Easter Eggstravaganza

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by 12ss12, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    Don't give up yet...you still have lots of time :)
    You can do it!
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, KaiCat33 and 5 others like this.
  2. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    At Last got the remaining Pruning Shears I did to complete this Event, As i got all of Easter Lilies Yesterday. It is Concluded that I have completed this Event as it been hard to obtain Pruning Shears. :D:p;)

    I do feel sorry for many of you Struggling with Drops, During this Event. As i do understand Farmers who have Magic Trees complained they are useless during this Event. But Many Farmers who do not have an Magic Trees at All. It is even more unfair as they do not have any luxury at all to get Extra Drops on top of normal Farming to Obtain Drops.

    It goes back of Importance to Prepare your Farms as well as you can, Prior to Event Starting. There are also farmers who do not have any Jumbo Trees either. I really do hope these do come back as they are always the best thing to have in terms of Drop Boosters, Which happens to give the Best Drops. Since i have quiet a Few Suzy Jumbo Trees and Super Jumbo Trees. When i have harvest this i gain extra Suzy Super Grow and Super Grow which is huge help when i need to Nuke Crop Refinements or Event Crops. So it works a Treat Both Ways that why u no longer use Crops such as Carnations to boost Drops.

    How Poo Prices have hit 500 CC Marker in the Markets have been Poo Farming Since yesterday, After my Carrot Farming since Carrots climbed to 40 CC each. Now have cooled down to 20 CC since yesterday. With Chickens selling for 750 CC that means Poo Farming of Chickens is reaping me a nice sum of 1200 CC Per Chicken Coop Per Price of Chicken and Manure per Chicken Coop until prices starts to fall Then move onto something else.

    I have to wait and see if i get lucky to see what i win with Wonder Seeding and Wonder Stables !!! :p
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 10 others like this.
  3. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Looks like my drops are holding steady at 44-45 doing event crop on Baha and rye or spelt on main land, with some trees thrown in. Going a bit slow because I have come chickens up as well - just couldn't pass up the good CC's for animals and poo!

    If I have figured correctly I need one more harvest of event crop to have enough Lilies and one more main land harvest to have drops (fingers crossed).

    Got a yellow trumpet and a mangosteen with the trees, so very happy!:D Will put out the stables later.

    :) Best of luck to everyone working away on those drops!
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 11 others like this.
  4. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Again with jumbo trees.

    An example, I've just harvested 10 jumbo trees: 0 event's drops from them. ZERO. And they've so far delivered very very little along the whole event.

    This, for the n-th time, proves that 2x2s are never the best drop catchers, even when, in this case, the jumbo trees' base times are at least 36 hours -in their plain versions-.

    Even so, with almost no special preparation, my farm still only needs 20 more shearing sheds to cover the whole requirement.

    I wonder why some keep saying that jumbo trees/pens and animal/workshop pens are better than 1x1s with long crops.
  5. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    I just finished the Easter Quest. I needed 6 Shears to get past the Level 16 roadblock and somehow a field of Mouse pens came through even though they failed me the time before. Having fun now selling Poo, Cheese, Chickens and Mice.

    My success was preparing by having all long term Trees on all my fields prior to the event (avg. 12 drops per field) ... Plus the EV was nice when the CR lined up prior to harvesting at the beginning.
    Aetheria14, meba091, 12ss12 and 11 others like this.
  6. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    I have a total of 3 jumbo trees and I have NEVER put them out simply because I do not need the produced product. I cannot rely completely on the results obtained and cited from a mere 10 of anything here to make a conclusion either way. For example, I have havested 45 20 hr trees and received -0- drops before. Then I will hit a section and receive 2 in the next 5 trees. And the same has happened with long time crops planted on 1x1s here. (Simply the parameters set by the developers for the algorithm, no big deal.)

    Just because you received ZERO drops from 10 36 hr jumbo trees does not mean they are no good for drops. I cannot say anything specifically good or agree with anything terrible based on the results of 10 trees. Some drops have been received from the trees. I can only wonder where your farm was within the algorithm holding the drop distribution.

    Here's some actual results from the latest harvest here:

    27 drops received from a field (44) of 48 hr production pens (main field)
    1 drop received from a field of strawberry on 1x1s (meadow)
    3 drops received from a field of event crops (glade)
    2 drops from a field of event crops (BAHA)
    0 drops from a field of event crops (rain forest)

    I'll put out 2 fields of fish. (Anything but to grow junks! hahahaha)

    Hope all are doing well. I think 20 or so drops are needed and more gazillions of junks than I care to count.

    I'm mad as a cuckoo with -0- drops froma whole field of event junks. I wanted 100 drops. hahahaha
    Just kidding, all is expected.
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 6 others like this.
  7. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    Congragulations Mooboy and Banjoman on finishing the event! :D:D:music:
    I am finished growing lilies and I just need 25 shears to finish the event, thanks in large part to my wonderful neighbors.:inlove::inlove::)

    All I did to prepare for this event was to clear the rain forest and main farm and use them to grow crops. At the beginning I was consistently getting drops from long term production stalls and workshops, but I haven't been able to get any drops from stables, or workshops the last two days. Higher level trees gave very few drops.

    The vast majority of my drops have come from growing crops. A total of 312 1x1s on the mainland consistently gave me 5 to 9 shears with lilies. Same fields with crop squares and oyster mushrooms the last 2 nights didn't do much better. My morning harvests of long term trees has been giving me 10 to 15 shears, incluuding the trees on the main Bahama land where I have 112 1x1s, 1 parrot and the rest in trees. I turned the rainforest into all crop land, 288 1x1s to grow lilies faster, to conserve use of harvesters, and drops there have been consistently 3 to 5 per harvest of lilies around the clock.

    The bottom line for me is the drops have been slow, but fairly consistent from trees and crops, but none from workshops and stalls after the first 2 days, with the exception of 1 parrot and 1 chicken.:sleepy:
    Good luck to everyone. :)
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 6 others like this.
  8. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    Four drops to go - that's all that I need
    But I want them Right Now ! No! that isn't greed !
    It's just that, well, you know: now is better than later
    I've plants to grow, and animals to cater..

    In eleven minutes, my goat and cow trees
    Are ready to self harvest, four drops if you please!
    I actually got two pairs of real shears in the shed
    But getting them inside my laptop?- fills me with dread
    I am not looking forward to having two steps to go
    4000 event crops for TURBO MULCH! Really! Oh no!
    I've got those seeds ready, earlier did I sow
    Because I wasn't leaving without the cloud row!
    Just checked my milk trees, that wasn't much fun
    No, not four ! the number rhymes with the sun !
    OOps, that gives two choices - and it wasn't none !
    well, not like the event, this poem is about done
    Aetheria14, farmlily3, 12ss12 and 8 others like this.
  9. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    Edit: Actually, I can answer my own question here. More chances at drops equate to more drops. I haven't had much luck with stalls/workshops. I find I get much better drops from 1x1s with refined crops during normal events.
    But, I think it's great that others have had success with the stalls. Whatever works.:music:
    Only 3 shears to go to finish the event. I'm fighting the urge to buy them...I can wait:oops:
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2016
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 9 others like this.
  10. flwrsndnc

    flwrsndnc Exceptional Talent

    on my marly farm I got all the event crops I need and I need 84 more shears to finish the event there and on this farm I still need 111 shears and I'm on the last of growing the event crops that I need now if I can just come up with 111 shears I will be set but I'm not so sure that's going to happen :sleepy:
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 4 others like this.
  11. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master

    Mingling asked this question. I'm curious as to the answer as well. Is there a difference in how I harvest? IE... Single vs collective.
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 5 others like this.
  12. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    JMHO, I think hitting the algorithm with an entire field at once (harvester use) is better than hand harvesting and having the algorithm hit 2 or 3 times within the same field. (Watch when the drops are "collected" for your "report".) I have no verifiable data to base this on.
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 6 others like this.
  13. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    flwrsndnc- don't get discouraged. You have collected more than half the drops necessary and we still have more than half of the time allowed for the event remaining. Once you finish the event crops and go back to normal farming, you will be fine.

    BillyWhiskers needs 2 shears to finish and with all harvesting done for the evening, I'll have to wait until morning to finish.

    Pnp needs 26 to finish and anticipate that will happen sometime tomorrow.

    I am eager to go back to my animals and trees. I like them better than crops, but may continue with crops as I am still working on Alchemist.
  14. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    I still need 32 drops and I am sure I will get them but this is really beginning to feel like I am trying to pull teeth from a toothless person:eek::eek:o_Oo_OxDxD
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 7 others like this.
  15. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master

    Thanks Noelle20001. My wife, son and I have discussed this before. We've come up with a consensus that we fare better using the harvester to gather all the crops at once vs individual harvesting. This is based on general results as opposed to an "algorithm". I just wondered if anyone had come up with solid fact which supported this. Seeing as how the whole thing is random, meaning I can gather 9 drops from a field one harvest and 0 drops the next from the same field, I'm not sure we'll ever come up with definitive support for one way over the other.

    Still, thanks for your answer. You seem to support what we have concluded. IE.. A large collective harvest yields better than an individual harvest. That counts for something and I appreciate it.
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 7 others like this.
  16. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    Harvester is one test I could do, thanks to the farm quests.. But my vote is the harvester gives more drops than clicking 1x1's by hand. At least it feels that way to me tested by running out of harvester and doing same crop by hand.

    I hear you sirpippen, I can't test the harvest whole field of mixed stalls to one grouping as on the totally step child farm I don't have enough workshops to make test groups, 5 XX stalls better than 3XX? 12 XX stalls mixed with groups of 3,8,1 etc.... times are all different but leaving stalls idle, the one stall harvest I know is worthless as in any test I have done no matter the time no drop gotten, sometimes over 18hr will give one, but groupings.......I need to dig and know.

    CylentLea123, I hear ya, I am trying! I just see a whole field harvested after long hours and no drops. I need longer workshops... I need higher level!!!
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 6 others like this.
  17. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    The EP you get is the same whenever you harvest a stable (as long as you have the same EP boosters active). The drops you can expect from harvesting those stables will be the same if you harvest as soon as they are ready or wait and harvest when all is done. But waiting means idle time on the farm, which means that those spots don't produce EP, produce or drops in the time between they are done and the time you harvest. So I'd say whenever you see a stable that is ready, harvest it, don't wait until the rest of the field is ready.

    Some say that harvesting a field of 1x1 plots with harvester yields more drops than harvesting by hand, I can't say one way or another. But the difference (if any) shouldn't be big, and doesn't justify idle time waiting for the whole field to be ready in my opinion.
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 6 others like this.
  18. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    Thank-you Mir.
    Glad my rambles came through as a thought. I shall harvest as they come due, I like my stall/workshop to do as much as it can.
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 4 others like this.
  19. flwrsndnc

    flwrsndnc Exceptional Talent

    thanks pnp what did you use to get all your drops? just curious
    Aetheria14, 12ss12, frmrlife and 2 others like this.
  20. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    On Bw - I grew event crops during the day and long crops overnight. Trees and pens in Baha and then converted one field of Baha to event crops and ginger overnight. Overnight crops have varied between blueberries, lilies (not the event but the pretty pink ones that take 12 hours), hazelnuts, rye, spelt, leeks, and roses. Just trying to boost some long crop numbers as well as work on Alchemist and grow CAC crops. I was also blessed with kind and thoughtful friends and neighbors.:)
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