G&T ( calendar )

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by MARLYMAR, Feb 24, 2016.

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    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    I think it would be nice if they would add G&T to the monthly preview calendar that way people could prepare for it like be able to get money on a card to be able to buy more gift and trade tickets or whatever else they need to do to get ready :)
    bmcfall_8490, Arielh and Doc425 like this.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Yes it would be nice to have more days to prepare, like making a list of what we need and what we can offer.
  3. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    It would be a huge help for the aforementioned reasons and it would also be a great help if in the FAQs for the event you list what is not tradeable.

    Please consider this and remember new players have no idea how it works. I had to have a kind veteran explain how 2 people can conduct a trade of agreed upon items.

    Thank you for this event, now just do a few things to make it more user friendly.
  4. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    Good idea
    Doc425, MARLYMAR and bmcfall_8490 like this.
  5. bmcfall_8490

    bmcfall_8490 Junior Expert

    Yes I agree that is a great idea :)
    Doc425 and MARLYMAR like this.