Czech Roots Strategies

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by SillyGuy, Apr 13, 2015.

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  1. farhana

    farhana Forum Mogul

    what a start! >:(
  2. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    LOL Bhodo! I don't know how you can sit there while everything is ready to harvest! I did a partial harvest this morning, leaving my Glades (which will remain in situ!) and my islands (they are full of trees which will come out as soon as the event eventually starts)! That left lots of space for chickens (with roses round the edges) as I am really short of them and can top up the CC balance with them and the poo. So I may not have a brilliant drop rate but it should be somewhere in the middle. :p

    The only time I can leave the farm unharvested is when I have a 6.00 am start at work and even then my FOCD really has to be kept in check! xD
    spotsbox, CaliChrome and Arielh like this.
  3. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    ..-.-..about 8hrs of idle and now after I logged on, I find out that I have another 1hr to go before I can harvest...-.-...soooo not impressed...can you imagine how much chickens I could have racked up with Orange Stables and 3 Fields...:p..not to mention the poo...:cry:...should have just ignored the "drop requirements" and just believed that I would have been able to make it...:cry:
    spotsbox and Arielh like this.
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    117 drops from the first harvest, seems good
    pepsishot, abubadi66 and -Mir85- like this.
  5. kmellish

    kmellish Regular

    My fingers had been twitching all morning, desperate to harvest three fields of raspberries and the island field of ginger, but I resisted. Have now just harvested and snagged 124 of those nice shiny stones :)
    spotsbox, Arielh and -Mir85- like this.
  6. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Finally The Czech Event has started after two hour delay. So I have harvested my lovely farm. As it kindly gave me 171 Red Garnets. Nice Start to this Event and Look forward to getting those Wolf Pens and Bahm EP Givers and Cloud Row and Those Party Spins Helps with New Mini Event 2nd Scarcrow is an Bahm EP Giver Too :D

    Hope Make Some nice CC selling some Chickens, Goats and Pigs. The Hop Deluxe will be eating away you Barn of Manure Gulp

    But for Those Who cannot or struggle with this Event I would do some Growing of Chickens or Goats and Sell the poo for good cc ;)
    Arielh likes this.
  7. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    I woke up at 8 this morning (central time here in my part of Texas) and noticed the event had not started. I just closed the laptop and went right back to dreamland for an hour. I woke up to an event and have 30 minutes to harvest my Marjoram. I'll try for everything in this event, but it won't bother me to not have everything. First order of business will be the wolf dens as I don't have any. Then the CR. I have trophies and try to bring them up when I can, but at 56 drops from my morning harvest seems pretty dismal when compared to the other numbers I am seeing! I'll just keep plugging away and see what I get. Good luck everyone!
  8. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    I'm sleepy. this few days I had not got much sleep. So, when I'm waiting for the
    2 hr postpone event start. I just fall asleep. I woke up 15 min after event start.
    But I feel too sleepy that I can't got my brain clear to harvest my crop.
    After near 1 hr of struggle. I at last got myself wake up & do the harvest & planting.
    Now, wasting 1 hr of initial event planting. I don't know how much I could do before
    I fall asleep again!
    spotsbox and CaliChrome like this.
  9. pepsishot

    pepsishot Forum Expert

    Not the best start to an event but I've had worse so I won't complain. At least the first harvest gave me 115 drops. By plan is to finish the silver levels and start backward with the levels I need to get and fill the cloud row. If I have time and feel like it I'll go back and get the other ones. Without stars I'm less interested in a full completion, like everyone else.

    Off to research 4H record book designs for my daughter while I wait for my first round to be ready....
    spotsbox likes this.
  10. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Between some neighbor gifts and drops, I have 111 garnets garnered this morning. :)
  11. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I have to say the delay worked perfectly for me! (sorry guys).:p I am on Pacific daylights savings usually I wake up and am several hours behind all of you.:eek: After my 1st harvest, have 138 garnets (I wish they were real!!!):music:
    I'm going full throttle for the event....another toughy! I do want the CR!!!

    Good luck to all!;)
  12. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I am going to throw my howies away. I got 12 (!!) drops. level 94 fields... and loads of howies on each field.... nah.
    labmommy30 likes this.
  13. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    What in the world is wrong with your drops? I would post in tech to see if it is possibly a visual glitch. I am a player who has hoped for howies since the beginning (still have none) so I don't have any direct observations but aren't they supposed to increase drops 5%? That combined with your trophies should have given you oodles of gemstones. I hope it gets better for you....teddy will check into it for you if you ask....
  14. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    Oh, a sleep brain screw!
    I had forgot to activate 2 CR, the increase event drop & +30% BEP EP
    thus I got 101 drops.
    But I still satisfied. since start time original is 14:00 CET. I could not plan Carnation.
    I plant onions on MF (low on stock) & Begonia on 2 other field. (highly EP)
    If there is no delay of time. It will perfectly to harvest on 14:00 CET.
    Right now. Got lessen drop due to postpone of time. Further waste 1 hr due to a
    sleepy unclear brain!
    CaliChrome likes this.
  15. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend


    Better go to sleep. You can join the race tomorrow. Plant some overnight crops and all the available event crops. Any way at the end of the event you are going to plant the whole lot of fields with roses for drops. There are always supergrows and other things to aid you for event crops. Do not skip your sleep
    spotsbox and CaliChrome like this.
  16. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    thanks 12ss12 for your advice
    Hope that I could see your post much earlier.
    But I had planted my 90 Majoram. on 2X2 plot with SG, 55min later I could harvest
    them. If I go to bed it will be a big waste! So, I will struggle to keep awake for 1 hr more.
    spotsbox and 12ss12 like this.
  17. Tinni

    Tinni Padavan

    I got just 58 drops at the start of the event. :( Hoping the rate improves for me later on. I only have to worry about the drops, because I have the fruit and the animals and I should be able to manage the event crops.
  18. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    That doesn't sound too bad just under three hours into the event. I have a similar amount on both farms but I don't set it up like most do to take advantage of drops (it has proved to be a bit disastrous to me but I just can't "not farm" for six hours lol!). :p

    Check how many you have had at the 24 hour stage and you will see how well you are doing drop-wise. ;)

    Good luck all! :)
  19. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Well... I keep getting logged out of farms. It's been two hours now and no farming to speak of.

    My plan yesterday...
    To collect everything before donating anything. Then decide. I'm still recovering from minor surgery, one down, two more to go. I thought I'd be feeling better by today but... So resting. I have one AFK day scheduled for post-op. Not sure about the rest of the week.
    Not sure if I have all the regular stuff in stock.

    I did have some other comments but can't remember them now... *sigh*

    Happy farming, y'all! Despite BPs best efforts...
    hatzeva, spotsbox, crzyjoyce and 2 others like this.
  20. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Am I wrong or hops dl are not actually yielding any B-EPs in Baha? That's so annoying. Yet another thing to consider.
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