Strategy: Friendship Event: Party Animals!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by austg, Jul 22, 2015.

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  1. austg

    austg Someday Author

    Starts: Friday, 24th of July at 14:00 CEST
    End: Thursday, 30th of July at 14:00 CEST
    Difficulty: Medium
    6 days = 144hrs

    Current time in CEST (Central Europe time zone)

    Mill Item (15min)
    = 180 Friendship Cakes (10xYellow Roses, 2xFriendship Potions, 15xWheat, 20xBlackberries)
    You can produce it in both Mainland and Bahamarama Mill - total 2,700min or 45hrs
    Drop Item and Gift
    = 945 Friendship Potions (585 Friendship Potions + 360 for Cakes)
    Roughly 185 per day over 6 days
    Event Crop (4hrs) =11250 Yellow Roses (9450 Yellow Roses + 1800 for Cakes)
    Plantable on the Main land, Magical Glade, Green Meadow and Bahamarama (all fields)
    Total 1x1 per field - Meadow 202; Main 202 ; Glade 184*; Baha 188* (*if all 4 sections open*)

    180 Friendship Cakes
    945 Friendship Potions
    11250 Yellow Roses
    240 Rabbits
    360 Apples
    3600 Blackberries = all for Cakes
    480 Mirabelle Plums
    720 Sunflowers
    1440 Walnuts
    2940 Wheat = 240 Wheat + 2700 for Cakes

    SOS Friendship Event Drop Items/Friendship Potions
    thank you illy1996
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2015
  2. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    Thanks for posting the info Austg!

    After a bit of a scuffle in the market this morning I was able to snag enough plums while they were still at a reasonable price to cover me. I need to raise some rabbits as I'm low cause I've been selling them but I have everything else. My one little Mirabelle plum tree is going to be mulched and zapped with SSG quite a few times over the next few days in hopes of my selling some plums while the price is high.

    I just got all my trees put back out so I'm not looking to rip those out again. I think I'm going to try to grow the roses using the full main and partial on all the other fields and leave all my trees out. Hopefully with CAC I will be able to grow all those crops and will just have to see if the drop rate is enough on a 4 hour crop. I will probably grow a long term crop on the overnights to increase drops.

    Good luck to all!
  3. austg

    austg Someday Author

    This is probably a strategy all farmers might be using but just in case
    Plant longest crop on all 1x1 to be ready when event starts Friday at 14:00CEST
    Using CAC, suzy's and SG on the initial 10 plants
    Round #1 10 seeds planted in 2X2's yields 90
    Round #2 90 seeds planted in 2X2's yields 810 (more than enough for all fields to transfer to 1X1's or use less SSG/SG on crops)
    Once I get to 588 seeds plant all 1x1 on the Meadow, Main and Glade repeat 6/7 times and you will have all event crop; or use Baha to speed it up - then can move on to plant longer crops to maximize drops.
    Copied parts from AnnTAngel7 post in The Big Book fo "WHY????"

    Also this link is for the time converter I use

    This event seems/as usual drops will be the problem high amount per day requirement.
    Or not having walnuts/plums and not enough cc to buy them.
  4. Tinni

    Tinni Padavan

    I was able to buy a few plums before running out of CC's and now am trying to get my sole tree to yield as many of them as it can. :oops:

    I have no rabbits, had bred them during BB day. Will start raising them as soon as my current crop can be harvested. Need a few walnuts as well. I am worried about the drops and the mirabelle plums.
    Of course if they have a drop rate similar to the Outfoxed event, things will work well. :D
    labmommy30, alexis2112, austg and 2 others like this.
  5. omadon

    omadon Junior Expert

    Quantities needed for all 3 deco + CR, together with requirement for milling item:
    7970 yellow rose
    739 friendship potion
    1870 wheat
    360 apples
    480 mirabelle plums
    240 rabbits
    720 sunflower
    720 walnuts
    2440 blackberries

    Friendship cake 122 (informative - 30.5h in single mill, with no buffs)

    Good luck to you all!
    labmommy30, 12ss12, marumo247 and 7 others like this.
  6. SeverineSnape

    SeverineSnape Forum Apprentice

    Hello @ all :)

    Thanks austg for posting the numbers and requirements :)

    I agree, the problem might be the drops and for some the large amount of mirabelle plums and rabbits (which at least can be raised til event starts).

    The roses are nothing to worry about, 4 hours, "only" 11.250 in 6 days, less than 2k daily average and 4 fields to grow them...

    The main issue might be the drops and the milling. To finish all tasks 180 cakes have to be milled, net milling time 45 hours (not counting off cloud row, rune or mill subscription).

    I will nuke my first seeds with CAC, water, manure, SG and SSG on 2x2s as usual, second round on 2x2s with water only, then switch to 1x1s with water.
    No rose planting overnight, a long term refined crop instead for drops, also (as always xD) not ripping my farm apart.

    I will go for the items and the cloud row first, (1 gold and diamond and 5 diamond are optional and will be finished last).
    Thanks omadon for the numbers on that :inlove:

    Good luck with crops, critters and drops, have a wonderful time :)
  7. alexis2112

    alexis2112 Forum Pro

    Good luck, everyone, too many events in a row for me - it's getting to be work instead of pleasure. I'll grow and sell and give this one a pass. :)
  8. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    I'm incredible lucky that I happen to have all the items for this one. It was a pitched battle to get the 200 mirabelle plums I needed when the event was first announced but I did manage to get them. Now I'm just raising some extra of every thing to sell and to start replacing the stock I'm going to be using. I'm not taking my trees back out either as it was quite the chore getting them all put back out and arranged after I finished the last event.

    I'm most concerned about drops that's a lot needed per day and with only a 4 hour crop going it could be very tough to get them.

    Good luck to all! :D
  9. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I currently have 2.5 fields of blackberries growing and the other half filled with xxl walnut and mirabelle plums; I actually have enough for the event but seeing as they want so many figured I'd take advantage of market craziness! As for rabbits, well I just milled a whole load of anaconda feed -.- so I guess they'll be out tomorrow. At least I can collect the poop!xD
  10. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    I happen to be in a good position for all donation items except rabbits. Like TCRooster, I went on an anaconda feeding frenzy and reduced my stocks somewhat! :eek: I will do my second harvest of those pens tonight; then get comfort fields and carnations set up for early drops.

    My habit of keeping at least one of each rare or product producing tree on the fields at all times has saved me on the mirabelles and walnuts. I had plenty, plus some to sell - which will probably go to pay for manure!:)

    Happy planning everyone!
  11. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    By connecting last events with this one, I guess we can now figure out what developers mean with the difficulty grade rating they have been lately publishing in OAs, provided there's a logic to it -we shouldn't assume this as a given, though: I think we all know why-.

    This one is labeled as "medium", as the last one -Outfoxed- was. Go figure. It's obvious then that, since Outfoxed was bountiful on event drops, but utterly restricted in terms of both the amount of event's crops they asked for, the time window for getting them and the lands over which they could be grown, its "medium" difficulty rating really meant, in their encrypted lingo: if you want to get this event fully done, your call will be between not sleeping decently or wasting all your SG, or buying our baskets, but, don't worry, event's drops will downpour. And so it was. An offer we couldn't refuse.... LOL.

    Therefore, since this event -Friendship whatever- allows all non-barren lands to be used, it's only one 4hs-base growth time event crop, of which we should get just double of what was asked for in Outfoxed of just one of the event's crops but we are given roughly 30% more land from which we can get the requirement done and triple the time to do so, "medium", in this case, can only mean one thing: event's drops will be lousy.

    If this reasoning is correct, then it's event's drops what we should worry about. Milling timings -though total requirement is really high- shouldn't be hard to plan: both mills are available, allowing us to run multiple parallel batches if we wish to (now I recall the other restriction Outfoxed had: only Farm's mill was allowed to be used). Rabbits shouldn't be a problem: rabbit pens are cheap and you can even raise the critters while the event is running: lots of room for doing that (but if you choose to do that, your event's drops will be worse), and almost 2 days ahead start to get as much prepared as possible. Mirabelle plums and walnuts are a problem but you can bet market will provide. So, 2 days, if needed, to buy them and/or making the CCs with which to buy them, if you're short on them.

    So, I wouldn't hope event's drops will be nice. But, if in the end they are, then their difficulty rating means actually nothing and has none or very little underlying logic. I wouldn't be surprised if that's finally the case. At least, we'll know we can safely disregard that rating as a useful clue in any sense from now on.

    Regarding the givers and the CR, I'll most probably place all of them in Shipwreck Island. What I would lose in EP-terms is not so so much. But the difference owls or any pets would yield over these items placed there -as opposed to placing them in the CR- will be huge, between 100 and 150% more B-EPs if you decide to ignore the CR.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2015
  12. marlenef24

    marlenef24 Forum Expert

    I am well stocked for this event:inlove:
    For a change I don't have work so hard prior the Event, normally I either spend a lot of CC's at the market or plant & harvest non stop before the Event begins to get the necessary crops.
    "SeverineSnape" had a great suggestion with the over night long term refined crop instead for drops, I think I'll do just that!!
    So good luck everyone and happy farming:D:D:D
    labmommy30, frmrlife, austg and 2 others like this.
  13. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    This is GREAT we got the FAQ so early. I put pens out this morn because I need the manure. I try to do this whenever we get droids for rewards. Two days of growing critters and poop.
    I put some trees out since I'm always low on tree fruit that is used for feed.

    Then... the night before the event... I switch over to small, 1x1, plots w/ watered, "refined" carnations to "LOAD" the farm for drops.
    I'll harvest the carnations after the event starts. I always get at least a 100+ drops that way. Trees only on Baha.

    After the event starts...
    I'll put out enough large, 2x2, plots for each of the starter seeds, 10 usually. Water, manure, Suzy's magic dust w/ hedgehog CR. I'm not going to bother to use any crafting buffs or SSG on subsequent plantings, because the requirement for crops is so low. I'll do a second round of large plots of seeds w/ water and manure, 85-90-ish w/ SG and water. Then I'll switch to small plots and water the seeds. I still have Main, Meadow and Glade mostly stripped. I'll leave them that way until I'm done with crops for this event then put my money makers back out. I should have all the crops by the end of the second day. After I have all the event crops I'll start milling event stuff. I usually finish 6 day events on day 4-5. That's good enough for me. After I have all the event crops I'll go back to my usual growing of 12h+ "refined" crops. That should get me enough drops to finish. If not... There are the extreme measures mentioned in the Refinements thread, such as "instant" roses. I guess I had forgotten about the organic cotton possibility, since I didn't have those done. Been working on those recently.
  14. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I have All I need for this Event except for Event Except For Friendship Potions, Friendship Cakes and Yellow Roses. I have loads of Rabbits in my Barn so will make a Killing selling these

    I have put out 20 Mirabelle Plum Trees as it is a good job they now come in handy as they are one best old rare trees that sells for good cc, also asked for in some quests too !! This is hard to come by Newbie Farmers so i expect price of these to shoot up for the whole week starting today.

    Jeez 1440 Walnuts that bit steep to ask for but can buy Walnut Trees cheap from the Store and grow them as they cost 450 CC per Walnut Tree give you 4 Walnuts Every 20 Hours. There you Need to buy 360 Walnut Trees as atm Walnut selling over 160 Cc per Walnut in my Market !!!

    945 Friendship Potions is a high number for an 6 day Event, May Struggle to get these many Drop Items so Already Planted my Farm to get as many drops as i can. I always like to have decent amount of Drops Items when starting an Event as i dislike to struggle with drop items for any Event.

    The Price of Walnuts will remain high for the whole week. This Event will Certainly going to make some farmers richer. But at the Same time will make some farmers spend more CC than they planned to !!!
  15. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Hey Austg and everyone... Don't forget your White Innocense (sp) and PPP!!
  16. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    pssst, Banjoman, it's Innocence. :)
    labmommy30, 12ss12, SillyGuy and 2 others like this.
  17. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Hence the symbol (sp)... I wasn't 100% sure 'bout the spelling ;)
    Just don't forget the WI :D
    Cassie101, labmommy30, 12ss12 and 5 others like this.
  18. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I have a doctor's appointment at the same time the event starts so I will miss those first few hours of building up seeds. Hope I can catch up since it is a 6 day event. Can't be helped. We'll all just do the best we can. I don't want to miss out on the wonder stables so I may skip Level 1 Gold and Diamond and if I have to Level 6 Diamond.
  19. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    My event strategy is to sell event baskets.

    One junk CAC in advance gets my patrons event drops until the end of the event. This event will give a special award: One Wilson at the end of the event to each patron.

    My second event strategy is to begin a new fam.

    Good luck everyone.
    labmommy30, meba091, tlcmom and 6 others like this.
  20. frmrlife

    frmrlife Active Author

    On this farm as a low level farm I paid dearly for walnuts and mirabell plums.
    Trying to recoup by selling bunnies and poo!
    Finished sunflowers and wheat working on 2600 blackberries before event starts
    Will be offline most of tomorrow so a late night I suppose need 4 rounds on the 3 fields - wondering if I should use a CAC to get to bed early....:sleepy:
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