Where is home/land?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmerlily22, May 26, 2015.

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  1. dgirl_200

    dgirl_200 Padavan

    I live in upstate NY USA
    MARLYMAR, hatzeva, abubadi66 and 7 others like this.
  2. alexis2112

    alexis2112 Forum Pro

    And I'd trade most of them to live in the East Midlands where you do, fifitrixiebelle. :inlove: :)
    MARLYMAR, farmerlily22 and IVANCICA30 like this.
  3. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    Wow I'm amazed by the the beautiful pictures in this thread:inlove:. So many places I would like to see:)

    I live in Denmark about 100 km from Copenhagen.
    MARLYMAR, 100keltic, hatzeva and 8 others like this.
  4. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    Ah but I didn't state where in the East Midlands alexis..I wasn't sure how precise we're allowed to get! Admittedly there's some lovely countryside not that far from here but the town where I live is no great shakes!
    MARLYMAR, alexis2112 and IVANCICA30 like this.
  5. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Overlooker

    Here's a Venice Beach In Venice!!
  6. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count


    Seoul at night ^_^
    Barkingcat, MARLYMAR, Bree and 14 others like this.
  7. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Overlooker

    Our honeymoon is ending, and its time to tell the truth
    How can I tell farmlily there is only half a roof!!
    Oh farmerlily22, Why did you start this thread?
    Now farmlily3 will see where she'll rest her head!!
    piskica, Bree, *stargazer* and 16 others like this.
  8. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Brilliant :D You gave me such a good laugh xD

  9. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    This is going to be long

    Hi, I am originally from Palestine, but I was born in Jordan, I have the Jordanian nationality, and now I live in Saudi Arabia for work for the last 26 years, I go home every 2 or 3 years to visit my family, now I am home in vacation.

    For you who doesn't know where is Jordan: Jordan is a small country in the middle east founded at 1947 as a state then became a kingdom, we were under the British rule until 1956 then they grant us independence, Jordan was called the east bank because it is at the east bank of river Jordan and Palestine was the west bank, now it is the country of Israel, on our borders to the north is Syria, south is the red sea, and to the east there is Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq, we share borders and entrances with all these countries by land.

    Jordan is a small country in size, total population is around 6 millions now, but it has a very long history, it is biblical place that witnessed a lot of events over the centuries since the days of Abraham and Lot and many many wars over the history where the ancient civilizations used it as a battle field to settle their issues, the most ancient civilization existed there was the Nebateans which we call Al-Anbat, there ancient city of Petra still exists as a ruins, it is a major tourist feature dated for 4000 years back, it is recorded in the bible, carved from stone, and John the Baptist was imprisoned and executed there, finally it had been chosen as one of the new 7 wonders of the world, also another major location is very famous for it's history, it is the dead sea, the lowest point on earth and the highest percentage of salt and minerals in the water, that's why it is called the dead sea, no fish can live there, it is a spa known for its ability to help with curing some skin diseases, it is provided by water from the river Jordan which is almost drain by Israel for agriculture, so the water level is decreasing until it is a two big pools now, and swimming is very easy, nobody can be drown in that water, even when it was full, also it is over the location of the two cursed cities Sodom and Gomorrah, according to the book of Genesis, some claims that the salt statue of Lots wife still there in some cave but it is not official.

    We have a lot of Greek, Roman, Jewish, and Islamic historical sites that serve as a major tourist attractions, now enough of that, I know it was long, let see some pictures:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    1- First photo, City of Amman, the capital.
    2-Second photo, Hadrian's gate at Amman, A Roman building since the time of Christ.
    3-Third photo, a view to the city of Jerash, with the Roman way of Columns, and the new city in the back and some pastors, sheep is our major cattle here.
    4-Forth photo, a view to mount Nebo, a very high places, it is the location where Moses was shown the promised land -edit-

    Finally, I have 8 more beautiful pictures I like to share, but in another follow up, only if you like, if you think it is enough say so and I shall stop.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 2, 2015
  10. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    Abubadi, please continue. The history is especially interesting. I've wanted to visit Petra for a long time, but never got any closer than Turkish Cyprus. Reading your post is almost like being there. Thank you for the adventure.
  11. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    Eeeeeek! :eek: Oh, David! Why didn't you tell me?!:eek:o_O
    It's boots I'll need, don't you see?
    And Oh! Where, oh where, are my jeans!
    And food?? Right! Tonight will be....Beans!!

    No, David, no - this just will not do!
    There's no where to wash, not even a Loo!
    Wait! There, in the background, that huge tree!
    Why.......a perfect Treehouse it could be!

    Yes! I'd rather be Up high, sitting pretty
    (Than in that old shack that looks like Snake City!!)
    Looking out over our land, making a plan
    What can we do with it? Is it all hardpan?

    Will we graze it or plant it, or make it paradise?
    We'll work together, from sunrise to sunrise!
    With like-minded purpose...it will be our endeavor
    To make it our Home forever and ever!
    Yes, a Treehouse - how exciting! To overlook our domain.
    As a team we will make it a place of great gain.
    And a cook's kitchen we'll build, and a very large bed,
    For we'll need lots of children to help run this spread!

    Oh, David Dear - why didn't you tell me...
    What a beautiful future - to live in a tree!
    To build something wonderful, hand in hand,
    How did you know what to give me that would be so Grand!!:inlove::inlove:
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015
    MARLYMAR, Bree, farmerlily22 and 10 others like this.
  12. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Nice response Lily--I like how you turned your lemons into lemonade. Most brides would have been so very unhappy that their husbands provided such an 'airy' home. LOL Nice backup plan for a treehouse.

    David - you got yourself a gem:)

    I was going to suggest you visit a financial planner - How to make CCs- but maybe you bought your lovely dream home in Market bargains?:p
  13. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    Great poem farmlily3 and abubadi that was a very interesting post!
  14. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Overlooker

    I Paid good money for this I will have you know PnP (well $40 and a box of cherries)
    are you trying to tell me something dear?
    I don't want to hijack this thread any more so lets continue in Wanted: Game Spouse.....
  15. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    abubadi66 - I very much enjoyed your post. I love hearing about where fellow players are from and learn that little bit extra about that particular country/region/town where they are from.

    I’m a lover of Jordan since about 25 years but for me, at the time it was not possible to visit. I lived right of the border, on the Israeli side for years = I was a Persona non Grata, at the time. But I believe things have changed since, good! I do remember Jordanian TV having an English speaking channel that showed English films at 22.00 every night. We loved it!

    Also I remember the Jordanian Postal Service.

    That’s some of my Jordanian memories! Take care :)
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  16. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    Wow, I did not think it would be interesting, I am sorry I wrote something the moderators considered it a religious thing and had to be censored, but what I meant was just a historical facts even if it is biblical. thank you mindy1701, fifitrixibell and hatzeva for your words, and for you who like to see Petra, I prepared a set of photos for that, but it was not fair to post it with the rest, so the next post shall be about Petra, just need to upload the images and I will be back soon.
  17. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Overlooker

    Yes please abubadi, keep both the pictures and the descriptions coming. you have a way of bringing your country to life for us. Well done!
  18. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The city of Petra was lost in history, because it was isolated between mountains and have only one entrance, a tunnel of about 3 kilometers long, which made it immune to all infiltrations and raids, the name Petra is a Greek word means stone, the same as peter (rock), the Romans conquered Petra by the only mean they could use, the sent a spy who spied the water sources and so they poisoned it, so the city fall, and parts of it were destroyed, the romans build some buildings there, their famous columns and the theatre which was used by gladiators, then they left, and the city were forgotten and left to decay, and the wind elements to eat the stones, the stones color was rose, so it was called the city of rose, it was rediscovered in the early nineteenth century were there were some bedews tribes using it to raise there horses, it became a major attraction and many movies were shot there like Indiana jones and the last crusade, now it has around 10 entrances hidden between mountains known only to the local tribes, the visitor needs 3 days to see all the parts in Petra, but one day is enough too see the most important sites, after crossing the tunnel which is called the seeq, you come to face the major building which is the treasury, you can see the photo with the candle lights, the tunnel is the second form the bottom, there is a photo also called the roof top were you can see a man sitting on a natural curved stone which was curved by no man and you can see the roman theatre in the middle, I hope you will enjoy these rare photos, since the normal camera can't capture this kind of photos because the buildings are huge and all curved in the mountains.

    Edit: I had visited Petra 2 times, and I hope to go again and see it, but it need a lot of walking, or riding, and both are difficult for me, but if any wants to go there he can walk, ride a horse, a wagon, or a camel if you are not scared of camels, there is a special way for riding camels and when the camel rise or sits down, there is a big chance to fall down if you are not holding tight, he leans and swing, and it is kind of scary.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  19. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    Really fascinating stuff, Petra is amazing looking. I remember thinking that was a set when I saw Indiana Jones and then finding out it was a real place was amazing.
  20. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    abubadi66, What a beautiful place with so much history. Thanks for sharing them. I would love to see it in person one day and can imagine a camel ride would be quite adventurous. :)
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