Strategie Comic 6

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Dienstag, Nov 5, 2014.

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  1. Carberot23

    Carberot23 Forum Apprentice

    Illy, I just harvested the pens and trees on the Glade and only got 3 drops from orange, red and pink pens and the trees are mainly XXL size! Normally they give much more but it looks like this time we have bad drop's rate again. Planted red cabbage last night and got about 30 or more per field. The spelt I used for the start only gave 86 drops so any middle long term crops will do the trick.
    Hope it helps.
    illy1996 and baw815 like this.
  2. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Dnin and Carberot. I am working till late today so whatever I plant has a good 20 hours to sit and wait so I am thinking of trees and some much needed animals for this farm. I only have the harvester on this farm and am running low on machinery vouchers so animals and trees will suit me better. :p

    I am going to keep crops for Chevrefeuille as I bought the seeder and this is still running so don't want to waste it. I am usually an animal and tree kind of farmer so will build up some much needed crops till my seeder runs out. :)

    Although it looks very tight on both farms, I am only just outside the average daily requirement for drops on Chevrefeuille and am now within the average for this farm so I am thinking, when not growing 4 hour and 8 hour crops, the drops should improve so I should be okay - in theory! :music:
    penguilnz and pepsi52 like this.
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    illy - good luck with the pens and trees! I had this same conversation with myself yesterday/last night when I finished event crops. I planted hazelnuts and lemongrass overnight (need to make some CAC) and had almost 100 drops from this morning's harvest. Just need 53 more here.

    Since BW is a tad behind on drops, I also remembered the discussion/advice from our wise farmers and replanted in 1x1s until I get all the drops and then go back to pens and trees.

    This strategy will also allow me to stock up on some crops needed for animal feed and artisan shop products.
    baw815 and illy1996 like this.
  4. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Pups. I don't think I have done too badly since I haven't been around much since Friday so I am hoping I can pick up some drops while I'm about tomorrow and Wednesday - no more work this week after today. I have been planting corn this morning and the drops are trickling in so I am now deciding what animals/fruit I need the most of! So much choice! :music:

    Good luck to Billy W! ;)
  5. BillyWhiskers

    BillyWhiskers Someday Author

    Just harvested 2 fields of hazelnuts, 1 field of roses and island was in CF. 71 event drops. Still need 250 and am hoping it can still be done. It will be close and may even come down to the final morning before the event ends but everything is ready to donate except those lights.
    JJenks and Chevrefeuille like this.
  6. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    As always, if anyone feels short on drops, bet for crops, the longest your schedule/agenda affords, better if in 1x1s, but taking care of not leaving idle any single plot at any time and trying to not leave things unharvested for too long -sitting time is idle time-.

    Animal pens/workshops have the problem they're 2x2s by definition. Since only one kind of drop -all kinds, including event's- can come out from a single plot at any given harvest, and drops has been proven time and again are assigned based on non-idle area in any field, the larger the plot, the smaller the chance to maximize potential drops on a field.

    Additionally, if something takes too long, like trees, this also reduces the overall capacity of a field to get the full potential of drops. Hence, XLs are better than plain ones, and XXLs are better than XLs if you use them. That's why you'll most probably see, on 100% of the occasions, that from a very long pen -extreme example, a saw mill-, one drop of each kind comes out, including even'ts. But, also with same high probability, you'll get more drops in total if that same 2x2 plot had been used with shorter-timed pens, or, for reason summarized above, split in 4 1x1s and dedicated to crops.

    But, well, it all depends on your schedule: this is what must dictate how you should distribute dedication of your non-barren lands if your aim is to maximize drops potential.
    baw815 and BlazingBlades like this.
  7. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Aluntino - got to dash now. Have filled both farms with a multitude of things so hopefully the mish mash will deliver the drops. See you all tomorrow. ;)
    baw815 and -Mir85- like this.
  8. starxx71

    starxx71 Active Author

    Anyone got any ideas how to get more drops I still need loads of light lol
    I am on level 3 got 215/300 plus need a load for level 5
    I have 2,700 glitter towards the 5,000 for level 4 lol out of chutney or any buffs for them but it's the drops I tried some wheat,hay no drops at all :(
  9. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    starxx71, there are some useful tips in General Event Strategies, but they don't work wonders. Now 67% of the event is done and you only have 44% of the drops :( I think the only way you can possibly make it, is with drastic measures, meaning super grow.

    Sorry to be so pessimistic, but if you are not prepared to do anything it takes, I don't want you to waste your efforts.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
    baw815 likes this.
  10. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    Thank you all for the info. I've enjoyed this quest, I'm now in level 5 and need over 130 light strings.
    I hope I'll have time to finish level 6, I can hardly wait to see what it's all about. :)
  11. starxx71

    starxx71 Active Author

    Ah Thank you Mir85 I have a few super grow left 50 so will use them up :(
  12. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Whew :oops: I'm finished!!!! Drops are horrible. I played with chicken farming yesterday and got almost no drops so overnight I planted 2 full fields of Barley, the Glade in production pens and the Island in Ginger and got 115 lightstrings :eek:. But it was enough to finish. Activated cloud row for a whopping 9280 BEP :D
    The Glade full of pens gave me very few.....crops are definitely the way to go for drops!

    Good Luck Everyone :)
  13. SeverineSnape

    SeverineSnape Forum Apprentice

    Hello @ all :)

    Concerning drops I mainly do as Aluntino advises:
    Best stick to crops on 1x1s with water, some additional trees, no stables or production pens if I can avoid it :)

    We had some events in the past that were really hard for most farmers because the drop rate was pathetic.
    At that point I decided to never ever grow event crops overnight but switch to crops with refinements + water instead in order to avoid fields sitting idle ( I really need more time off than 6h23min or so :eek:).
    With this strategy I finish events later than others, sometimes even on the last day, but normally with all drops way before finishing the crops. I´d hate to have grown all crops just to realise I´ll fall short on drops, having planted thousands of event crops in vain :wuerg:
    Right now I´ve got 45 spare light strings and still 2.5k of poppies and 600 sneezeworts to grow, so will finish in time without problems :)
    Very nice overnight crops: hazelnuts, onions, kohlrabi, oyster mushrooms, daffodils, crop square or lilies with time reduction refinement and water... they are in a range of 9-11 hours of maturing time, making 2 rounds of 8 hour crops w water, 4 rounds of 4 hour crops w water or other combinations possible without fields sitting idle for a long time...

    One addition to Aluntino´s advice concerning future events with timed tasks for those who were fortunate enough to get some mammoth trees from the choo-choo:
    Put out some of the SG and SSG ones. If available: mulch them and spray the SSGs with SSG (will give you 2 SSG net/harvest instead of 1 ;)). Will help you to accumulate some stocks of these for the next event of this kind without having to rely on farm wheel winnings or rewards from events :)

    Good luck everyone! :)
    baw815, heidels and Aluntino like this.
  14. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    I've also finished(yesterday already) with the planting of the Crops... but the drops are still far away...:oops: on both my Farms...for the 1st time in a few months, I've been reduced to using SG just to be on the safe side...:oops: They must of tweaked the drop rate somehow...for the 1st time in my life, my Little Farm is ahead with drops and my Main Farm is behind..o_O..o_O..go figure that one...:(
  15. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    But, belinda, are you really so far that you feel compelled to use SG to be on the safe side? We still have almost two complete days left.

    SG, by the way, not necessarily guarantees higher drops.

    My main reached the total needed drops yesterday evening, but that's typical. My two lower level farms still need more or less 200 and 300 respectively and I'm not really worried.

    To all: If, at this time, you've accumulated a total of around 600/650 drops (counting both already donated and still in barn), you're OK, tight but OK, if you plan or know you'll be normally farming in these two remaining days. My only suggestion would be to do the highest drop-yielding farming your schedule and habits allow you to. If, instead, you've already passed that mark, then you're really OK and you can do the farming you need or prefer: you'll make it for sure, provided you know you'll be around these 2 days. The problem really exists only for those who are still below that mark: they must take extraordinary measures.

    Anyway, though this is pure speculation of mine, I expect drops to get slightly/moderately better towards the end of the event. It's the behaviour I noticed in all events of the past handful of months. If it happens again, it may help those a tad behind that mark as of now. So, don't rule out some help from hope. But try to get the most done by your own effort....

    EDIT: I've just read Salazar's (aka SeverineSnape) post above. I do exactly what she summarizes there. I avoid using the Island for event crops as much as I can and I also avoid to use event crops overnight, unless there is a real high need of long growth time ones, like the current 8hs crop (watered, they fit pretty OK with my sleeping habits....). It's better to be good on drops pretty early instead of trying to anxiously have all crops done as soon as possible if you think you'll be mostly around all event duration. The other thing she advises there and I do is keeping the XXL/XL jumbo trees out all the time, no matter what, even during events, especially the Suzy-spray and turbo-mulch ones. The latter is a choice of mine: I only have 2 plain SG ones, and take too long. But if you need SG, use them, all the time. I Suzy-spray and turbo-mulch all these trees always. They both provide handsome EPs -excellent, indeed- and keeps my Suzy-spray/turbo-mulch stocks either constant or growing, even though I always use Suzy-spray on initial event's crops seeds for nuking purposes.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
    -poppyseed- likes this.
  16. BlazingBlades

    BlazingBlades Advanced

    Eh? I'm a little confused with this comment.
    You use Suzy-spray and turbo-mulch always on trees. What do you mean that it keeps the stocks constant or growing? The fruit stock or the stock of SS & TM?

    Edit: Never mind! I figured it out! :)
  17. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    I need about 200 and I started planting the usual Peppermint...Cabbage...blah blah blah and end up with about 5-7 Event Drops...If I work that out, in my brain..:p...I don't see me getting 200 in the time I planted long crops and nuked it...I then get about 25 in the same time frame...:oops:
  18. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Not yet! Wait until the end ;) For now: It could be helpful if you post how many drops you get. For instance, "got xx light strings from harvesting glitter poppies from the three main fields." Then it is easier to see how you are doing :)
  19. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    My dropping rate is also bad. I still need over 300 hundreds lights...
    And I haven't finished with the event crops, I need 4.500 glitter poppies, so I can't plant other high level crops
  20. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    steph2014 and Banjoman like this.
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