Mini-Event Gift & Trade

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by teddy.bear, Feb 22, 2016.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    We are happy to announce that one of the most loved mini events is back again!

    Gift & Trade
    Starts: Tuesday, 23rd of February at 10:00 CET
    End: Wednesday, 24th of February at 11:00 CET
    Promo: news layer, event timer
    If you cannot see an item on the Gift/Trade list, they are indeed not giftable/tradeable. Changes might occur at the beginning of each event, so we would appreciate your patience and understanding on this matter.

    The FAQ of the mini event can be found here .
    (it will be updated as soon as possible with the latest giftable/tradeable items, and then we will open the trading threads)
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
    dragon1, Cassie101, deanarue and 4 others like this.
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please be so kind and use this thread to post your wish lists and offers for the January edition, and this thread for your "thank you" notes.

    Happy gifting and trading! :)
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  3. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    As many of you have noticed, during this edition only giver items from recent events have been added to the list of available items for trading and gifting. The wonder trees/stable released in October, which should be available during this edition, have not been added to the list yet, but the Team is aware of them and will most likely introduce them with the next Gift & Trade, but this won't be changed for the current mini event.

    Also, the Team is aware of the community's wish to make the events longer than 24 hours, and they are considering longer editions in the future, but we cannot promise you this.
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
    IVANCICA30, Erridge, dragon1 and 3 others like this.
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