
Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Paganatheist, Jan 31, 2015.

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  1. Paganatheist

    Paganatheist Forum Apprentice

    Really think BP should go back to the old way of doing the cinema, the new way does not seem to work at all. The last two weeks I've been lucky to get one video a day, usually there aren't any. I know others have complained and BP's answer is they no longer have control over it, but I think BP should really do something about those who are supposed to supply the videos as it's becoming a redundant feature (at least it is in my game anyway). If not, then I think BP might as well get rid of it completely and put something else there instead that is actually usable. This is a great game but that change is really spoiling it for me right now.
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  2. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I don't think that getting rid of it is an answer. There is no reason why it should be ruined for all players just because it doesn't work for some. However I do agree that they should be providing more support for the cinema, or if they do not have the power to do so, talking to the suppliers of the clips to work out an arrangement. It's not fair to offer a feature that doesn't work, but it's also not fair to take it away from those for whom it works well just because there are some for whom it is redundant.
    IVANCICA30 and bygo_cris like this.
  3. Paganatheist

    Paganatheist Forum Apprentice

    I don't want bp to get rid of it, I'd rather they got on to the suppliers or it went back to how it was with just a few videos a day as there seemed to be less problems then. However I think if it can't be sorted somehow so it works and bp don't want to take responsibility for it, it's pointless having it and makes sense to put something else in for everyone to use and that bp do have control over. Kind of outside forces ruining it for bp to some extent as they're the ones getting the complaints!
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  4. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    I don't agree to get rid of it permanently. For some players who don't want to pay real money is a great help to win BB. Who doesn't like, may easily ignore the cinema. Just because some players don't want to have cinema, that doesn't mean we should think only to us not the other players too. I rarely can see a movie, but I'm glad when I manage to see one because I don't pay real money for BB. I'm ok withe the other ideas.
    IVANCICA30 and CaliChrome like this.
  5. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    I really think they should scrap it and stop the moaning. I'm lucky to see 5 films a year
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  6. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    Then how do you suggest we do more BB? Not all players have money for give to games. If you guys have such great ideas, first came with some good ideas for make BB.
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  7. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    As I said, I'm lucky to get 5 films a year, so it doesn't help me get BBs. Make it fair for everyone or scrap it. I get fed up with people moaning how they only managed to see 1 or 2 films a day.
    As it is impossible to make it fair, the best option is to scrap it.
    If you can't afford to buy BBs, that's your problem not BPs. There is enough free content in the game.
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  8. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    I'm like you. I also don't get much movies per year. But I'm happy when I recive and with that little movies BB I was able to buy wonder trees or stables. If you don't want to see movies anymore, just skip. Why your problem has to be everyone problem. It's not hard to skip; just don't click on cinema and that will fix the problem. I think there are other more important things to improve in game. Why we must be hindered on cinema? Always find something to complain regarding the game. And when there is nothing important to change, no problem, we will find something to complain.

    IVANCICA30 Regular

    I didnt see video for long time now and i look every day :cry::cry::cry: but i know in other BP game it can be up to 5 videos in day. i will be happy to get 1 video in weak or like it was before
    bygo_cris likes this.
  10. MissSmartyPants

    MissSmartyPants Padavan

    Jools if you feel that scrapping the cinema would lead to less complaining, you might want to seriously rethink that. Many people complain about the cinema, but I imagine a whole lot more would complain if it was taken away. Abolishing it completely just because it doesn't work for everyone seems both heavy-handed and drastic. In any case, some people will always find something to complain about. And other people will always complain about the complainers. ;):music:
  11. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    Me too. Sometimes I check 2-3 times in day and still nothing. But then, when it happens, I can se movies 2-3 days then nothing again for a long time.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 7, 2015
    penguilnz and IVANCICA30 like this.
  12. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    And it's a shame that your cinema does not work to its full potential. That should not mean that those of us who do have a working cinema, at least for the time being, should lose it. If you are not receiving appropriate benefits from the cinema then you are not losing if it goes, but for those of us who do get adequate rewards from it, it is a significant setback.
    Perhaps you are able to buy your BB using RL money (or perhaps you are not). But I cannot. I cannot spend my RL money on this game, so the cinema is my only source of BB income, aside from the very rare alternative. Why should I lose my working cinema just because your cinema doesn't work?
  13. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    I couldn't say it better ;)
  14. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    Before everyone had the cinema there were a lot less complaints. Now people constantly moan they watch films with no rewards. I didn't use to have it, but now that I do I might as well not for the number of films available.

    Scrap it and introduce something fair for everyone, like BBs on the farmwheel or from fuzzles
    Nellie_Noodles and IVANCICA30 like this.
  15. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    1. Just because you might as well not have the cinema doesn't make it a redundant feature for us all. I can appreciate that this is a frustrating situation for you, but I simply cannot accept the suggestion that I should lose a cinema that works perfectly well and benefits me greatly just because it is a feature that doesn't work for you, except in one situation which brings me to point 2
    2. If the cinema were to be removed and replaced with something "fair for everyone", this feature would have to be just as beneficial as the cinema. Ie, it would have to offer 3-4 BBs per day, like my cinema does. I should not have to lose the access to those 3-4 BBs per day just because your cinema does not work. If I am losing access to the cinema in order for the cinema to be replaced by a new source of BB income, I should not be given a less beneficial feature. Otherwise, it is a disadvantageous change. I can guarantee you that if players go from getting 3-4 BBs per day to a mere 1 or 2, they will absolutely not be satisfied.
    bygo_cris likes this.
  16. MissSmartyPants

    MissSmartyPants Padavan

    That's not particularly relevant. Of course there were less complaints before everyone had the cinema. But not having something to begin with is completely different than having it and then it being taken away.
  17. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Yes, there were a lot less complaints about the cinema for one very good reason: the cinema did not exist and therefore could not be complained about.
    Instead, what people complained about was the lack of BB income sources. BP solved that by introducing the cinema. Unfortunately, that cinema doesn't work for everyone. Now people complain about the fact that some cinemas are dysfunctional.

    No matter what BP does, people will complain - because the changes aren't going to suit everybody. But the number of complaints that existed before vs after is an entirely moot point, because the complaints are about entirely different things. My complaint about, say, events being too hard is entirely irrelevant to the difficulty of levelling up in the confectionery. They are two different processes, and the confectionery should not change just because of how many people complain about events. Similarly, the cinema should not change just because at a particular point before its existence, there were less complaints.

    It is surely quite evident that BP does not, and what's more, absolutely should not, work based on how many complaints exist at a certain time - they should work on fixing what those complaints are about. If someone breaks their arm, chopping it off doesn't solve the issue. It gets rid of the current issue and replaces it with a different, and equally as dysfunctional, problem. Similarly, getting rid of the cinema doesn't fix the cinema. It gets rid of one problem and introduces a new problem - which will elicit complaints not only about the fact that there are once again no ways to make the same amount of BBs, as well as complaints from those who had a working cinema that the function was taken away.

    Instead, BP should work on the functionality of the game. In some cases, the number of complaints will be correspondent to the dysfunctionality of a particular feature. In some cases, though, they are not. I certainly agree that the cinema needs to be fixed for some players, but entirely removing it from those who rely heavily on it, not to fix it but to lessen complaints for the sake of lessening complaints, is absolutely ridiculous.

    The number of complaints should not play any part in fixing or changing the game - whether or not the game functions correctly or appropriately should be the sole factor in changes or fixes that occur. If the number of complaints correspond to the issue, well, that's just a happy (or unhappy) coincidence. But irrelevant to whether or not that feature or process needs to be rechecked.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
    bygo_cris likes this.