GT Listings

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nlm24, Feb 25, 2016.

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  1. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    I like to use the GT wishlist (chat) to list items I would like to receive. After receiving notification from other players that they have the item I want (or asking what I would be willing to trade for an item I have to trade that they want) I list the trade on GT. I do not use the gift giving tab because I usually don't have that many licenses and because it is more secure to send by posting offers. Sometimes players state that they cannot find the offer because they are in a different market. I haven't had this problem myself but several other players have told me this in the past.

    I think that there should be a thread for each market to alleviate this. Some have suggested that the thread is for those who are using the gift giving tab. I think that it could be used for both if it was done by market. When you have an item that everyone wants (ie: Mangosteen Tree) you may not want to list it for a specific item -- you can't list it for several items because once listed it is taken out of inventory. Also, if you are looking for an item (ie: Perfect Posy, rare pen or rare tree) they may note listed but if you state in chat that you are looking for it and what you have to trade you can sometimes find someone willing to trade one of their extras. I know that when listing them on GT they can't be set aside for a certain player but when you send the player a message that you are "posting it now" and that the other player knows what item to search for there is a good chance that they will get it. If someone else snatches it up fast and they don't get it they still haven't lost any of their items in the trade.
    I now have to wait til next GT to fix my problem with last GT trade and this has also caused bad feelings with some of the players.

    Could we have a chat forum for GT for each market? For those who want to trade with gift licenses they could still do that (they would just have to search separate market listings). I don't know you could make one market listing and then sub-divide by market. This would probably be alot of work if there are only a few of us having problems with the trades -- maybe you could ask other players?

    Alternate suggestion: Seems like too much work to me. How about if you just list the players market number to the left of the post where it shows their name and title along with a notice at the top of Forum post for newbies that you can't trade through GT with players outside your market you have to use gift license?
    Market #19
    Someday Author
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    There are 32 different markets, are you suggesting 32 different G&T threads in the forum? It is hard enough to find someone in the forum who wants to make the trade, to expect them to be in the same market as you is very limiting. I exactly 1 other player from my market in the forum (although I am sure there are a more I don't know about). And for those of us who are ok trading with the gift licences (or just want to gift) to look through 32 different threads is highly impractical.

    If you don't want to use gift licences, just state it clearly in your post. Say you'll only make trades through the official system, and that they will only be visible to players in your market. And don't make deals with anyone without asking if they are in your market.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I have the opposite problem. Offerings in my market are repetitive and limited. Many seems like traps for newbies -- offering an apple tree for the latest rare stable, for example (and I don't mean 20, either!). The forum thread postings are limited as well, though I do look there for folks wanting gifts. I think most players who have been here a while have that issue, not a problem with limiting the market.
    Doc425, Noelle20001 and TCRooster like this.
  4. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    My market also has alot of trade offerings of apple trees for rare trees/pens, etc. -- they are not multiple quantities either. I kinda thought that it was people trying to trade between farms but then realized they couldn't because there were so many (farm 2 has a grapefruit tree that you want on farm 1 -- farm 1 posts an offer of 1 apple for 1 grapefruit -- farm 2 then looks up to trade the grapefruit for the apple but can't tell who posted it because there are more than one -- if farm 2 proceeds runs the risk of giving to a different unknown player). I have seem some trades for EP Givers that seem to be "newbie traps" though. They may even trap some of us who just aren't familiar with every aspect of farmerama also.

    Someone suggested before that "married couples" be allowed to trade whatever/whenever without licenses between their farms. I like that idea because sometimes farm 1 needs an item to complete a cloud row but has nothing to trade -- farm 2 trades for it but then has to use gift license to send to farm 1. I would like to keep my gift licenses to actually send a gift to someone not to complete a trade for my other farm. I also have my main farm that I would like to have all the items -- so if farm 2 gets a swan and farm 1 doesn't -- I would like to be able to send it to farm 1. I realize that some people may want to send them back and forth so that that they can complete quests without buying from market. I don't know if everyone would agree that this should be for farmerama married couples but I would like to be able to choose at least one player that i could send items to without licenses.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    You realize that trades, gifts, etc between your own farms is not legal? You can have multiple farms, but they are not supposed to interact (cannot be neighbors, etc, either)

    I don't really dislike your idea, I just think they have said that they cannot open trades up to all the markets. Its not so much a matter of not wanting to as that it would just take way too much server space, etc. I tried to come up with some ways to open things up a bit
    in this thread:

    If you can think of any other way to open things up, but still keep it limited enough to work, please do post it.
    Sweet_Cassiopeia likes this.