New Font

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by puppiesnponies, Jun 8, 2016.

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  1. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker matter the browser...I do hope someone is listening to us-.--.--.-
  2. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    If you use a non-Chrome related browser, there is not a problem with the font. Mozilla Firefox works fine. :)
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 26, 2016
    sirpippen likes this.
  3. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    well hopefully they will make it compatible with all browsers
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 26, 2016
    sirpippen likes this.
  4. Chloe3456

    Chloe3456 Someday Author

    I thought it was just me. Please change the font back it really does hurt my eyes as well.
    sirpippen, VickiBirdy and stacymaya like this.
  5. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    Personally, I shouldnt have to switch browsers because someone messed up on the font...They need to meet the needs of the customer...last time I looked that was [​IMG]
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 26, 2016
  6. crownglory

    crownglory Someday Author

    I agree, the letters and numbers are hard to read.
  7. VickiBirdy

    VickiBirdy Forum Apprentice

    I should not have to switch to a different browser. Had this game initially not been compatible to Chrome I would have never begun to play it. I prefer Chrome. I have everything set on Chrome, and I am not using another browser. I like the multitask and other games are filling the void right now, I am finding myself playing Farmerama very little these days as a result of the Font situation. Apparently this does not matter to BP. So be it.
  8. BeingStella

    BeingStella Padavan

    One thing is for certain, I can not play comfortably with the font the way it is. I am concerned with the unnecessary eye strain. My eye glass prescription is rather high as it is, with my diabetis damage to my eyes. So I did not buy the three powerfeeds like I normally do because I can't focus on the font for very long. Its been some time now, how much longer will it take to fix?
    farmer_broke likes this.
  9. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I have made a posting about this click this Link Take you to my posting as it explain alternative solutions as it was Game Team who changed the Font.

    It is not helped that Fact Chrome has it own Pepper Flash as this is Flash based Game.

    I have upgraded to Windows 10 as use new Windows 10 Browser called Edge. This is Best Browser for Better Font in this Game.
    12ss12, sanddollar15 and farmer_broke like this.
  10. VickiBirdy

    VickiBirdy Forum Apprentice

    Good to know Mooboy. I am apprehensive about upgrading to 10. I have just played far less than I used to when this font issue basically has taken away my ability to enjoy the game. Look how long this thread has been online and still nothing is being done. Its very sad, I used to love to play Farmerama.
    12ss12 and elimeno like this.
  11. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    -.--.--.- yuup
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 26, 2016
  12. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Why don't you try other browsers. For me, fonts in chrome are smaller. But in Opera Browser, they are bigger. I use WIN 7 OS. I don't know much about computer. I haven't tried IE and firefox yet.
  13. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Opera is a Chrome based browser and has the same pixilated font issue. In Firefox, there is no font issue.
  14. VickiBirdy

    VickiBirdy Forum Apprentice

    Well.... I have everything all of my passwords set up on Chrome, I have my most often visited pages already set up even the add ons are adjusted. I like Chrome and don't understand why suddenly this is a problem. I had a lot of issues with Firefox awhile back they had some security issues and I just find Chrome more my style is all. Even now to read this I have had to type this onto another screen using a larger font to read it and then copy and pasting it to this one .... and my grandson did set up my system. When he comes to visit me after Labor Day I will ask him to make the switch I guess. He has all of my things all safe and all of the passwords set like Ft Knox. This computer isn't too old I think its the Windows before 10.
  15. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master

    My wife uses Chrome. She has the problem with the new font. It's very hard for these old eyes full of cataracts to read!

    I use Firefox, no font issues for me.

    It seems to me there's a sharp programmer out there somewhere who knows how to fix this. Please help us. This font issue is really unbearable for those of us with tired, old eyes.