Intrepideur you are RUDE

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Peanut1492, Dec 2, 2014.

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  1. Peanut1492

    Peanut1492 Active Author

    I suggest you treat your customers more politely! I asked if more notice could be given and you tell me that enough time was given. I say answer the question I proposed instead of telling me that I am wrong!! Then you close the tread without even answering my question or proposing a suggestion. Is this how you treat paying customers???? >:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(

    I thought the purpose of these forums was to ask questions. I expect a polite answer from you like your co-workers Sugar Sweet who has never been rude and short with me.
  2. stacymaya

    stacymaya Junior Expert

    They should answer our questions respectfully. I'm new here and this surprises me.:eek:
  3. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    To be honest, @Peanut1492 is correct.

    I'm pretty sure no matter how pointless a post may be you don't blame it straight out onto a
    player if they missed something. I'm guessing @Intrepideur
    had a bad day and probably thought your
    post was just to cause problems.

    So in this case, it's just a misunderstanding and none rules were broken by neither people.

    @Peanut1492, We're player by the way. This isn't a store where you're buying goods. :oops:

    Click Here For Thread
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2014
    abubadi66, SillyGuy and farmer_broke like this.
  4. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum


    I agree with you that MODS should answer questions as politely as they can.

    Perhaps you are right in feeling as you do. And I have felt the same way with regard to other MODs. But I do know:
    There are perceptions and misperceptions. This happens when writing and/or interpreting the written word quite often.

    And I have had it out politely with several.

    And I have written posts which are rude, intentionally. And even though a player too, it doesn't make it right.

    What I will write is not to defend their actions: As time has passed and I have watched, I do not believe Intrepideur OR ANY OTHER MOD will deliberately go out of their way to respond to you or anyone else rudely.

    None of the MODs, from my experience, go out of their way NOT to provide us information we desire.

    Are you aware of the Monthly Preview Calendar? Check it out under Events. I doubt any of our MODs can provide accurate, to the minute information, as to exactly what time an event will begin. If they could, I feel they would.

    Sure, you can feel how you feel. And so can I and I feel you may need to reconsider.

    I think they are human and help us for free too.

    My bill for telling you how I feel is 1 CAC <----- just kidding
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2014
  5. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Did you check the link Intrepideur provided? Your (original) complaint was that there wasn't enough notice given for the moonlight mania event. You said you checked on Sunday and it wasn't there, and you would have liked more notice. The link Intrepideur provided shows that the moonlight mania was announced already on Friday, so enough time was indeed given, you for some reason just missed it. So your question was answered, and there really wasn't much more to say (except making some more polite phrases).

    What you may not know, is that our mods are volunteers. And while they are not perfect, they do their best to assist everyone as well as they can. They deserve our respect and appreciation. If you feel unjustly treated, there is no reason not to be civil about it.
  6. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Whilst it should be appreciated that the OP may have been wrong, it is also not right for us to justify wayward responses by MODs under the banner of being volunteers.
    Let's not abuse others. Let's make this a civil and cordial community.
    The President has spoken. NFQ...

  7. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    That is not what I meant, just that they (as everyone else) deserve to be treated with respect.
    abubadi66 and Michael1877 like this.
  8. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Greetings Peanut1492 and everyone, :(

    First of all, I would like to say I am sorry if you felt the post was rude - I can assure you it was not meant to be rude, just short. Intrepideur is extremely lovely, fun and polite - anyone who met her in Chat in the past year can confirm that. ( I think she's just a little bit shy and trying to get used to the Forum :p But don't tell her I said that ). As moderators, we have to follow certain rules - you have posted in the General Issues section where you are meant to ask for help - your question was actually a suggestion, requesting more notice for Moonlight Mania. As it has been kindly pointed out, MM was announced on Friday :( That should be plenty of time for all of us to notice Moonlight Mania is coming :( However, we will be happy to forward your concerns to the Game Team.
    Once again, I apologise if you felt the post was rude but ... it was just on point and short, informing you that MM was announced on Friday. I think it's depends on how things are being read. The tone perceived can depend on many things - I personally feel that the lack of smilies could make a post sounds colder than one where emotions are visibly expressed : :( / :eek: but I also tend to be too chatty at times :p However, this discussion does not belong to the Forum, so I am sorry, but I will need to close it. For any complaints regarding the mod team, you should contact our Customer Care Team - thank you for your understanding on this matter.

    And this is a very good example of why they don't have to be brought up on the Forum: it leads to misleading info and misunderstandings and misinterpretation:
    If you take a quick look over our responses, I honestly from the bottom of my heart say that I don't think the Mod Team deserves to be labelled as 'rude' - we always try our best to be nice and friendly and helpful, and even throw in jokes when we should be very serious :p Of course we are not perfect, we're just humans, and we will make mistakes - but trust me, we don't want to, and try hard not to.

    Being volunteers is in no way an excuse or defence, we would never use that. Au contraire :music: That should be a reason for which we aren't rude. We are here because we want to. Nobody is forcing us to spend our free time in here, helping players. We do it because this is what we want, and because we enjoy it. :inlove: And every single day is an amazing experience. When you are frustrated, we are frustrated - when you are happy, we are happy. That's the beauty of it, and that's what makes us a community.

    That being said, I apologise once again and I will reassure you that the post was in no way meant to be rude, and I hope you can see it from my point of view as well.
    Kind regards,

    ~ As explained above, the thread will now be closed. ~
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