Cloud Row Information

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by neily35, Apr 11, 2015.

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  1. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    When you mouse over the Circle for each row. Could you have the time when you can use again and what the row does? You can click it to activate it but if you hover over it again it don't show when you can reactivate it again, and it does not show what it does. Also when you click it after you activated it. It does not say you used it already you have to wait *time* till you can use it again. It shows nothing.
    farmingfreebird likes this.
  2. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    It already does tell you when you hover over it. For instance, I just hovered over a cloud row and it says 19 hours left.
    neily35 and SillyGuy like this.
  3. kmellish

    kmellish Regular

    I find it a bit 'hit and miss' .... Sometimes the time remaining is displayed when you hover over it and sometimes it is not, particularly when the countdown is close to being ready. Refreshing etc. does not seem to make any difference. I have just put it down to a 'glitch' which I do not see as particularly irritating so I just live with it.:oops:
    d5aisy, steph2014 and puppiesnponies like this.
  4. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Absolutely kmellish - it is certainly a system in need of fixing, however it is nonetheless a system already in place
  5. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    The system is only partly already in place, Squiggle. Neily also suggested that a cloud row description be visible when hovering over the circle, and I think that's a fantastic idea. Currently, the only time one can read a description of the cloud row is when it's ready to harvest. It would be great if a short description was given when hovering over the circle during the cooldown period.
  6. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Agreed. I was referring to the hover-over time calculator.
  7. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    Great Idea Neily35! It would be great if the entire mouse-hover function would display a lot more info than it does now, and for it to be FIXED instead of glitchy, that would be great too. You are right to make this suggestion!
  8. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    Yes but does it say what the row does/gives? I don't get a time either.
    farmingfreebird likes this.
  9. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    No. As I said above, I was only talking about the amount of time left.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 12, 2015
  10. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    the amount left is on your farm in the circle? :oops:
    farmingfreebird likes this.
  11. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I have no idea how it is for Squig, but for me: I have NO information when I hover on a cloud row, (anywhere) not on the timer either. No information on how long till reset, (one can see the leaves deminish, but that's not accurate at all) and no information on what the row does exactly. Only when it's NOT turned on, can one see this info.

    Could be way better!
  12. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    When the cloud row is activated I can get the number of hours left from hovering over the cloud row button (like squiggle said), but it can be a bit tricky, need to get it in the right place and sometimes wait a little.

    Completely agree that it would be good with more and more easily available info. Another thing that is lacking in my opinion is that before you activate the cloud row, the effect is shown, but not the cool down time :( sometimes that is convenient to know before activating.
  13. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I agree it would be beneficial to know all the row does and its cooldown before and after you activate. Now that we have cloudrows that do more than give EP/BEP/CC and that are tied to specific events (MM, breeding...) as well as tied to specific actions (EP givers, mill, workshops...)it is good to know when to activate it to get the most benefit. I guess I need to keep a list/spreadsheet of the rows and what they do (I think I saw someone posted one somewhere) to help keep track of it all.
    fifitrixiebell and -Mir85- like this.
  14. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    The circle on the cloud row. As Mir says, it can be tricky to get; it doesn't pop up all the time, and when it does, it only says number of hours, which can be fairly inaccurate/unspecific.
    -Mir85- likes this.
  15. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    I says the circle when your on your farm not at the beanstalk.
    farmingfreebird likes this.
  16. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I agree. I keep getting various row attributes mixed up. It would be nice if I could time specific features better without having to do my own chart (which is too much hassle)
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 12, 2015
    d5aisy and steph2014 like this.
  17. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Do you mean the circle where all remaining times for events/features is shown? (for instance, where we see how much longer our buffs will run for)? If you have a lot of cloud rows this could get very long; it would be more compact and easier to use if the information was displayed in the beanstalk. The idea to have this info is excellent, though. I strongly agree.
  18. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    yes, But I would also like to see How much time left to reactivate the buffs again. And what the row does would help too. when you hover of the circle. Like you know how when you place stuff in the game and it shows What it is, how much exp you get, how long it takes to grow, and the category. Now why can't we get this feature on the Cloud rows. You can only see what the row does when you can enable it. I would like this feature.:)
  19. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Yes, I've already agreed with you that these would be useful (when you say buff, do you mean cloud row?) Perhaps there is just miscommunication here;

    When you said this:
    I thought you meant the circle on the main farm, not the circles next to each cloud row (ie. the circles you click to harvest).

    I responded with this:
    Meaning that the button on the main farm (where we see the amount of time remaining for buffs) would end up getting very long if the amount of time left for cloud rows was added to it (as I thought you had suggested in the above quote).

    However, I also said this:
    Meaning I fully agree with the information you want added.
  20. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    thank you. Sorry for the confusing.
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