Where is home/land?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmerlily22, May 26, 2015.

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  1. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    There is enough space to my balcony for all of you:p:wuerg:xD JJenks and anyone else are welcome to come;)
    I will post another photo soon to show you the rest of what I see. I only showed you the half:wuerg::p
    MARLYMAR, Bree, Tinni and 5 others like this.
  2. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    Arielh great view! :inlove: Please share more of the beautiful place you are living ^_^
    MARLYMAR, Arielh, Willow and 2 others like this.
  3. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Beautiful view Arielh. Booking a space for me, hubby and three cats too please - note to self to pack suncream and sunglasses! ;)
    MARLYMAR, Arielh, hatzeva and 3 others like this.
  4. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Arielh, I would love that view!! (although I would probably get lost in some deep thoughts) Can't remember if I posted but I live in northern Pennsylvania, USA. I love seeing everything change season to season. Born and raised here and really don't know how I would do without seeing everything change. Although I admit the older I get the worse the winters seem to be :eek:xD It would be nice if they were shorter or warmer but alas, we do need the snow to keep up with the water tables. What a precious commodity and so many people don't realize this and take it for granted.:(
  5. happycallie

    happycallie Forum Great Master

    I am from Flowery Br. Georgia, USA . With in an hours drive we have beautiful mountains. 10 min. for the house is lake to go swimming in or boating on. 5min away horses and cattle are roaming around on the fields. As you can see this has a little of every thing. I must admit it does get pretty hot. We came from Smithtown Long Island, New York. Witch we left 20 yr. ago I don't really miss the heavy snow we left behind .
  6. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Oh my, happycallie - I know where that is! I'm down in the Florida panhandle, but I have been to the areas north of Atlanta several times. You do live in a beautiful place!:)
    MARLYMAR, sanddollar15 and Arielh like this.
  7. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Good Morning from the sands of Marina!

    Photo by my mother. She went for an early morning walk.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2015
    MARLYMAR, Bree, Tinni and 7 others like this.
  8. Tinni

    Tinni Padavan

    Some of you have amazing views out of your window.

    I am from India. It is a vast land. I am from the Southern part of the country but currently stay in Central India.
  9. lottidah

    lottidah Forum Great Master

    I have enjoyed seeing where everyone is from. I am from just outside the Mouse House in Fl. I grew up in New England.
    Hatzeva, I was there this summer! Loved it.
  10. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Hello fellow Floridian lottidah; you certainly had a climate change in that move!:) I live in the panhandle; been here all my life except for college and traveling. Been down your way a lot visiting family.

    - Never had the chance to visit your homeland, but it is a very interesting and beautiful place.:)
  11. Whisperwind

    Whisperwind Forum Apprentice

    South Africa
    MARLYMAR, Michael-2zz, Bree and 6 others like this.
  12. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Sad to hear that. Why what happened Whisperwind ? South Africa is a great country. Glad to know you !
  13. Whisperwind

    Whisperwind Forum Apprentice

    12ss12 - you mean locked out of my farm? Bigpoint says that there are database issues - and they don't know when they will be fixed. I also can't login directly through Farmerama.com, which is the usual solution. So I'm stuck, missing the event, and missing gift and trade.
    MARLYMAR, Bree and 12ss12 like this.
  14. Tinni

    Tinni Padavan

    There are jungles near where I live and one of the most majestic wild cats is found in this area. We are trying to make sure their numbers do not fall.
    A tigress who was pregnant at the time, she had two cubs later, but both sadly did not survive.
    MARLYMAR, Bree, bygo_cris and 10 others like this.
  15. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    @Wisperwind : Don't worry. It will be solved. I like your farm name. Very nice. Last year I was not able to login to both my farms for nearly 3 months. After that it somehow got solved by itself.
    MARLYMAR, Bree, sanddollar15 and 2 others like this.
  16. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Tinni What animals except tigers do they live in the jungles near you?
    Whisperwind I hope this problem will be solved soon.
    I have some friends who go to a Greek school in Johannesburg. They really like South Africa:)
  17. Tinni

    Tinni Padavan

    Arielh there are a lot of animals in the jungles. Here is a list of a few of them
    Mammals like Indian leopard, panthers, Indian bison, dhole (Indian Wild Dogs), sloth bear, stripped hyena, jungle cat, civet, spotted deer, chital (type of deer), Neelgai (type of deer), barking deer and four-horned antelope
    There are Marsh crocodiles, some reptiles like Indian python and Russell’s viper, cobra and Indian monitor. Almost 75 species of butterflies.
    Many birds, some are endemic and we do get a few migratory birds part of the year.

    12ss12 is that Marina beach Chennai?
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Wow these are so many different animals! It is a good thing you want to protect them from decreasing.
    MARLYMAR, Tinni and 12ss12 like this.
  19. MsTheaP

    MsTheaP Active Author

    I'm from Missouri in the USA. Live in one of the few "twin cities" in our country.
  20. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum Ambassador

    Big HELLO from British Columbia Canada!! We are entering the fall/winter season. It is always green and lush here. My community is famous for the most flavourful corn during the summer. I am surrounded by beautiful majestic mountains...some have snow on their tips all year round. In one one direction and 2 hours away is the ocean and beaches...2 hours in the other is WINE country for miles and miles:) :) Smiling from ear to ear...my favourite places. I am extremely grateful for where I live. Before Canada, I lived in New Zealand for 7 years and Australia for 5 years.
    Happy farming mates!! :]
    MARLYMAR, Bree, farmlily3 and 7 others like this.
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