 5 chips :)
  4. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I Had several goes on Mach o Meter, I was getting average 5 or 4 Chips I did get 6 Chips only Once, I got enough Chips to unlock 25 power feeds which are needed for Donkey Breeding I have already unlock few Bigger Prizes at previous events including Dragon Pet. There is 5 GB on offer but it requires 850 Chips that too much for my asking.

    Also you can get 10,000 Bahm EP but it requires 150 Chips But with so much cc in my Barn I can buy Bahm EP Giving Crafts from the market and eat them so therefore no needs to waste my chips on this item.

    There is no need to get Jungle Dragon either as got this from completing earlier event. So I am already Done here save my Chips and coins for next Renzo Fair.;)
  5. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    High score... so far ... 29304
  6. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    Just beat my record: 29,402

  7. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    hey solo, that's exactly MY record :D look:

    solotime likes this.
  8. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    Nice, we even done that same!
  9. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I haven't played that game this time. I am not so good at it.
    but once I told one friend of mine to try this game in my farm and she was very good and she was all the time stopping in the red area! I don't remember the exact points
    I got a lot of chips that time:)
  10. bwraven

    bwraven Someday Author

    My high score is a bit over 29500 (can't remember the exact number). With 3x9900 one would get 29700 which I got very close to once aaaaaand... it didn't register :mad:. I got the 6 chips but the record didn't go on the panel. It's been over a year and I am still very bitter about it.
    Most of the time I average 5 chips/game over an entire event, with 5 being the most frequent result and 6,4 and occasionally 3 being outliers.

    I gather you meant 10000. Good to know it's possible. What was somewhat puzzling to me is that in over two years of almost exclusively playing this game I never even once got more than 9900 in a hit, which would have implied that hitting 30000(10 chips) is at the very least close to impossible. Because of that, having 10 chips up there as a possible result seemed frustrating to say the least and definitely unfair.
    I would much rather have 30000 points give 8 chips but actually have a realistic chance of hitting that.

    In any case, thanks to -Mir85- for confirming it is possible to hit 10000. From now on not being able to hit it is going to frustrate me even more o_O xD.
  11. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Yes I did :)

    Sorry about that :p:):)
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