Any way to look up Magical Stalk Rows?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Fallstavia, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. Fallstavia

    Fallstavia Forum Greenhorn

    Hello there!

    I've been working on the Down Under Wonder quest for quite a while. I'm at the point where I'll basically need to buy 100 groundhogs, owls, skunks, bears and kiwis to unlock the magic stalk row. While I've tried to get those animals via stables, it's been 6 months and I've largely given up on ever finding them in the next year on my own (and what people want to trade for during trading events is basically these same stalls or other stuff I don't have).

    My real question is: What is the Orion Magical Stalk Row? Is there a way I can look up what it does once unlocked? I've tried repeatedly to google anything about it or search for it in these forums with no success. Because if it's something like giving 1000 EP every 10 hours, it's not remotely worth blowing the millions and millions of ccs required to buy all the animals I need to get to it.

    Thoughts? Suggestions? Anyone already unlock it and can tell me what it does?
    tlcmom likes this.
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi :) The cloud rows you can win from a Farmers Society Quest (FSQ) are usually described in the FSQ FAQ. Here is the link to the FAQ for the down under quest.

    Regarding the animal stables, the groundhog, owl, skunk and bear has been out of the wonder stables for a long time, so no wonder you haven't got them :( The owl was included again in the latest wonder stables edition, with yellow and orange upgrades, so those shouldn't be so hard to get in the future. Here is the FAQ that will tell you which stables you can get from the different wonder stable editions :)

    Hope that helps :) Any more questions? :D
  3. Fallstavia

    Fallstavia Forum Greenhorn

    This is super-helpful information! Thank you! In particular, I've read through the forums before but somehow have never found a list of quest rewards in a FAQ. Much obliged. :)

    I am curious, though; what do newer players do when we have quests to complete that require things that we have no way of getting? Just hope older players who have those things are selling them and/or their products?
  4. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I think you are on the right track, compare market prices with the rewards and decide if you want to buy the things or not. Next gift and trade you can try posting the stalls/trees you want to exchange for in the forum (there will be a special thread for this). Maybe you'll have more luck that way than trying to get them through the official trade offers :)
    tlcmom and Fallstavia like this.