Crazy Chicken Day

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Apr 27, 2016.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    How about an event where chicken pens produced not just chickens, but any animal? I suggested something similar for April Fool's Day, but I think my suggestion might have been too complicated to program. By limiting it to one pen, it might be doable. Also, this event would not have to be limited to April Fool's Day, it could be, say for poultry day/month, etc. OR perhaps tied to some kind of mythic magical day.

    My original idea was to have not just pens producing different animals, but trees and the like producing odd things as well (everything from animals to craft products to yep... fruit). By limiting it to chickens, it might be technically doable. Also, since everyone has chickens, this could be a purely fun event available to anyone.

    You could either just have the pens give random results -- any base animal for their level or any rare animal might come from a chicken pen. Another possibility is to have the pens produce the normal chickens, but there was a chance (a HIGH chance.. like one in 5 or more) of getting another animal. A third possibility is to have a special feed (made from drop items, perhaps) that would produce "magical results" of giving any animal. Pens not getting this feed would produce chickens as normal. Those with the feed would either produce a random breeding level chicken OR another animal. That last would limit the event to those at level 20 an above, but I think that is OK. Reaching level 20 is not hard for anyone who really wishes to do so.
    sirpippen, elena516, nm56 and 7 others like this.
  2. OzoneRaia

    OzoneRaia Someday Author

    woooww.. that wud be FUNNN.. considering not many of us have rare animal, i'm sssuurrree this kind of event wud be luuuuuvveedd by many.. ;)
    farmlily3 and marymac50 like this.
  3. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    LOL, not only the title of the thread, but the whole idea cracked me up xD:cry:xD:D Sounds, fun, count me in!:p
    spotsbox and farmlily3 like this.
  4. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Me, too! CRAZY CHICKEN DAY!! LOL!! Great idea, Woody!!xD:DxD Makes me feel good just thinking about it!!:);)xD
    spotsbox and GuineaUp like this.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    That would be extremelly interesting:music: How this idea came to you?
    I liked that ,like you said, everyone has chickens and their feed is easy to get so everyone could take part and we would able to get rare stuff!
    This Crazy chicken day would make a big impact to the market though. But as long as it is for a day it's wouldn't hurt:p
    farmlily3 and spotsbox like this.
  6. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Yes, and no. As you said its just for a short time. The results would be random. Also, there are a lot of rare animals and many are already fairly low cost in the market. If needed, the team can limit it several ways without destroying the fun. If we are only getting roughly 1 rare animal in 5 or 10, then it might temporarily skew the market, but not badly. I think the fun will outweigh it. For that matter, in a variation of my original idea, they could offer a variety of items in addition to the rare animals -- they would be similar to a drop item. If you got a chicken, you might get a fruit, craft or workshop product in addition. But.. that would be more complicated. In a lot of ways, I think making it simpler would make it more fun, even if the amounts we get are more limited.

    It could require drops that would be milled into special feed, for example. Or, the special feed could even be a drop. Then it could extend for several days. If needed, the team could set the drop rate to vary, so that its very frequent initially, giving everyone a chance to participate, then slow down. ( I would say set the parameters so that the first harvests are high for each person, rather than having it high on the first day and then dropping off, because not everyone will be available on the first day equally-- that would have the same impact, but be more fair). A limit would fit in with a story plot After all, after a bit the chickens could just not be as hungry or the "crazy dust" could be fading out. Also... I think having an upfront limit is just more honest and therefore much easier for people to understand. A slow drop rate does the same thing, but because its hidden, makes it harder. For a lot of events, that is fine. It introduces some strategy and a bit of "competition" (against oneself, mostly). In this case, since this would be just a pure fun event, there is no need for the strategy/competition aspect. Sort of like the calendar giving events, this would be a give-away, but with a fun mechanism.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
    spotsbox, GuineaUp and Arielh like this.
  7. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    The more you say about this event the merrier I want to see it implemented;)
    spotsbox and GuineaUp like this.
  8. sarann

    sarann Padavan

    This is a great idea! If we had drops that we milled into different types of feed then each feed could produce a random animal, fruit, product, or buff. Love, love, love your creative thinking and I think this one is doable. Like you said, keeping it simple might be best. Would be cool to do the same thing with parrots in Baha to get Baha items. That gets left out so many times.
  9. elena516

    elena516 Advanced

    That sounds a lot of fun :D:D:D