Where is home/land?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmerlily22, May 26, 2015.

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  1. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Hi Bree!! Welcome to the forum!! :DIt is so good to hear about your interests, and see your photos!! (Thanks to hubby!)
    Virginia is such a beautiful state! The Blue Ridge Parkway was a favorite Road Trip of mine when I lived in Western New York State on Lake Ontario. Now I live in Western Massachusetts! But I miss your beautiful Virginia! Your post would make a good thread in Player Introductions! Along with those gorgeous photos!:):) They really brought back some cherished memories!:inlove:

    Congratulations on your recent marriage....and glad to hear that it's still in the Honeymoon stage a year later!:D
    Like you, both my fiance, David, and I are nature lovers:inlove:...and plan to build an entirely modern, independent-off-the-grid, self sufficient Log home and small farm after we are married in May-June, 2016. (Yes, this is the same Davidb1yth007/level 300Baha - Poet extraordinaire - whose poems are found in many places on this Forum.) It won't be a Tree House;)(for those of you who followed on Game Spouse!) But it will be completely up to date with all the latest technology in solar, wind, and water power...and wired for electronics 'to-a-fair-thee-well'!!....LOL - after all...we have to keep up with our Farmeramabahamamama farms!!!xDxD o_O

    Looking forward to reading more of your posts, and seeing your lovely photos, Bree!!:)
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
  2. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    New England,now HI ! Neighbour sandollar :)

    What a cool thread, but sorry to hear of the floods 12ss! Hope all is well there now.
    The "Hawaii of Europe" :) nice Greek-guy, Arielh is this true?? hee hee
    Hey JazzyCA69-Nice to meet you, Sunny Cali & Dune Buggies, I'm sold :D interesting places you've traveled about.
    Hi Bree, Nice to meet you, Don't they say "Virigina is for lovers"? Fitting in your case, Congratulations to you & your husband!!
    Cutie_Carrot :inlove: that picture, the water is so blue. I'm jealous of your travel plans!
    bygo_cris your country has always intrigued me. I must learn more about it.:music:Great pictures everyone!
    I will round up some pictures to post, hopefully after the holiday run around....err.. I mean Holiday festivities xD

    Edit- Ack! Lily, you snuck by me...lol Mass ? wow I can come visit ya one day:inlove: (if you'll have me, lol)
    Everyone should check out that thread Farmlily3 has mentioned, it hilarious and full of talent!
    Lily yours & david's treehouse
    (lol)o_O home sounds amazing!:) The water,wind & solar will cut down on your expenses but not sure about that electronics fair de well stuff?, won't you be to busy on your real farm ? Ya, you probably will.. but you two also have that dreaded FOCD..xD How about babes, how many are you planning? oh and how many is David planning??!!xD
    Too many babes are no good, takes all the fun outta life. hmmm...maybe not :eek:

    How's the wedding arrangements coming along? Well I hope!
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
  3. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Hi Bree, welcome to the forum! I wish you all the best for your marriage! Your pictures are amazing:inlove:
    It was the first time I heard of this description too! I am not sure Hawaii and Greece have many similarities though. I have only seen movies and TV series about Hawaii and it didn't look like my country. Greece is a popular summer destination with beautiful beaches and landscapes especially Greek islands. Moreover Greece has a lot of historical monuments so these places have a lot of tourists during winter too. Hawaii has a lot of tropical vegetation(as far as I know) but we have Mediterranean so we have a lot of olive trees, orange, lemon trees.
    Bree, cheeepcheap, farmlily3 and 4 others like this.
  4. cutie_carrot

    cutie_carrot Someday Author

    This is absolutely AMAZING! Love your island! :inlove:
  5. makeating69

    makeating69 Someday Author

    Here is a picture of the lake my wife and I live on in Missouri from our deck. Not the best picture, but it captures the beauty of the Ozarks.

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
    12ss12, Bree, Clashstrummer and 14 others like this.
  6. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    Arielh, your landscape pictures are stunning! I am not as familiar as I'd like to be with Greece:music:
    Thank you for your response. I shall research more of Greece when time permits, so lovely.

    Makeating69 o_O Your Picture is Spectacular! Beautiful colors. TSM
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
  7. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Wow lovely view Makeating69, Thanks for sharing! farmlily3 a big congratulations to you and david! I love reading your stories, such fun :) I was born and raised just outside of Boston Mass and traveled to the city to work for a very long time.. Then RL took me here to the coast of Maine:) Arielh,thanks to your posts I am learning about your beautiful Greece..thanks for that :) and a Big Hello to Wolfeyesone, so you are now in New England? If nothing else, New England is such a pretty area and we do have the 4 Seasons :)
    cheeepcheap and farmlily3 like this.
  8. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Beautiful picture makeating69 :) I could sit on your deck everyday just to see that view :)
    farmlily3 and sanddollar15 like this.
  9. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Very beautiful picture makeating:)
    Thank you cuttie carrot:)
    Thank you wolf! If you have any questions about Greece you know who you can ask;)
    You are welcome sanddollar:) I also like to learn about other countries and this thread provides a very good way for it.
    farmlily3 and sanddollar15 like this.
  10. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Lovely photo makeating69; thanks for sharing!:inlove:
    farmlily3 and sanddollar15 like this.
  11. makeating69

    makeating69 Someday Author

    Thank you for all the kind words. There are many beautiful photos shared on here.
    farmlily3, sanddollar15 and Arielh like this.
  12. MissSmartyPants

    MissSmartyPants Padavan

    You live less than two hours from me! I'm in Fairfax County, Virginia...just outside Washington, D.C. Welcome to the forum and the game!! :D
  13. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Parrots and a Falcon from my workspot. But don't take it that I work in forest area or something. I am in heart of the city where are still some trees admist the Concrete Jungle. Many people just don't have the time to look up the trees in their hurried life. These birds along with Koels (I have already posted their photos- ordinary and spotted ones), Mynas, pigeons, crows and other birds live in these trees.

    Photos are by my mother.


    Bree, shellhappybj, hatzeva and 7 others like this.
  14. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    Your mother takes beautiful photos, thanks for sharing them.
  15. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Very nice photos! Thank you (and your mother) for letting us enjoy them!:)
  16. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you for the beautiful photos your mother took! :) I just LOVE how the parrots are just "hanging" around ;) and their color is amazing! The Falcon is an amazing bird and to see it just perched there is great!:D
    shellhappybj and 12ss12 like this.
  17. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you friends.

    My holiday starts from today.

    Its time for our Harvest festival, Pongal.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Pongal means"boiling over" or "overflow. Pongal is name of the festival and also of the rice dish. Its the first harvest of the year. It's celebrated from time immemorial. Pongal is celebrated by the cooking of new rice (a southern Indian dish of rice cooked with various herbs and spices) in the open space before the sun. Sugarcane, turmeric crops are indispensable part of Pongal festival. We wear new clothes and decorate our cattle, paint their horns, garland them with leaves, herbs and shrubs etc, drew large kolams all around our house, street and colour them....So many things....not easy to put everything into words....

    It is celebrated for 3 days - first 3 days of the month of Thai (15, 16, 17 of January). Its also the new year and Thiruvalluvar year 2047 starts on 15th January. Pongal is thanksgiving festival to sun, cattle, cows, bulls and to farmers who are the life line of this world. Its significant in more than one ways. It is national festival of Tamils and celebrated irrespective of religion.

    Tomorrow is known as Bogi and as its the last day of this year, houses are cleaned, painted or white washed and waste discarded.

    The first day is known as 'Perum Pongal' (perum = greater/main). Thanksgiving to the sun.
    Second 'Mattu Pongal'(madu/matu = cow). Thanksgiving to the cow, bull & cattle.
    Third 'Kaanum Pongal'(kaanum=visitin). To visit our relatives and spend time with and also to visit places along with them.

    I am going to do all these. We are going to my grandfather's place tomorrow. So excited. Going to meet my uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, friends and relatives. Planned lots of tours. I will post pictures of them as soon as I return. Soooooo happy.


    Let Happiness, Prosperity, Love and Peace fill our lives like the overflowing Pongal !
    Happy Pongal to All !​
    tlcmom, Bree, Clashstrummer and 8 others like this.
  18. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    I am from Florida also, on the west coast just outside Tampa. We have beautiful beaches here but I'm sure its nothing like a gorgeous island in Greece!!! Mamma Mia!
    I can only dream :inlove:
    Clashstrummer, Arielh, Willow and 3 others like this.
  19. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    At first glance I mistook the Falcon for hawk, looks just like a few we have up north, Happy Pongal 12ss12!! Have a most enjoyable time celebrating with your family.
    Hi Lea,,welcome.. Yes, I agree..Florida has some lovely beaches as well but I do wish I could visit Arielh's beach too!!
    12ss12, Clashstrummer and Arielh like this.
  20. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Hello CylentLea123 - I'm from Florida, the Panhandle area. It's interesting to see the difference in beaches around the world! Would love to visit Greece! :inlove:
    12ss12, Clashstrummer and Arielh like this.
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