Chickadee roost problem

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by *jimbob*, Mar 24, 2016.

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  1. *jimbob*

    *jimbob* Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, I'm a chickadee having trouble in the roost. Twice now, I clicked on the box that says 'leave' thinking it will close the roost and return me to the field. That is not what happens, suddenly I find I have lost my mentor. That word 'leave' is really confusing me. If it brought up a message that says 'do you want to leave the mentor system?' then I would know and stop right there. Instead, by my mistake I have lost two good mentors and probably upset them because I send box of love gift. Please can the message 'leave' be changed so other chicks are not caught out like me. Thanks.
    1msech2006, VereSmythe, woody and 8 others like this.
  2. tpabird

    tpabird Active Author


    When you want to leave the screen, not the mentor chickadee program, just click on the X in the upper right corner. I do agree that having a screen pop up with are you sure might be most helpful.
  3. *jimbob*

    *jimbob* Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you tpabird, yes I learned the hard way! The confusion comes from two boxes, one says 'leave mentor' and the other 'leave' but I guess they do the same thing. Both are red boxes which must mean alert of some kind. Other boxes are green. But what do I know, I'm only a beginner reading through a mountain of FAQ and having fun apart from this curious mystery.
    flwrsndnc likes this.
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I agree, there are many things that can be confusing to new people. Its sometimes hard for old-timers to remember what it was like when we were new (and in some cases, things have changed a lot since then). This is a good idea that would perhaps save some new players from making similar mistakes.

    That said, you are well above most in that you have already found the forums!
    1msech2006 and Noelle20001 like this.
  5. VereSmythe

    VereSmythe Someday Author

    I did the same thing with my first mentor. you're right. there SHOULD be a verify screen after hitting that red leave button. it was my first day , I think, and it seemed like i was leaving the screen not the mentor. yup. sorry.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
    farmerumf likes this.