I want to fatten your wallet friend! *Need Medlar*

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Griff303, Apr 13, 2015.

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  1. Griff303

    Griff303 Active Author

    Hey ya'll!

    I just wanted to thank everyone for participating in this thread! I reached my goal today of 300+ medlar berries, and things worked out beautifully! Therefore I am unofficially closing this thread. (can it be done?? :p)

    "Special Thanks" to abubadi66 and -Mir85- for helping to explain some things about market numbers and such. You guys were very helpful!

    Keep supporting each other on the forum and in-game!

    Smiles, :) :D :)


    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
    wolfeyesone and IVANCICA30 like this.
  2. grllvs2hnt

    grllvs2hnt Padavan

    I have 150 I can place on the market. USA; ET time zone....
    EDIT.....it seems that there are already a bunch on the market...oh well...Happy Farming!!!
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  3. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    The only help you can get is from players who have access to your market, first have a look and know what market you are on, other wise you can't have any deal, there is a lot of markets here, I have many meddler berries, I am on market 24 and I like to help, but I see that is difficult, if you don't know your market number, there is a FAQ and many threads that can tell you how to find out your market, the other issue is that when some one put some items on the market, there may be somebody who is watching the market and jump in and grab them, so you need to be careful here.
  4. sewinglady

    sewinglady Exceptional Talent

    Griff303 - you might want to tell the number of your market. Others here have said that if you look at the price of Golden Leaves - the particular price of 88.88 - however many leaves are listed (in my case it is 9) gives you the server number for your market. So I'm on nine...and only another farmer also on nine could sell to me and vice versa. So let the others know what number server you're on and maybe someone will have your Medlar berries. I have not been prospered with one of those trees up to this point, so I'm no help, unfortunately.
  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    You just have to buy them at whatever price there is. There are many markets.
  6. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    They are going for 255 each on my market. Why would I sell to you for less?
  7. Griff303

    Griff303 Active Author

    Well, if you are selling well, no problem - stick to your number. But medlar isnt particularly useful for much...so there wont be many people interested. I can guarantee to buy at least 300. Its instant sales for slightly less price, rather than waiting forever at current market prices.

    Thank you for the suggestion. I had noticed that even in the servers, markets didn't seem to line up. I haven't looked up how to change, but will be sure to do that and edit ASAP. I guess that would make a huge difference - thanks for the tip ; )

    Thanks for you help, I would be sure to get the time zone and a time if anyone is interested... If we meet on the same market while we are both online the likelihood of someone snatching up our deal is very slim.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 14, 2015
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  8. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    Actually I saw it happens to many people, the instant they put the item, it was grabbed by some one else, any way did you get you market number?
    IVANCICA30 and Sweet_Cassiopeia like this.
  9. Griff303

    Griff303 Active Author

    Ouch, sorry for them :eek:
    Anyway, I checked how it said, and apparently I am in market 11. So how does that change? Does each market always have that many items of goldleaf? If I bought one would I go to 10? I need to research this.
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  10. sewinglady

    sewinglady Exceptional Talent

    If you're on 11, that's the market you're always on. I don't believe you can change markets. So now you just have to find someone willing to sell you Medlar Berries on 11.
    IVANCICA30 and abubadi66 like this.
  11. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    Sewinglady you are absolutely wright, I have been playing for around 4 years now and my market is the same, never changed, I believe when we join the game we are auto assigned to a market that belongs to the nearest server to our locations, I am in the middle east, the people from market 24 are all Europeans, I guess the nearest server to middle east is in central Europe.

    Griff303, it depends on the offers by the players who are selling, I remember there was times when the gold leaf tree was rare and the prices were much higher, I remember that in the beginning when I joined, to know my market number I had to put an offer of gold leaf at the price of 88.88 cc then I can see my market number, now it has changed, maybe the offer that we see at the price of 88.88 cc is an indicator to show market number is a random computer generated name designed by the game developers.
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  12. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    abubadi, the gold leaf offers is an invention by players, initially to figure out how many markets there are. So there are players who put out these offers every week. They have a thread in the German forum :)

    Griff, it is not the number of offers, but rather the number of gold leafs in each offer (so buying some of them doesn't change anything). As others have said, you are assigned to a market when you start the game, it is not possible to change this. Also, I don't think it is strictly geographical, if you start different farms, they typically end up on different markets. You can try to ask farmer_broke how many markets he has farms in :p

    Here is an illustration, my market number is 22:

    Last edited: Apr 14, 2015
  13. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    Thank you, I was guessing, I think you know better since you are watching the German forum, I have one question may be you can answer, these players, do they have access to all the markets so they can always keep that offers all time available so every one can see the market number let us say there is around 30 markets, does that mean there is a player or players at market 1 who keep offering 1 gold leaf and other players at market 30 that they put offers of 30 gold leafs and so for all the markets in between, and another question because I got this idea while I am writing this, in my market (24) the is now 7 packages of 24 gold leaf, so if I go now and buy these 7 packages', what will happen, are they going to be replaced later and until then nobody can see the market number until some player put these offers again, it may sound silly, but have any one tried that, I am asking this because I am curious, it is not my intention to debate:music::music::music:
    farmlily3 and IVANCICA30 like this.
  14. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Yes, that is right abu :) (can I call you abu or do you prefer abubadi?)

    They call themselves market watchers. There is two for each market. They offer gold leafs at 88.88 (the quantity is the market number) and pears at 120,xx where xx is the market number. If you buy all their offers, no one in your market will find their market number until they make new offers. They check every day to make sure the offers are still there.

    The market numbers go from 1 to 40, but there are only 32 markets, so some numbers are missing, there is for instance no market 23.

    Here is the market watchers thread (in German) if anyone is interested :)
  15. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    That's beautiful, you proved to me that you are well informed, and accurate observer, and you deserve all the good things other players speak about you, you earned my respect and admiration, you can call me what ever you like, I do not prefer abu for 2 reasons, first it sounds Indian, not that I have any thing against Indians, second the world abu in our language is a prefix so it does not come alone, it sounds like unfinished word, but I don't mind if you want to use it.
    IVANCICA30, CaliChrome and farmlily3 like this.
  16. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Dear abubadi :) of course I will not call you something you don't like :oops:

    It is true, I like to be well informed :p thank you so much for your kind words :)
    IVANCICA30, abubadi66 and farmlily3 like this.
  17. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    My association with abu comes along with ibn and bint in the form of many, many Arabian horse names. I was always told that abu and ibn were associated with "son of" or something along those lines and bint was daughter of. I have always thought of them as Arabic. Please correct me if I have been told something incorrect.
    IVANCICA30, abubadi66 and farmlily3 like this.
  18. Griff303

    Griff303 Active Author

    Thanks for the illustration... it was very helpful. So last I counted their were 11 market offers so I took that as my number. However upon recently checking I saw 10 offers of 10...So market ten.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 15, 2015
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  19. Griff303

    Griff303 Active Author

    Thank you guys for all your help related to the markets! Now I really would appreciate some peep FROM market 10 to reply. Awesome that you Mir and abubadi are being so respectful, keep it up!

    300 Medlar guys!

    IVANCICA30 and abubadi66 like this.
  20. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    You are correct, no need for correction, just little explanation on the use of these words, I was planning to post an intro for myself in the players introduction threads, and I was going to start by telling about my farm name, just got overwhelmed with things lately so I did not do it yet, if you are interested, we can continue this subject but not on this thread, so say yes and we should meet at Gabfest.
    IVANCICA30, CaliChrome and kmellish like this.
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