New Baby reindeer to my herd

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by BoHoKaren, Feb 1, 2015.

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  1. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Katya tail - amazingly no signs of the little pesky creatures today but have continued with treatment (with added lavender oil) as she seems to enjoy her tail being massaged... as long as they haven't shuffled deeper into her coat but she doesn't seem itchy so fingers crossed.
    Mischa pictures. She seems to be about a week away (only guessing) but her udder doesn't seem ready yet but that tummy does!

    Twiggy's tummy smaller but udder more advanced and Katya's udder about the same as Mischa but very pear shaped... I think all 3 could "pop" next week. Ana late May.. Only best guesses
    JJenks, Willow, farmlily3 and 5 others like this.
  2. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    They look so serene resting in the warmth of the sun and soft grass.;) Good luck Karen with being a reindeer midwife.:music:
    sanddollar15, Doc425, Willow and 3 others like this.
  3. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    Mischa looks very pregnant and uncomfortable :wuerg: And the expressions on her face are kinda like she's saying "oh go away with that $#%^@'n camera will ya!?!?!?" She definitely has the "cow" physique going on, doesn't she lol. Poor girl. Lookin' at the 2nd pic... if she makes it another week I'd be surprised, but I really don't know how your girls look as they approach calving time. Kinda looks like she's got somebody/something pushing on the exit door already tho! And not that it applies to Reindeer, but some of my Nannies didn't "bag up" until they started having contractions. I'm so excited for you Karen :D

    Glad the creepy crawlies are giving poor Katya a break!
  4. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Guinea, once they're really close they start running the fence line like demented beings before their contractions start. Proper bulge under tail doesn't start until they calm, lay down and start contracting. She's close but still reckon she will make it till after weekend.... BUT I may be wrong!!! I think she just has a big baby on board - lets just hope she looks after it this time round - she's 0/2 at the moment despite being my "heart" reindeer... :(
    sanddollar15, Doc425, Willow and 2 others like this.
  5. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    You're the expert as far as calving signs go with your girls, I'm just stating my observations (compared to what I've seen a lot with my Nannies)... I have ZERO experience with Reindeer calving, so just throwing stuff out there that could maybe also apply to calving lol.

    Do you know if they run the fence instinctively out of desperation for finding a safe place to calve? Or is it maybe to help re-position the baby correctly in the birth canal?

    And doesn't a big baby on board mean a healthy strong baby??? Let's hope so and that she can nip the 0/2 in the bud this time. (Fingers crossed).

    I can't remember how long you had the bull (Monty?) there, but with my Nannies it was always fairly easy to predict birthing dates (150-ish days), as my girls were usually all in heat/ready to breed within 3 days of being exposed to my buck...
  6. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Monty ran with the girls for about 6 weeks and the girls come on "heat" approx every 21 days but only in the period of mid September to November - there are no outward signs of a girl being "ready" so it's a guessing game.

    Thanks Guinea for your nanny experiences - you may be right that that little one may come today... wish it would :)
  7. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    Wow 6 weeks with Monty being left to do his thing whenever the girls are ready (to let him) sure leaves a lot of wiggle room for any due dates being close together, lol. Could make for a long calving season for you and lots of ongoing stress:wuerg:.

    Not sure if Mischa is that close, but I'm thinking she'll be first to push one out, she's HUGE! She can hurry up any time now tho, cuz we're all ready for a big dose of cuddly baby reindeer cuteness :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:
  8. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Still all quiet here - darn it!!!
    First picture Hector's (the Little Monster) antlers growing. I think by next week they will have done their first bifurcated (hopefully more to come). Lots more growing time for them, so he should have a nice set this year. He's starting to looking a bit scraggy now with the annual moult.
    and second photo, Mischa getting fed up with being under close scrutiny...
    Doc425, farmlily3, Willow and 6 others like this.
  9. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    That look says it all! xD
    Doc425, Willow, sanddollar15 and 3 others like this.
  10. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    To be honest, I am worrying slightly about Mischa - this is a picture (today) of all the in calf girls (Boris was babysitting Hector & Lotte).
    There is a "window" of about 6 weeks with reindeer, due to rutting time, but the first 10 days are gone . I have never had a girl as large as Mischa (foreground) they usually hardly show but my instincts tell me that she won't be that much ahead of Twiglet (centre) and Katya (right), their udders are far more developed and their "bits" have also softened, so they are close too.
    I am worried that she may have twins on board (which you are lucky if one survives) or at best a huge baby but hope it won't be too huge... Just a panicking reindeer herder here... :(
    Ana will be late May, no doubt on that front...
    Keep fingers and toes crossed for Mischa please..
    Doc425, farmlily3, Willow and 6 others like this.
  11. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Oh poor Mischa!:oops: I'm hoping and praying all your ladies deliver healthy babies.....but especially Mischa!:music:
  12. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Wishing all the Moms to be an easy time with healthy babies. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.:) Thanks for keeping us posted.
  13. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    I wasn't going to say the twin word after seeing the last couple of pics you posted of Mischa, but just looking at her size in these recent pics compared to how the other Mommas look makes ya wonder :oops: Does Monty have any history of producing twins?

    I know you are on pins and needles already, but stay positive Karen. Maybe Mischa was the first one to be bred, so she's ahead of the game and she just has one big baby in there that her udder and teats haven't quite caught up with yet. She's pushed out calves before, so she's not a first timer as far as the actual birthing goes and so you know she can do it (even if you may need to help a little), but if by chance she does pop out twins you are well prepared, with colostrum on hand, and a vet close, so try to think happy thoughts.:) (I'd be out laying in the grass in the pasture all day watching her and sleeping out in the birthing shed with her at night tho if it were me... cuz I'm a worrier Xs 10 lol). Like PnP said...Thank you for keeping us updated. I love the fact that you've shared so much with us!:inlove:

    Wow look at adorable Mr Hector! It's so amazing how fast his antlers are growing, and they are all fuzzy and cute too!:):inlove:;)
  14. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Heehee OR No heehee :( she has never pushed so far- a lazy girl) she has been dreadful. Last two years she contracts for about 15 minutes, produces rear hooves only, then gives up. Unless you are watching the rear hooves are hidden in the tail hair. Her calves have always had to be pulled. and not easy to revive... Love her to bits but she hasn't been an easy calver so far... :(
    Guinea I think twins are on the female line (eggs/ova) and I so hope not!!!
  15. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    Uh oh, I didn't know she got lazy her last 2 times... well, like I said, you are still well prepared, lol. STAY POSITIVE!

    Massaging the udder helped my Nannies with their contractions, and it also helped bring down their milk... so maybe that's something that will help you/her if worse comes to worst and she does her normal lazy cow thing, lol. Might need an extra pair of hands this time around... one pair to help to get her to contract and one pair to help gently pull those hooves when she pushes?

    Come on Mischa, do it right this time! 3rd time's a charm, right???-.-
  16. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Hee hee _ great idea, massaging that udder. Not joking here, it will only help. To release the afterbirth and help produce milk... Last year I pulverised my back holding Katya still for the Horror (Hector) to feed... It worked wonders but he had already had the first 24 hours of colostrum... Have all sorts of stratedgies in line but can't work on them until the little ones are on the ground... :(
  17. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    Hope it all goes well Karen, with or without the udder massaging, lol. Keeping my fingers crossed and sending positive thoughts and energy for you and your Mommas, but especially for Mischa with her sub-par track record :oops:. Wish I was there, I'd love to be hands on with you during all of the excitement (and anxiety)!
    Hang in there, we are all rooting for you and your Mommas (and babies)!:inlove:
  18. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    Cuteness alert - he's made his appearance. This time a natural birth. He weighs in at 5kg (11lbs) so a fair weight but not as big as I thought he would be, Mischa must just be fat!

    Only just born, I have left them alone for a couple of hours so as not interfere with their bonding (it's always a tricking time for me as well as them). :)
    Doc425, GuineaUp, TCRooster and 10 others like this.
  19. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Oh what a beautiful picture!!:inlove: So happy to see mother and baby doing just fine!!:inlove::inlove: Congratulations all around!
  20. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Woo Hoo! The first baby has arrived and all seems to be well. I'm glad to hear that Mischa did alright and that both are doing well. Congratulations Karen! One big relief for you with more happy news on the way!
    Doc425, farmlily3, JJenks and 5 others like this.
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