Feedback Hooked on Fishing

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jan 15, 2016.

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  1. AniE

    AniE Forum Commissioner

    242 fishhooks, 67 metal discs, 1 feather

    And I have two fields of stables and workshops out.
  2. pickles60

    pickles60 Forum Connoisseur

    I liked this event until I purchased the choc pancake recipe >:( Why did BP not think about the choc syrup recipe to go with it???:cry:
    SadGuy, Dienstag, Aetheria14 and 8 others like this.
  3. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    Yep, a level 3 Bakery recipe (Chocolate pancakes) that requires a level 1 Confectionary recipe (Chocolate syrup) that is not available to purchase and the product is very expensive to purchase from the market. Caveat emptor! (Buyer beware!)
  4. pickles60

    pickles60 Forum Connoisseur

    I am with you Noelle200001
  5. suzy266

    suzy266 Forum Apprentice

    I enjoyed the event. With a little practice on the fishing I found the right spot to hit and get the top fish.
    It was fairly accurate. As for the drops, I didn't have the best balance on my farms to get enough feather
    lures. I worked at it, changing and adding more animal pens. The rewards were very nice and worth the
    effort. Thanks for a great event!
  6. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I was, like others here, initially disappointed by both drops and target, but I have found fixes to both. By shifting my aim away from what is given in the FAQs, I was able to find my own spot to hit and got a high number of marlins (still got parrots when my aim is off, but that's to be expected). Also, seems some people are misunderstanding where the target is (I did initially). However, explaining might help people's understanding/satisfaction.

    For drops... I had the opposite result of many posting here. I got a lot of feathers and not many hooks or metal discs, because I had all pens/workshops and only trees to give the hooks. (cameleons, dogs, chopstick factories, etc.) When I shifted to crops like carnations, roses and barley, I started getting a fair number of hooks.

    I am now pretty happy with the event. I might suggest adding a caveat to the FAQs next time that says something like "this is the target for our location, transmission issues, etc could possibly shift your aim.. be aware of that possibility). Basically, I cannot see how to avoid this mis-match issue other than widening the response area, which would significantly alter the game to the point is essentially a flat gimme with no real game to it at all. (sure, some people might like that, but it is a game).
    I particularly like that we can choose the rewards we can earn. The only addition I might like would be to have some more Miscellaneous offerings (maybe the propeller super grow, for example) or to allow us to buy more of these items, particularly the powerfeed and supergrow.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2016
    Aetheria14 and BlackCaviar like this.
  7. BeingStella

    BeingStella Padavan

    I have enjoyed this event. It has been a welcomed change having a quest that does not require the fields to be consumed with an event plant. I especially like the ability to have something new going on, and to look forward to, as well as, being able to Farm and tend to animals. It sure has made for a nicer barn inventory all around, harvesting for components to fish.
    The negative is I blame myself for not reading the event FAQ prior to my first coin usage and purchasing the gone fishing giver events on the right side rather than the current giver events needed on the left side, for the new fish granting cloud row.
    That was my own dang fault for blindly plunging in and playing Gone Fishing without reading the news release on it. On the plus side making the mistake and repurchasing the givers that I have in place on the gone fishing cloud row from the last Fishing I have gone fishing givers to trade and gift for the next Gift and trade!!!!
    Lastly, I would like to have seen perhaps a few prizes that were more costly as I have finished the event a couple days ago and find myself with a surplus of giver items now. Perhaps including a rare animal and a rare tree as redeemable prizes would have given an incentive to players who have redeemed thru the list of prizes.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
    Aetheria14 and pickles60 like this.
  8. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Have my glade FULL of XL and XXL trees (in fact every tree in my inventory) and EVERY 1X1 space is full to bursting on my fields ..
    My stables and workshops are Long timers and for the amount of time and effort put into this event ... the Drops are unacceptable

    This would have been a great event IF it hadn't been for the drops ....don't want easy but a little fairness would be good ...what we are getting ISN'T Fair

    The most i have put in my mill is probably five at a time in this event and that is only a few times a day and sometimes even less ... you reckon that is good ? I think it is pitiful

    My rings basically were what was said in the FAQ..and got quite a lot of marlin from that white/pink ring

    And for two elixir in craft boxes... is hilarious ...that's a joke isn't it LOL... i have got thousands of them...I could give you some xD

    LOL Playful

    Great graphics

    And will probably get a warning for this thread for being what i feel is honest ... And i don't mind if i do
    ***Oldman i CERTAINLY wouldn't pay for things in the game i am playing ;)***

    A game that has to be refreshed to get from field to field every now and then ...BIG LAG and a freezing screen .... Extremely Frustrating is the WORD for my game >:(

    AND the chocolate cake recipe without the syrup is as bad as when I got a red bobble hat for an egg i haven't got LOL ... USELESS

    Finished the old row and new row .... only thing i didn't get were the 5 bananas... that is fine by me

    To be honest i never ever thought i would reach the end of this event...this morning i was scratching around my farm trying to get enough feathers together to make a few lures to get me to the end and have one feather left in my inventory with 111 hooks and 13 disc
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
    stacymaya likes this.
  9. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    having to have lure feathers for every lure is just not right . i couldnt even make a hat out of the feathers i have gotten . 1 or 2 feathers would have been enough to make a lure this has sure been a money making event .
    TERRIE, stacymaya, 007Farming and 4 others like this.
  10. pickles60

    pickles60 Forum Connoisseur

    Well spotted playful123
  11. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    i've been screaming about bp messing with this game,now in the time that you have, you can watch a movie, so that you can build BB'S
    to buy all that PF you need for your stables. or you can get your charge card out to buy all the ~edit~ you need to take another hosing
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 22, 2016
    Nellie_Noodles likes this.
  12. gales

    gales Forum Apprentice

    I like this event. I also think the drop rate could be better but I like that as a more casual player I don't feel rushed to get through levels that do not interest me just to get to prizes that I want. I like being able to pick the prizes, I LOVE the low mill time for the lures-I wish Farmarama would always use such low mill times. I hate having to wait to submit items because they are being milled. I like that there is no specific crop or animal that you have to grow in order to participate. This game is a winner for me. Thank you!
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  13. Frenchmom14261

    Frenchmom14261 Forum Connoisseur

    harvested 56 trees got 6 metal lures, that barely 10%
    harvested 6 Baharama stables including 2 camels and got 0 feathers. NONE!!!
    I now have 392 hooks, 0 feather and 5 metal hooks.
    That disproportion of drops is much too large. I have 77 stables and workshop out and 161 trees including 4 jumbo trees. Trees and stables take extremely long to mature. Crop's duration can be adjusted. So drops were not well planned.

    The game would be fun if this frustration was not there. The fun of this quest was the fishing. The rewards were secondary. So when one cannot fish because the feathers are lacking, it is frustrating.
    However I was able to get the 2 missing rewards from the previous fishing game, and bought a few miscellaneous rewards.
    I didn't attempt to get the new cloud row.
  14. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I really enjoyed this event! Another one that encourages us to raise animals & grow crops....which we would be doing anyway. LOL
    The rewards were good. I especially like that they are not 12 hour deco' it's so difficult to align all buffs & pets to harvest exactly 2x a day for max benifit!
    I do wish however, that one of the Deco rewards would have been a 1 x 1. They are so much easier to squeeze into our Park or Shipwreck bay.
    Thanks for another great fishing excursion!;)
  15. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    I enjoyed the event and I liked the changes that were made from the last fishing event. Specifically giving us the option to choose our prizes. What a great change that was over the random awarding that happened last time. It was a challenge to find the balance for the drops but it was possible to do. I got great stuff and extra givers so I'm happy. However I did get the heads up about the chocolate pancakes recipe so I didn't waste my coins on something I could not actually make. That would be my only real complaint about this event in perhaps you could have offered a different recipe or included the syrup recipe for additional coins.
    BeingStella and sanddollar15 like this.
  16. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    Love the triple and double catches; especially when its a Marlin.

    Nice improvement.
    BeingStella and Brookeham like this.
  17. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    oldman , u know u cant.....well look here i told u u cant speak your mind they deleted what i said . thats just a bunch of bs
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2016
    oldman49 likes this.
  18. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    playful123 now just what do u mean? are you trying to tell me that some times i go over board,? i'll try to do better next time, let me try just finished Edit Luck i used every stinkin worm i could find in my box, i just hate being treated like a fool. when you put as much time into this game, and the same thing's keep happening over an over it get's old. now i think i'll go watch a movie
    TERRIE, Nellie_Noodles and stacymaya like this.
  19. greenchelonia

    greenchelonia Advanced

    The drops are just terrible. Why would you make the one drop, that is required for all three lures, only come from stables? That makes no sense. It should have been the metal drop for stables, hooks for trees, and feathers for crops. Of course it never seems to make sense. I'm really tired of these events being labelled medium when they are really difficult/impossible. Not an enjoyable event. I have 389 hooks, 3 feathers, and 4 metals. Obviously this event was not well thought out by the development team. I had all of my baha animal pens out and I had an entire field of animal pens on my main land. I also have my living legends rune at level 27. So yeah..
    TERRIE, Frenchmom14261, AniE and 2 others like this.
  20. stacymaya

    stacymaya Junior Expert

    I waited until the end before I posted my thoughts. On the plus side. I like that we can choose our prizes. I like that there were no event crops to plant. I also liked being able to buy older stalk items we were not able to get at other events. However, on the negative side, there is no way you can win all of them - so why offer it? The drop rates are deplorable! As for the fishing side. I have over 100 lures made. I hit the "pink" center (dead on) 90% of the time and still would win the stupid lobster! I found the fishing frustrating and aggravating! I did not have fun nor did I enjoy this event. On a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being the highest) I give it a 1.5. I gave this event another shot because of the promise that it would be better than the first one (improved). It was NOT. Please don't offer it anymore. I feel we should focus on events that work well and are enjoyable to everyone. That's the reason we are all here because it's fun. P.S. Another negative point is why would you offer the chocolate pancake recipe without the chocolate syrup??? Are you kidding me? Why? Why? Why?
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