New Seasonal Gifts

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by solo1978, Dec 26, 2014.

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  1. solo1978

    solo1978 Forum Apprentice

    It would be great to have new Seasonal Gifts that can be placed on the non-themed cloud-rows, especially if they can be different sizes as well.
    BP, will you please consider it?
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I advent cloud row is empty because of too many 1x2s needed and Beach Club cannot be placed in clouds.
  3. Carberot23

    Carberot23 Forum Apprentice

    I agree too and it is very annoying! I do have plenty Beach Clubs and they are useless ...don't have any room in the park and can't use them for the Cloud. Wonder if only the 3 of us have this problem?!
    I used to make Mummies during MM but since we have many new crops can't to do that and I did run out of the good old Santa's Helpers. :(
    puppiesnponies likes this.
  4. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    During the last G&T you could turn in Beach Clubs for several thousand CCs. Hopefully there will be another G&T soon and if so, they may still be useful.
    bygo_cris and puppiesnponies like this.
  5. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    I agree. There were no Christmas seasonal gifts this year which is a shame. I still have a few Santa's Helpers but we really need some more 1x2 items for the cloud rows.
    CaliChrome likes this.
  6. Carberot23

    Carberot23 Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for the reminder:) ....but unfortunately we still have a problem with the 1x2 items. At least we can buy the 2x2 small volcanoes from the shop but nothing available for the 1x2 size! I don't understand why the Devs made this decision?! I bet many players including me would be happy to buy them!
    Hope they will change this or give us something useful!
    farmerumf and julie1013 like this.
  7. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    There are 1x2s available for BBs. It's designed to make you spend BBs.
  8. Carberot23

    Carberot23 Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for the info BlackCaviar......very "smart" move but no thanks! Now it make sense why we can't use the BC's for the Cloud!
    I don't mind spend the CC's but not the BB's.
    Will stick to the Mummies and make them when I can or rather use a good EP giver item if I have no choice.