Mystic Critters

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by mingling, Feb 23, 2016.

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  1. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    Another run by thought if silly to you just pass it by.

    As the rare critters are becoming the norm, I see it as a real need to have replacements for them. Now every country has them, just not farmerama so why not? I see bunnycula stalls, jackolope stalls and the chewacabra stall, how about the yeti? he needs a stall, I would love to collect native spirt animals stalls myself yes my spelling is bad I know feel free to type the right way on your own.

    Why not have a few mystic stalls for all the counties playing here?
    Any thoughts?
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
    CylentLea123 and spotsbox like this.
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Big foot would HAVE to be on that list... lol
    mingling and spotsbox like this.
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    My daughter would definitely join the game if cryptids were added to the game! Even if they were not officially added as pens, they would be great spooky EP givers for MM:)
    mingling and spotsbox like this.
  4. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    Don't forget the chupacabra.

    Maybe they could be on one of the new islands.
    mingling likes this.
  5. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    I would love to be waking up and feeding nessi, or

    Amarok, Inuit the giant wolf
    Amphiptere, Heraldic, A winged serpent
    Angha, Persian a dog loin hybrid
    Ani Hyuntikwalaski, Cherokee, Lightning spirit

    Just to name a few, the grafic people could have a ball!