Feedback Famerama's 5th Birthday: Teleport

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jan 30, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the Famerama's 5th Birthday: Teleport Event in this Feedback thread.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    The FAQ of the Event can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    Don't forget: You are also more than welcomed to join us and give your Feedback, or ask your questions in Chat!

    We are looking forward to your feedback!​

    Your Farmerama Team
    IVANCICA30 and abubadi66 like this.
  2. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I like the general idea behind this event but the execution had some big flaws.

    First, I have the LL rune open but the drop of batteries is still very low.

    Second, from the FAQs,

    "c) Cancel the task if you are unhappy with the random requirements. Cancelling the task is free, but in order to get a new task (new set of requirements), you need wait 2 hours for it to be reset for free, or reset it instantly for 2 BBs or 5 Timers. The skip price is reduced depending on the time left, but it will not go lower than 1 BB or 2 Timers."

    This is incorrect. I personally reset using both the 2 hour method twice and the BB payment twice only to have the quest ask for the very same thing each time!

    To add insult to injury, Bunnilyn Bunroe, by far the hardest of the 4 stars to satisfy, on completion of the third step gives a "sticker"!
  3. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    I'm really enjoying this event. It's great to have a new and interesting mechanism which tests our brains instead of just being 'sow, harvest, donate, repeat'. It's also great that it manages to challenge higher level players without asking for breeding animals. There are also some really worthwhile rewards part way along each track, so lower level players will get a lot out of it without needing all the drops. All very good points.

    I would have preferred a wider range of workshop products available, though. Also not quite such a difference in values for donated goods. 5-7 tree fruit is a trivially small amount. I think 50 - 100 would have been better, with perhaps 8 - 10 workshop products instead of 11 - 13.
  4. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    I read the FAQs leading up to the event and thought long and hard about starting this event or if I would.
    Did not care for the Randomness of the Game choosing which crop, animal, product, fruit it was going to pull out of my inventory.
    Likened it to writing 40 Blank Checks from my account, even with the Timer option. This I didn't care for this aspect and decided to not participate and instead decided to sell the needed/hard to get items that the event required. In the meantime I am continuing of building a stock of items for future quests.
    IVANCICA30 and CaliChrome like this.
  5. gggg806

    gggg806 Advanced

    I think that its nice to have variation, so this is a good event because its different

    That said, the drop rates for me are dreadful, and unless they improve, I won't finish which is disappointing.
    IVANCICA30 and CaliChrome like this.
  6. omadon

    omadon Junior Expert

    New frame is always interesting to calculate and strategize. :)

    Effect of "randomness" definitely needs improvement. In some cases, there are only 3-4 things that constantly rotate. Way too little. -.-
    On the bright side. You've included a lot of money in each finished step, which gives us opportunity to buy what we need.;)

    Additionally, there are unusual number of wonder stables and trees as rewards. My very best and favorite reward, of them all ! :inlove:xD
  7. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I agree about the randomness, but suspect the problem is that you are weighing the higher level items. That means more of an award, but also can be harder for people without prior stocks.

    I am not quite done with this event, but have gone far enough to comment.

    I like getting the older stalls and trees. True, I was not that thrilled by the Giblis, but only because I bought a bunch when they were offered. Its a good prize, particularly for anyone who did not get them the first time around. I have been using 1 wonder pen at a time, but am using the rest of the space for event items. (went ahead with trees since they take less

    IF I get the cloud row, I will be happy. However, I still don't see any better clarification on the fact that you need the other items to make the row work. For me, older players its no big deal, but I am sure a couple of newer players will be caught getting just the row and not realizing they need the other items.
  8. Laurelei

    Laurelei Forum Great Master

    I agree with the complaints about the random-ness. It's the same as the problem we were having (and still do, to some extent) with secret seedlings and stables where higher level players only get one or two types of stables or trees. In order to be truly random, high level players should sometimes need plain old eggs! Maybe because I'm a higher level player, I need a really large NUMBER of eggs, but I should have the "random" chance of getting ANY type of product. The player level would perhaps influence the VALUE or COST of the items needed, but high level people shouldn't only be getting timber and cookware...similarly with plants and animals.
  9. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I do like this event. It is actually interesting and not knowing what's coming next doesn't overly bother me. The animal requirements were very reasonable as were the trees and crops. However, the product requirement is just silly by comparison - and the same old 4 every time (even worse now you've "fixed" the workshop rune). I have all the products and it would be nice to be able to part with milk or chicken eggs. The rewards have been good so far, so it's just Bunnilynn that needs a stern talking to!
    IVANCICA30, SillyGuy, daisy and 8 others like this.
  10. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I also am enjoying this event for the most part. I would have to agree with the horrible drop rates being an issue. My LL rune is at 28%, and I'm still getting terrible drops. On my alt farm, after 4 days I've only gotten 378 batteries, even with a LL rune at 24%. I understand there are variables, but I planted cauliflower overnight, and got 25 batteries on one field, and 11 on another, that just doesn't seem right (keeping in mind that math and formulas are not my strong suit :p). I'm in hopes that as the event nears its conclusion, drop rates will pick up, as usually seems to be the case, or I'm in danger of not finishing on either farm:(. That being my only complaint, I will say that I also LOVE getting the wonder trees and mystery stables as gifts, and the increased amount is very nice indeed. I also like that the trees, at any rate, are from the most recent edition, so there's the chance of getting a blackthorn plum:). I like as well the ability to change the task if it's not to our liking, especially with the products. Much rather donate honey that I have tons of than wood that I have not much of. All in all, I'd say this is a fun event with great new twists.:inlove:
    IVANCICA30, SillyGuy, daisy and 5 others like this.
  11. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    To me it was fun, new and challenging event, the requirements are reasonable for the most part, but the challenge was in the fourth guest room, being level related made possible to all players to participate, the rewards are very good and the feature that allows cancelling was new and made me able to finish quickly, some may complain about the amount of products in room 4, but again with the cancelling I was able to donate 1 type of products nine times , only the drop rate of items was little low, but achievable to many players, I would say it is one of the smartest events BP had made and the less complains to get compared with previous events so far.
  12. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I hate not being able to partially donate - it's leading to silly mistakes whilst fulfilling FHO (like donating the aubretia to FHO in stead of the quest).
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  13. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I personally haven't participated in this event. The time requirements were too restrictive for my RL (which even 4 years later BP still doesn't seem to realise we have) and too taxing on my barn. Admittedly I am a poor player, not money wise but stocks wise, so this is likely a relatively isolated issue in comparison to the extensive number of players who can comfortably donate their own resources without being at a significant disadvantage after the completion of the event.

    Another issue for me, though, is the atmosphere. Call me old fashioned or backwards looking, but once again I much prefer the atmosphere of the early events - I'm talking 2010, 2011 - far more than this event, or many recent events. I feel that the first events I participated in really reflected that which they were celebrating, and it made the celebration for that event seem real. I don't really see what this event has to do with a birthday. It just seems like a regular old event coinciding with Farmerama's birthday - and it's awfully convenient to just call it a birthday celebration and get on with the day. The point is - does this really celebrate what it claims to? A halloween event should, and does, reflect halloween. Similarly, BP has been very successful in celebrating Christmas, with festive events. How does this celebrate a birthday? What is it's purpose?
    IVANCICA30, abubadi66 and Shimmer like this.
  14. djh99

    djh99 Regular

    I like this event even though I'm still struggling with the batteries. I particularly like the chance to cancel. I think this is a great innovation. Yes, bunny was a real challenge but that's what this game is all about for me. Without a challenge I probably would have stopped play after a few months, not 4 years and still happy and not bored. I can't spend money or play long hours so I really have to plan well. Thanks BP for a great game!
  15. kmellish

    kmellish Regular

    I generally liked the quest, prizes were good and I love the cloud row rewards. That Bunny though..... that was a bit harsh, particularly when you re-set numerous times just to get the same requirements and its not like those timers just drop into your lap. I paid BB's a few times to re-set and just got exactly the same requirements, once four times in a row. I feel it should have been made clear in the FAQ that there would be a good chance of this happening. Just reading the game strategy thread gives you a real sense of the frustration some players have experienced with this particular 'star' Not all players can afford to pay real money for this game and it just seemed a little bit 'cheeky' that in order to finish this quest and get the cloud row, all 'stars' had to be completed in order to get the final giver for the cloud and that realistically some real money would have to be spent to achieve this. I appreciate that BP are in the business to make money, and that also the game can be played 'free' or with real money and people have the choice with which way to go. It must also be understood that the games popularity also relies on both types of players and a balance somehow needs to be applied. I have noticed big changes in the last four months, improved challenges and rewards being one, but at the same time more events requiring real money to be spent on the game for players wishing to participate such as breeding events of which there is an ever increasing number of, and there is absolutely no way players can 'mill' enough power feed between these events even with the mill subscription which again requires real money in order to even hope to complete these.
  16. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    All in all I've enjoyed this event. The pluses for me are the amount and content of the trees and stables, the PF and SG, the choice to do one at a time or a bit of each or all at once etc., the quantities were reasonable in accordance with CC's gained although I do agree with the majority who think Miss Bunny was pretty harsh and there should have been more variety to the products you could hand in for sure!! I should be able to grow all the event crops(with the help of a lot of SG!) in time but I don't think I'm going to get enough batteries and totally agree with the majority yet again, that the drop rates were poor this time, I don't usually have a problem with them and I don't have the LL rune open either. I also totally agree with previous comments. We play this game for fun and entertainment..please don't spoil that by constantly expecting us to purchase items just to be able to finish an event or to at least get a decent reward and remember we all have real lives to live outside the farm...there needs to be a good balance to make it enjoyable for everyone!! There's been some really good changes recently so BP, please keep it up and please keep listening to your game communities!! :) Good luck to everyone aiming to complete this event...see you at the party! :)

    EDIT-I'm in the last hour of the event now. I have used over 400 SG, a lot of PF to hurry the workshops along and I still have had to buy the small pk of batteries to finish... grrrr. Normally I would've sacked the whole thing off for using all this stuff but halfway through I thought I'd be ok so decided to go for it so I wasn't going to give up three-quarters of the way through! A great event in many ways. It was fun to watch items go crazy on the market and I made a very tidy profit :) I must say and the cc rewards were good too. Just a shame about the cost in real money with all the stuff I needed to use to complete!! A nice variety of requirements but I agree the amounts for each one should've been looked at more carefully!

    EDIT-And breathe......event all done with just a few mins to go. Only just opened the Magical Stalk so this was my first cloud row and it's all full and waiting to be activated :))) A MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone that sent me batteries!!
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
  17. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    I love this event. It's still work in progress, because the drops seem low.
    The designs are great. It's fun to watch the "stars" materialising in their tasks and arriving at the table.
    I like the rest button. It was in the FAQ that there is the possibility to get the same task again. Ms. Bunnilyn was quiet expensive with her demands of koi fish, cook pots and ostrich eggs.
    It's also great to work on all "stars" simultaneously. Middle or lower level player can get some secret stables or seedling in just doing the first 6 levels and ignoring Ms Bunnilyn altogether.
    I also love that no breeding was asked for.
    The reward give lots of cc's that helps buying the things we need.

    Ms Bunnilyn could have more rewards since she asks for much more products/higher value. At least if you compare to the others. And she is needed to get the cloud row.
    Well that cloud is a lovely one.
    IVANCICA30, abubadi66 and daisy like this.
  18. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Where? I don't see it in the English FAQs.
  19. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    UPS, sorry . I didn't want to confuse.
    It's not in the English FAQ. I found it in the German, when I was looking if we can work on all tasks at once or have to do it one after he other.
    Well, that should have been clarified in the English FAQ. :(
    IVANCICA30, CaliChrome and abubadi66 like this.
  20. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    let go of the batteries bp let um go ya hear ? just let go its easy now try it
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