Feedback: Chestnut Festival Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Nov 20, 2014.

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  1. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    The graphics are nice. I like, that we not have to give up all our tools and are now able to build what we need.

    But the amount of breeding animals is just ....... . I really don't know what word to use to describe it. It's way to high. With the high amount of breeding animals needed lately, how do you aspect us to have some left over?
    More players would breed more if there where a different option to power feed or less would be needed for one breeding process. Or of the milling time would be shorter. I am one of those.
    The cuckoos should be able to be donated. The breeding cuckoos can be donated. Thank you for that.

    Now, I am quiet fearful, what December might bring.
    farmlily3 likes this.
  2. g4rr3tl

    g4rr3tl Forum Greenhorn

    completely and utterly ridiculous chest beating contest for level 200 players!

    at least make parts 1-3 something that lower levels can play, even part 2 is an insane amount of product.
    I can sell the 100,000 value of animals to buy Royal Wreaths and get 10 TIMES is amount of EP and I think
    that BP places way to high a value on Suzy's.
    BP is COMPLETELY out of touch with the players, very sad.
    farmlily3 and sudhir like this.
  3. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    everyone complains every event of the long growing times and the amount of items needed to complete an event but does bp ever listen ? nooooooooooooo how much fun is this event ?i for one am not willing to give so many crops and animals especially for the amount of power feed it takes to get breeding animals .maybe if everyone quit doing thee events they will listen.
    ombo likes this.
  4. Ladyjazzy

    Ladyjazzy Forum Apprentice

    this is my favorit for me I stuff my barn all year for this my first year I got to lv 3 or 4 of 10 after that I have finshed it. I look forward to it all year and this is not a disapontment for me
    farmer_broke likes this.
  5. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Very well said, spots!! Agreed, wholeheartedly.:wuerg:8)
    farmer_broke and omadon like this.
  6. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Right now - reading all of this and by looking at my market - I think that only a few people are playing the event. That is very sad because the harvest event used to be one of the events, where one could at least earn some money, if not playing it. A boost of CC's is very important for many players and this way even the lower level players could get rewarded.

    I used to play the event till the end and never went for the TOP... list. It turns out to being even less rewarding this time around. And now it seems that already at the event leading up to the list, people get sucked dry too much for little rewards. So they don't even attempt a go at it. And of course the fact that nearly all of the latest events/quests requested a considerably big amount of breeding animals, makes people leary of just dropping those valuable animals into this event.

    I think that an increase in prices for breeders was long overdue, but everything should be a little more balanced. The idea that BP is just trying so forcefully to get up their sales of PF is not only upsetting people that don't pay real money. I tend to spend some money on occasion on harvesters and Barnyard Bills in support of a team that is offering a free and enjoyable game.

    And I just read that missed days in the advent calender might have to be bought with BB's afterwards (German Grapevine). I really hope that this is just a bad rumor because that is not the Christmas spirit that I am looking for in a game: especially considering that this is the most important time in the year to spend time with your family and a time of generosity/giving. Varun, just imagine someone crushing everything that Diwali stands for... I really enjoyed my time in India over that very special holiday and would be very upset if someone would try to take advantage of that holy time of the year as much as for Christmas (or any other international/national holiday that is specifically important to the spirit of family and generosity for that matter). Btw. Christmas is the time that I get to spend extra money on the game, because this is usually the presents I am asking for... So if BP is actually implementing this strategy, I will probably just stop playing altogether just out of principle.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
    sudhir and vanGerwen like this.
  7. LambLamb

    LambLamb Forum Apprentice

    Very well put....for both the event and if it is true one has to pay for missed days on the Advent Calender then this really is not PC.
  8. fbdesigns

    fbdesigns Forum Greenhorn

    I started to do the event until I realized how much the requirements really took out of my barn. I am level 79 and there is no way I could finish this quest because the prizes don't justify what we have to donate.
    freerange likes this.
  9. MaidenKyra

    MaidenKyra Forum Greenhorn

    As a person that has been playing this game for only a few months, i have neither the breeding stock or the stars to get them from the tree. I was hoping that as i leveled i'd be able to go farther in events but I doubt i'll go for anything past level 1. Clearly this event was designed for much higher level farmers and I find that both frustrating and disappointing.
    Avienne_1, farmlily3 and farmer_broke like this.
  10. Skook73

    Skook73 Forum Apprentice

    I can manage most of it but what is really tricky is two steps that rely on high level breeding animals. So many quests lately ask for breeding animals - in fact breeding quests are all I have left in my farmer's society so as soon as I get higher level animals I tend to donate them to quests. So many things are heavy on powerfeed - I understand the reasons behind it but submit that Please Only Have One of these enormous donation requirements be for breeding animals. Why not share around the requirements? Why not do tools for one of them and breeding for another? Why not a requirement that features products? Variety doesn't take away from the difficulty for higher level players but does make it less painful. Thanks!! o_O
  11. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    Initially I thought it would work until I did the math, then reality set in and I'd be left with 10 of everything I had. 1.6 million of breeding animals after you've blown 850K worth of them earlier (for 5 toolboxes and a sticker?) is a little steep don't you think? I'll finish 3 and call it a day.
    farmer_broke likes this.
  12. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    I guess this event is only aimed at long time / high level players, already the requirements for the initial part are tearing a steep hole in everyone's compete for the Top 1000 Farmer it more or less undoes everything that was achieved in the year since the last Top Farmer event.....
    Good luck to all who take the challenge.....For now I think I'll spare myself the disappointment.

    P.S. Besides the above mentioned issue I think that whoever is designing the items for events as this one outdid themselves again.....the items look from nice to cute....and the chestnut theme is a perfect fit for a harvest event.
  13. lottidah

    lottidah Forum Great Master

    I agree with most of the above. The breeding animals required are just too many. I wouldn't have any left and I wouldn't have enough for the last level. I'm almost level 90 and I 'm stopping at level 3. Darn cloud row!
    dinky6, farmer_broke and farmlily3 like this.
  14. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    I can see why this appeals to some farmers since it is a challenge. However, there are far too many breeding animals required and no tools. Perhaps one of the breeding requirements could have been replaced with tools. Also, if you want this much stuff then a baby boom and weeks notice of FAQ might have been nice and allowed more farmers to participate.
    farmer_broke and farmlily3 like this.
  15. heavyt

    heavyt Forum Greenhorn

    I'll do the 1st 2 or 3 lvls but that's it!!!! All those breeding animals needed is way to rich for my blood. Why have another cloud row to sit idle just to have to wait to try and purchase the items at a later date. Thumbs down for me.
    Arielh and farmer_broke like this.
  16. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    The only way to finish this one is to burn your farm down, give everything away, looking for the matches havent found them.
    u need to look at the time and cost for each animal u give away, not me the oldman49
  17. DogDays67

    DogDays67 Forum Greenhorn

    I found the matches ....LOL....their on the legs and arms and tail and head of the Chestnut creatures....Irony get the Chestnuts characters you have to TEAR the farm down to get to the matches...LOL
    farmlily3 and saturnia22 like this.
  18. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    I have done level 1 and that is me finished. The graphics etc are great - just love the chestnut munchkins - but the requirements for donation are stupidly OTT. :(:(
    The prizes are good but nothing is worth that much - to end up with an empty barn and few cc's is not my idea of fun ! xD
    I agree that this event is indeed a great challenge,which players love, but do BP really think that this event is fair ? Lower level players cannot hope to get anywhere at all. One of the worst events ever.
  19. betty127

    betty127 Junior Expert

    Just wondered on what peoples' take on any market changes because of this quest.. I expected quite a shift, but doesn't seem to be materialising. It'll be interesting to see if the top 1000 list gets anywhere near 1000 players long - I wonder just how many elite players there really are.. Any thoughts?
  20. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Some things have shifted in my market. I suspect many of the top players will wait until the last minute to calculate just how much (or little) will get them into the top 1000. I'm sure BigPoint feels there are enough elite players to have increased the offering from the 500 of previous years (as I've seen posted) to 1000 this year.
    Brookeham and -Mir85- like this.
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