Optimize system for sending gifts to neighbors?

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by FarmeRWG, Dec 28, 2015.

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  1. FarmeRWG

    FarmeRWG Forum Apprentice

    Would it be possible to develop a better system to send of gifts to Farmerama neighbors? Currently, I keep losing track of whom I've sent gifts to, so some of my neighbors end up getting gifts more frequently than others. I want to be fair, and keep better track of what I've sent and received.

    It would be nice to be able to:

    1. Schedule the sending of gifts to Farmerama neighbors (a little like the new Farmerama mill for making different animal feeds) so that different sets of 7 neighbors can be scheduled to receive gifts on different days.
    2. Have a place where each neighbor could list what they want to receive, in general and during special events.

    This is just a suggestion, but I would love to see it implemented if possible... it would make things so much easier!
    007Farming, meba091, GuineaUp and 2 others like this.
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    These have been suggested before, and would be welcome.
  3. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    It would indeed. I always lose track on who I gifted yesterday:cry:
    FarmeRWG and GuineaUp like this.
  4. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum Ambassador

    You know what they say....Squeaky wheel gets the grease!!!
    Keep squeaking.....love your ideas:)
    FarmeRWG and GuineaUp like this.