New Baby reindeer to my herd

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by BoHoKaren, Feb 1, 2015.

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  1. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Very shortly I need to inject whole herd with wormer (need to do them at the same time) and give a vitamin drench but catching Ana and Twiglet needs tactics and they can be intelligent little so and so's. Tried to catch Ana today and she knew so wouldn't come close. Would love to time wormer with a sharp frost or dry weather BUT we have rain, rain and more rain... :( Keep fingers crossed for a cold snap and Ana/Twiglet letting their guard down!
    Just a couple of photo's of the herd that don't take the limelight (Hector- who is always "in my face")... Realised no pictures of Katya over the last couple of days but will try to put that right...
  2. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    What type of wormer do you use? (Ivermectin, piperazine, pyrantel pamoate, bendazole type ... or something else?)
    shellhappybj and labmommy30 like this.
  3. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    I'm curious how often you get poked back when you have to give your herd injections, Karen lol.
    Look at all of those antlerso_O ! Great pics, as usual :) Thanks for sharing!
  4. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Mainly Ivermectin based (Noromectin at the moment) as they are best for round worms (and nasal bot - but haven't had them yet- or at least no symptoms seen) but use "white" wormer drench about every 3 months to cover possible gut flukes & tapeworm which Ivermectin isn't good at (currently Rycoben but I change things around to prevent resistance). The first 2 wormings for the babies was also "white" drench as it was safer for little ones.

    Guinea, it is odd but they don't use their antlers on me at all (apart from Hector in play tussles). The only real problems I ever get is from the "wild" ones and then they use their front hooves to punch and with their shoulder angulation, their front hooves can reach very high and very accurately - had a few thick lips from Twiglet in her time but she's now a lot more malleable! :)
  5. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    Punching Reindeer :eek:... hmm... boxing gloves may be in order, lol xD

    Someday when you have time, during one of your normally scheduled days of hoof trimmings you can show us good shots of their feet, how you trim, your tools and techniques used etc etc. Since I trim my goats' feet myself, and also do trims on a few of my equines, this interests me... maybe others would be interested in a little Reindeer Hoof Care 101 too? Again, maybe you can do this when you have time... don't you dare rush out there and do hoof trims on everyone just because I o_O
  6. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Now Guinea... I don't know what you can see BUT I was in the process of a massive edit - which was probably way too large (including hoof trim topic) but I went off to find a relevant photo and lost all I had written... BUT you mention hoof trims so maybe some has posted!!! Will post on that soon - but will have a leg between my knees, shears in right hand, hoof in left.... camera???? between my teeth... who knows!!! :)
  7. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Maybe like this?

  8. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Sweet Cassi - now that does look very much like a reindeer hoof but a lot more "curled in" both front two and the "dew" claws... Look slightly deformed but I can't think what other species they would be from??? Intrigued...

    Can someone help - ie this topic. I have a photo of the underside of a reindeer hoof on my PC. Have reduced it but it still won't copy and paste... Usually I copy directly from their FB page BUT don't want to post another random picture on "their page" just so I can answer a question on here! Is there any other way of doing it, please???
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
  9. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    The image came up when I searched "reindeer hoof". The image itself is listed as caribou. I think the curling is because this specimen is no longer attached to the rest of the animal. Hoof is like fingernail and will curl up when it dries out.
  10. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    I must find another way of posting images - didn't want to post a random hoof picture on the reindeer site (in order to answer questions on here) so I have posted on my personal site.... My friends will think that I have lost the plot!!!! :(
    Anyway, this is Boris' hoof he needed a little attention to his "dew claws" as they had broken but the main cloven part you will notice the "frog/quick" or whatever you want to call the sensitive part is very close to the hoof wall and doesn't need trimming.
    If you can't work out background, he is laying down - often easier on back than hopping round paddock together!
    Hey, even the spider wasn't worried about hoof trim!!! :)

  11. cheeepcheap

    cheeepcheap Regular

    Looooove this website and all these lovely pictures!! Their "fur coats" look so soft and huggable, too!
    Thank you so much for sharing them!!:inlove:

    Eerrrr...isn't that a... 'fly on the hoof' (hoof on the fly??Hahaha) :music:(said the spider to the fly..)xD
  12. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    Thanks Karen, good pic :). Sorry you had to go thru so much hassle to post it tho :wuerg:
    To me, Reindeer hooves look kind of goat-like, kind of cow-like... all in one. Those dew claws are really interesting and different tho. I had seen the dew claws on a few of the herd's feet in some of your previous pics and was curious exactly what those looked like.. and now I know ;) I would definitely not want to take a punch from a Reindeer that's for dang sure, lol. I've never trimmed a cow hoof before, but have trimmed hundreds of goat feet in my lifetime... and looks like it'd be a very similar type of trim, with the hooves growing much in the same way as a goat's hooves do. The hair "between the toes" is really cute, lol.

    Thanks again, I appreciate you going to all the trouble just to curb my curiosity:)
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
  13. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) AGREED 100%!!!:D:inlove::D
    labmommy30, BoHoKaren, Willow and 3 others like this.
  14. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Not directly a reindeer post but a rant to mindless vandalism and theft.

    Over the Christmas weekend this wonderful tree was felled and the easy firewood taken from one of my paddocks. This paddock I haven't used yet, as it needs fencing, but that was on my "to invest in" plan for this year. This tree would have provided well needed shade and feed from the fallen leaves. It will take more than my lifetime to grow another to this size! So very sad...
    labmommy30 and farmlily3 like this.
  15. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    Some people, I swear>:(. No respect, only greed and selfishness. Sorry you (and your herd) got robbed.:( Hope you catch whoever did this. Maybe your neighbors saw something?
  16. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Access was gained through my neighbour's paddock - tracks can be seen and all gates to roads are padlocked. Hadn't padlocked that one BUT have now.. Saying goes... "Closing Gate After Horse Has Bolted". At least it wasn't my babies stolen!
  17. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    So very sorry Karen.:oops:>:( From the looks of was a grand, huge tree.:(:sleepy:
    I detest thieves!!!!>:( For a few years my Dad(a RL farmer) grew hay. guessed it...after harvest..many trucks(doubles = 2 semi size) came in the night and took all of his stacks. A complete waste!!!:( The next year he hired men to sleep on top of the stacks with rifles. But 1 of the huge stacks was stolen anyway....the guy was probably in on it...but we couldn't prove it. This is why we no longer grow hay. There is also a huge problem with commercial beehives. Can you imagine stealing millions of bee boxes? Ouch!o_O
  18. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Ouchies, >:( but I do agree at least they didn't touch your family, errr reindeers. ;)
  19. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Such a sad world we live in when thieves come onto peoples property and wastefully steal a beautiful tree and the hay your dad took time and energy to grow!:cry:But at least in Karens case the herd was safe and untouched but lost that wonderful tree!:(
  20. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    So disappointing to hear about, Karen! Selfish people! :( I, too, am happy the reindeer were not taken or harmed.
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