Feedback Mini Events: March 2016

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    I bought the charity water cloud row. I thought it was very reasonable and its for charity, so its a win win :)
  2. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I am willing to spend my money on the items for charity. It is one of the few areas I feel you get a really good item and usually don't spend tons of money. As CylentLea said, win win. :D
  3. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    I bought the charity cloud row, last year I bought whatever they were selling...dont recall

    My issue is Renzo's Fair-BP is well aware that a huge population is having issues bc of some flash at the fair nothing plays right because its slow and not responding to you like it should...So I dont think it was a good idea to do it

    I also dont understand if i didnt get the upgrade why is my game slow
    sirpippen likes this.
  4. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    Do not apply.
    3rd party players don't matter, I like to help, but it seems if bigfish don't stand behind your cause we can't buy it. Talked to support on both ends BF says we will get back to you in 3-4 days, BP says I lucky to get as I have. So running good things as this a two-fer really does not matter since you don't care for the 3rd party players. We can't get on forum, now we can't buy givers oh well.
  5. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    mingling; what do you mean by 3rd party players?
  6. josstreater

    josstreater Advanced

    I just wanted to say thanks for adding a new gane to Renzo's Fair. It is a fun mini event that I look forward to but I was getting a little bored with the existing games and bursting the balloons was good fun and pleasing to look at.
  7. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    The trees and stables that should have been tradeable last time are still not tradeable -.- not happy :(
  8. BeingStella

    BeingStella Padavan

    Seems the items that players want the most are not available. For instance, I am trying to trade for a Howie Donut and the reason so few are offered is there are so few items one can trade for a Howie. People do not want to give up their Howies for less than a Pink or a Otter or Badger or Swan. Not being able to trade the animals leaves me with a conundrum. Shuttering at the thought of letting go of a Pink for anything....hehe :)
    farmlily3, sirpippen and Noelle20001 like this.
  9. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    I thought there was a several month waiting period or something..
    shouldn't swans be available now?
  10. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    If the latest event givers are to be included, please adhere to the 4 month in game policy for the trees and stables. With a Gift and Trade occurring every month or so, it is hard not being able to trade for them. The Mountain juniper and Grapefruit were introduced in October and the swan in November. All have met the 4 month in game rule.

    Additionally, it is requested every Gift and trade that we be allowed to trade the flowers and scarecrows from the wheel.
  11. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    My depot is full of flowers and scarecrows begging for a home. Since flowers are no longer available on the wheel I don't think it's unreasonable to ask they be tradeable. Upgraded deco items - at least let us sell them along with red bat roosts. I never thought I'd say this but G n T was a bit of a dud this time, since nothing new was there to be traded.
    farmerumf, baw815, Willow and 5 others like this.
  12. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I'm really short on time this G&T but I have to say since nothing new is tradeable I don't think I'm missing much. :( Did not think I would ever say that about my favorite event. :sleepy: Please listen to the players...let us gift and trade the flowers from the wheel!!!!
    farmlily3, farmerumf, baw815 and 4 others like this.
  13. thetoadofeya

    thetoadofeya Someday Author

    Because the trains went away, there is just loads of stuff in G&T that nobody wants and NO way to search quickly through the pages. Tons of yellow stables and XL trees. Every mystery lot I have gotten lately has had at least several yellow stables. This is ruining G&T.
    farmlily3 likes this.
  14. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    A few comments compiled

    Renzo -- like the new game. Its fun, its different and the rewards are nice.

    Charity cloud rows -- a nice addition. I was unfortunately not able to participate in this one -- hit at a very bad time money-wise in RL, but I did buy the last and like that you do this.

    G & T -- Need some kind of "switching it up". I and others have offered a variety of suggestions. Scramble the markets, have an antique sale, a newbie gift bonanza... etc. Maybe we just need them slowed down. One every 3 -6 months might be better than every month. I do look for things, but its almost like just another market, not something exciting to which I look forward to with much anticipation.
    baw815 likes this.
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