Self Discipline

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by DarlingDaizy1, Jan 8, 2015.

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  1. DarlingDaizy1

    DarlingDaizy1 Active Author

    Sometimes I feel like I can improve on self-discipline.

    When I went to our family campout over Thanksgiving, one of my nieces shared with me that she has a bottle of Root Beer in her fridge.One day, she freaked out because it was gone. Her uncle had taken it and thoroughly enjoyed it. He asked her why he couldn't drink it. She mentioned that it was her self-discipline item. Each day that she opens that refrigerator door, she says no to the temptation. 8)

    Well! Needless to say, I was thoroughly impressed and motivated.

    A self-discipline item.... what would that look like for me? What is my most favorite item in the world? The one I struggle with most when I'm in need? My ultimate craving?

    Simple: CHOCOLATE!! :D

    I decided to take the last creamy, Harry & David's, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate truffle that I had and make it my self-discipline item.

    I have it placed on my desk right in front of me by the computer. Every time I am tempted, I pick it up, look at it, smell it, and say, "No!"

    Pretty cruel, huh! -.--.--.-

    Today, because I was stressed, it was especially difficult. Plus I'm on a new diet and I'm craving. You'd be proud of me... it is still right next to me. But I must admit it has been picked up many times today. :oops:

    What about you? Do you have something that helps you develop your self-discipline? Or am I the only weird one here? :music:

    Edit: edited to add more delicious adjectives. :D
    igotfrogs, daisy, JJenks and 3 others like this.
  2. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    Oh Blazie, I don't, but I should! I want what I want, when I want it.:oops: I'm terrible at waiting for anything.
    I need to find my own bottle of root beer, and work on that! Good luck with your truffle. I know you can resist it;)
    penguilnz, SillyGuy and DarlingDaizy1 like this.
  3. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I don't, but I really like the idea. I have no self-discipline whatsoever, especially with the internet! I recently downloaded an app (which I won't name) for computers where you can block certain websites for as long as you wish to set it for. It is so great for getting work done, however yesterday it wasn't working! So guess who spent all day on Farmerama....exceptionally stressed now!
  4. DarlingDaizy1

    DarlingDaizy1 Active Author

    Ahhh @-poppyseed- that's exactly why I do it. I'm the same way!

    And @squigglegiggle, I have to disagree with you. I've always admired how disciplined you are in not spending RM in this game! Lol. :D

    Your post made me laugh, though. xD
    This game is too much fun and great for relieving stress... :)
    until you realize that you are behind in RL and then get really stressed!! o_O
    Arielh and penguilnz like this.
  5. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    So true! And the thing is, I know I shouldn't be here, and I know how important it is that I get this work done I am. Once again. Crickey.
    penguilnz and DarlingDaizy1 like this.
  6. penguilnz

    penguilnz Forum Veteran

    My self-discipline item is...... Farmerama!

    Everytime I play farmerama I think of spending RL money. I go into the bank sometimes and...... thinking of buying the BB offers but...... did not buy.

    The End now, writing about BB and offers makes me want to buy them...:wuerg:
    Looks like my self discipline is really strong because I have been playing farmerama for 3 months and have not spent any real moneyxD
  7. DarlingDaizy1

    DarlingDaizy1 Active Author

    I'm impressed Penguin. Both you and Squiggle are so good at that. Me? I'm horrible with it. Hence, the chocolate. Do you know how many times I wanted to just take a nibble yesterday? Probably about 23 times. But I didn't. Yep! You can congratulate me if you want. I thrive on that (especially from my most favorite mentor).;)

    Congratulations to you for NOT spending money!! :D:D:D
  8. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Wow DarlingDaizy, that's some feat of achievement. Well my mother always says if you're good at something, stick with it. I am good at having no self-discipline therefore I am sticking with it xDxD.
    Dienstag, penguilnz, JJenks and 3 others like this.
  9. DarlingDaizy1

    DarlingDaizy1 Active Author

    Well then I must congratulate you!! Pats on back and hugs all around! ;)xD:p
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 9, 2015
    penguilnz and TCRooster like this.
  10. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I think for me, not spending RL money on this game is an action of necessity rather than choice. There was never any option or question for me of spending the money so I have learnt through the entire game how to get by without it. Because I've never considered spending. I've never bothered looking at what I could spend my money on, and I've never grown accustomed to playing with the benefits that spending RL money gives me, so I don't really know what I'm missing out on. I think that's when self-discipline becomes hard - when you know that you're missing out on something good.
  11. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    I had to learn about patience a different way:
    I live long periods of times in countries where the buses are leaving when they are full...
    That can take a long time if you have missed the monthly market day (that's when everybody moves to and from town).

    Breakdowns make me hungry, yet there is nowhere to get food right now (all provisions eaten already? everybody shared with everybody on the bus; strange foods sometimes and only explanations in a foreign language are offered...).

    Chocolate would be my first choice as well...
    Do I eat good chocolate whenever I can?
    Sure! I do everything I like whenever I can do it and afford it!

    Because in Thailand for example good fancy and imported chocolate is available at a horrendous price!
    The local "chocolate" is cheap to get but made in a way that it doesn't melt in the climate??? Another theory of mine...
    It has already the wrong consistency (let alone very little actual chocolate flavor?!).

    So I eat some extra chocolate now...
    In a few days I will sip fresh mango shakes under palm trees instead.
    And on occasion I might anticipate the moment that I can have affordable and tasty chocolate again.
    What I mean to say is that can visit an shop with AC anytime to look at good chocolates while I am there... but I won't.
    I rather look for something else that I can enjoy while I have the opportunity (and not to think about chocolate at all, if I can't have it anyway...).
    For my birthday I might get chocolates from my friends though. They always seem to end up raid the shop of german chocolates for my birthday and we all eat them together.
    Or cheeses?? Or wine??
    I usually ask for edible and drinkable presents anyhow.
    But wine and cheeses are even more difficult to find in the first place...
    Nothing to worry about: Instead of wine we would have "fancy" and cheaper cocktails!
  12. penguilnz

    penguilnz Forum Veteran

    no self-discipline?:eek::oops:

    having a great lol time nowxDxDxD
    TCRooster and DarlingDaizy1 like this.
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