FAQ Halloween Giveaway

Discussion in 'FAQ Archive' started by teddy.bear, Oct 23, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    * What is the Halloween Giveaway?
    During the Halloween Giveaway, you will be able to collect daily free gifts by clicking on the spooky pumpkins. After the 3rd and 7th day you can also get a special extra gift if you have unlocked the previous days.

    Attention players in different time zones! The gifts can be collected from midnight CET to midnight CET, just like the farm resets (daily login bonus, gifts, etc). Make sure you double check your giveaway windows especially if you have multiple accounts, to avoid inconveniences later.
    * What happens if I miss a day?
    You can unlock the gift from previous days for 10 BBs each. If you unlock the daily pumpkins with BBs, you will qualify to get the special rewards after the 3rd and 7th day.
    * How can I access the giveaway?
    You can access the giveaway through the new Moonlight playfield:
    * How does the giveaway window look like?


    * What is the top final reward I can win at the end?

    The top final reward you can win in the end is the brand new spooky XL Tentacle Willow tree. Please note, this tree comes with base included, so you can place it directly on your fields, then, when removed, it will go to your inventory as base + XL tree.​
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