Cookie Wonderland Strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by villager99, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    shodack, for the first two levels 300 drops are needed. That is half of the totals needed. But only 40% of the event has passed. If you have gotten at least 240 drops, you are on the right track :) Just keep the farm busy ;) 15 drops from 180 plots of anise doesn't sound too bad, your fields are definitely not broken. Being away from the farm all day, with only anise planted doesn't sound too good though. If you know you will be away for long, try to plant a longer crop.

    omadon, zucchini apple bread and carrot bread (or any other craft product) does not increase event drops :(
  2. shodack78

    shodack78 Advanced

    Thanks for the positive outlook Mir and others! :)
    ETA: I must have had about 200 drops so far, so looking at it from length of event, you're right, not horrible. Weekends are my best chance to get things done, but hopefully I can get a few good crops each day to try and finish this event!
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Does using 1 X 1 increase drops? Or is no one really sure? It makes sense to use 1 X 1 and CAC to increase event crops, but since CAC has no impact on the drops, does dividing your farm into 1 X 1 increase them?
  4. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Woody -
    There is debate over whether or not 1x1s actually increase drops, but mathematically and logically speaking, using 1x1s increases your chance of getting more drops due to the fact that there are more plots from which drops may be received.
    bygo_cris likes this.
  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    At any rate, thank you. You definitely answered my question. Apparently no one really knows.
    Per the math end, it would depend on the parameters, the variables used and how they are calculated. I think I have been getting more drops since switching to 1 X 1, but I also am well aware of how biased our perceptions can be, not to mention that I just started doing that in the last event. Also, it seems as if they are constantly "tweaking" the stats to that it might have been a slight advantage at one point, but no longer is. To really figure, you would have to take the drops for the same sized fields and the same crop, with the same level of player for several "runs" and compare. That is more work than I am up to doing.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 22, 2014
  6. shodack78

    shodack78 Advanced

    Using 1x1s only makes sense (for growing event crops) when I have CAC to use, right?
    SuzeeRabbit likes this.
  7. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    Wow!! You have so many drops :inlove:
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 22, 2014
  8. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    Just finished the event, and had to test out the shiny new cloud row. Using 4 pheromones, pink jelly, and breeding rune, breeding time is reduced to 5 minutes. 11 minutes with 3 pheros, 22 with 2, 44 with 1, and 1 hour 29 minutes with no pheros. This row will help save a lot of pheromones...if only we had a row that would help save PF. :p
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014

    DBAYES Count Count

    Yes, poppyseed is correct, now if we could all remember what cloud row it is???!!
  10. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    I just finished the event... Onto long term crops for a rest.
  11. omadon

    omadon Junior Expert

    By comparing how much drop rate I have with, and without, the buff,
    for identical conditions.
  12. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    I've got everything I need except drops. Planting long term crops to solve that. I'm on track to complete.
  13. SillyGuy

    SillyGuy Forum Veteran

    Thank you -poppyseed- for testing this new Cookie Magical cloud row. I conclude that you have unlocked #27 Quick breeder rune.

    So far, my calculation is RIGHT and I have wrote it - here -

    Thank you. The key is you have unlocked LL rune (high drop items rate) and your farm is not idle (this is the most important).
    Maybe you can not complete current event because lack of event drop items. Hopefully you could complete all next event without similiar problems. Good luck bygo_cris.
    bygo_cris and -poppyseed- like this.
  14. pepsishot

    pepsishot Forum Expert

    Congrats to all who have finished!!!

    I should be joining you in a day maybe two. My drops were a bit slow until I was done with the event crop. Things are getting better now. I have no worries I can finish. Just in time for my house full of kids to arrive for two weeks, lol.
  15. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Good job everyone who's finished! I should be done on spots farm after next harvest this afternoon, only need 30 more drops. If any of my neighbors happen to read this, if you could send any drops slotted to spots to bearbabe instead, it would help tremendously. Have less than 300 total there so far :p. Working towards LL rune there, only 170 stars to go :wuerg::cry:xD.
  16. starxx71

    starxx71 Active Author

    I just can't seem to get the drops I have finished 2 and on 3 had all but the drops still need 247 lol and have most of the other items to finish them but can't lol
    I have been moving the trophies around as suggested but don't seem to help and I do refresh each time :(
  17. sunshineaz

    sunshineaz Forum Great Master

    Well, I completed it 2 and a half hours ago. I didn't receive any of the last group of rewards. I have a thread in tech and hope to get them soon so I can put the last piece on my cloud row. I don't have it or the zuchinni bread in inventory, I didn't get the xp and not sure about the coupons as I have no idea how many I had. sure a bummer.
    bygo_cris and SuzeeRabbit like this.
  18. Sheriziya

    Sheriziya Forum Master

    I have the same problem, starxx71. At the moment I only have enough Pastry bags to complete level 1. I need another 400 bags... :(

    I've moved the Trophies to the field before my harvests and logged out and back in (refresh doesn't seem as good for me for some reason). I've planted Anise during the night, since that's the longest crop for me. The rest I've planted what fit my schedule/what I needed.\
    And I posted in the SOS thread for help :) Thanks to everyone who's helped me out so far!
    Perhaps I'm having trouble because I had to grow so many Sorghum. I expected that would be the major problem. But as it turns out, in an hour or so I think I should have enough Sorghum to make the remaining Holiday Flour I need. Then it all comes down to the pastry bags. Those I really miss......

    I really hope I'll get those 400 bags I need in the coming 2 days and the remainder of today, cause I'd love to complete the event!

    It'd be a shame if I'd have ALL the other items up until and including everything for level 5, but it would hang on not having enough drops to complete even level 2.....
  19. DarlingDaizy1

    DarlingDaizy1 Active Author

    With five farms ranging in levels from 40's to 60's, I notice a huge difference in drop rates. Longer crops really do pay off! And I mean the 12+ hour ones.

    With the lower farms, I barely eke out an existence in drops. It's a nail biting experience. But with the higher ones, I'm not worried at all.

    So for us lower levelers, the road gets a lot easier as we move up the ranks. Just offering some hope for the future events here. :D
  20. djh99

    djh99 Regular

    Its not much consolation for lower level players but we've all been there and struggled with events. I'm level 89 and played for 4 years but I've only recently been able to complete most events. I'm struggling with drops too, I hope I'll get enough to finish!
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