Feedback Menagerie

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jun 14, 2016.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,


    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the Menagerie feature announced here, in this Feedback thread.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future changes.

    If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    We are looking forward to your feedback!
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
    dutchboy and Cassie101 like this.
  2. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Wow, I'm so excited about this new feature!:inlove: I'm a bit disappointed by the high prices, but considering it's overall value and advantage to the game, I guess they're probably not out of line. Hopefully we will be able to gain access to more menageries in the near future, maybe as prizes in events (hint hint;)xD). Thanks for giving us this new option!:D
    Mooboy, dutchboy, MARLYMAR and 4 others like this.
  3. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    This looks to me to be on the level of the Harvest Hoedown. Something I have no aspirations for at this time. :( Contrary to spotsbox's comments of being worth it, I think the price is outrageous. 299 BBs to buy the base building after spending 500 stars to open the rune, followed by Millions of Breeding EV in the quest to get blueprints to expand them and more tools to acquire to build them. Thanks for catering to the rich. -.- :(
  4. elena516

    elena516 Advanced

    You got the words from my mouth, the whole thing is just outrageous.
    What a delusion... :(
  5. zoonose

    zoonose Forum Apprentice

    Oh, i thought the FAQ meant you get one for 500 stars and one for 299BB (at the moment,) and probably 8 more from quests?

    'After reaching level 50, you can unlock the Menagerie with 500 stars from the Tree of Wisdom and with 299 BBs from the Shop (animal section):

    At the moment you will only be able to have these 2 Menageries, one from the shop and one from the Tree of Wisdom.'
    dutchboy, MARLYMAR, elimeno and 2 others like this.
  6. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    This new future has potential. I'm fine with the fact it isn't obtainable for everyone right away (one has to work hard on the farm to get it, uh.. I mean like about everything worth gaining in the game) and it gives longterm players a nice new goal to aim for. The menagerie seems a good alternative for building more pink and neon stalls, althou I admit having those placed in the menagerie will really be an ultimate goal to go after to many.

    The negative at the introduction is the limitation of max. 2 menageries and 1 of those only obtainable by spending real money *sigh*. I know the mechanism of this future has to be introduced step by step in the game otherwise it would disturb the markets and the such too fast and too much, but to players the extra time-saving/and profits from having just 1 or 2 menageries is minimal .. thus hardly worth the efffort to get them. As we have 5 fields I think max 5 menageries at the start would've been more satisfying.
    Mooboy, dutchboy, MARLYMAR and 3 others like this.
  7. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    My mistake zoonose. You do get one for the 500 stars. Where do you see more from the quests? I only see that you can add more stalls to the Menagerie from the quest shown.

    Still, 500 stars? While I know there are people with more stars than they know what to do with, the average farmer can't afford this. I felt good with my 400 stars. I was planning on using some for the frog breeding rune that will be offered with the frog breeding introduction. Basically for the PF although the frogs themselves will come in handy and the pheromones can always be sold if I don't want to use them. Even with the stars offered in the current event, it will take time before I can earn enough to spend 500 on the rune and I'm at level 93! I can't imagine what the newer farmers feel like. I don't mind spending time to make progress in the game but I do want to feel like I AM making progress. This just makes me feel like I am drowning. :(
    supplysally, *gogo, dutchboy and 10 others like this.
  8. Peanut1492

    Peanut1492 Active Author

    I was excited. I'm level 94 and I'm thinking this is OUTRAGEOUS!! What a royal-rip-off!!!>:(. I'll pass on them. But, unfortunately, this does not really surprise me. :mad::mad::mad:
  9. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum General

    I'll be straight forward....way too high of a cost for the low value in return. I could see 500 stars IF we could have as many Menagerie as we wanted...& at least let the Menagerie hold up to 10 stables or more by default!! And only being able to place two per field?? What's up with that?
    This does not provide most players with a solution to alleviate the need for more land to grow crops on-.-

    I think my initial idea of a BB ATM was better than this offer:D
    sunshineaz, Sassy22, dutchboy and 9 others like this.
  10. Chloe3456

    Chloe3456 Someday Author

    007Farming said it perfectly. I agree. This is way too high of a cost for such a low return value.>:(
    Peanut1492, Sassy22, dutchboy and 7 others like this.
  11. zoonose

    zoonose Forum Apprentice

    I'm inferring from the 2 menageries per field thing... why specify you can have a maximum of 2 per field of there are only 2 :) Generally the better/rarer/more expensive stuff turns up as an event or new fsq prize in the end... eg. neons, pink stables/ workshops, even howie and the moose music hall arrived eventually...
  12. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    Looked at the requirements for the quests - ouch, the cost of the second menagerie - :wuerg: and the fact that it only holds 4 in the first instance, I see very little advantage in placing one for the same of 3 extra pens. What a shame.
  13. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I guess it'll be good if you can stick the neons in, but after my initial excitement I'm somewhat deflated and where I really lack space is Baha, yet I can't use them there.
    Sassy22, Mooboy, dutchboy and 4 others like this.
  14. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    Ahhh, I posted about this...and I looked and everything for a It will be deleted. when does this even start?

    The cost & the limits...not really worth it...but like someone said...thanks to catering to the rich

    we knew it was gonna cost a pretty penny...the stars are a bit much

    I agree bummer -.--.--.-
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2016
  15. This looked so exciting and then came the reality............. What a let down. It's a bit like having the winning lottery ticket and realising your ticket is for last week. :D

    Like many others posting, I'm mid 90s level and when I first saw this, I thought 'Wow, maybe we won't need more land, they've thought of an innovative way to give us an alternative', then I read the FAQ and thought, again like others, perhaps I'll just give it a miss.

    You need 500 stars to unlock the rune - which wouldn't be so bad if it gave access to more than 12 extra single squares. Yes, you can sacrifice 18,000,000 worth of breeding animals to get the blue prints to upgrade two more slots and 225,000 worth of tools to get another two. Then to build them you need power drills which you only get from using the menagerie. That will give you another 16 single squares. There is, of course, the BP option to buy another one, but again it seems you only get four slots, thus saving the 12 single spaces.

    The feeding aspect is a bit convoluted, I understand (I think) why it is limited to the longest feed time, but I don't think it's a good option.

    I have enough trees, stalls, workshops, upgrades, jumbo trees, jumbo stables and decorations in storage, which would probably stock dozens of farms. I am certain most players who've been around for several years (I'm in my sixth I think) would have similar stocks. The one thing we have all been crying out for is land, and this doesn't answer that need.

    I gave up growing crops except for some events, and even then I only do the minimal required to get what I think is worth the effort. I buy what crops I need for feed, if I had another field I probably would go back to some crop growing. I like my farm, I like the farming aspect, so I potter around and enjoy it and hope eventually that there will be another mainland field. The stars for the Baha field were worth the cost, this latest 500 requirement isn't.

    However, it doesn't seem to be going anywhere, there's no real expansion though some of the recent events have been innovative and enjoyable. More than a few have been boring and tedious and not worth the effort - I call them 'grow and throw'.

    This is not an expansion as such, it's just an expensive and not very effective way to increase your production.

    Ah well, back to kicking a few footballs up the field, which is quite a lot of fun.
  16. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    2x2 plots: Main Field = 45, Magical Glade = 40, and Green Meadow = 44

    When the Menagerie was listed in the Grapevine I was hoping that I would be able to change my fields to 5-6 Menageries and use the rest for crops or trees. When Events took place I could leave the 6 Menageries and use the rest of the field for Event Crops. I could also use one of the fields for all animal pens/workshops and the other 2 for crops/trees. The Main Field could have a couple extra Menageries to house those animals (Cuckoos, Butterflies, etc.) where the production pens require more animals to produce then the pen placed on field.

    I wanted to be able to compete in Events without tearing up my fields. Although it will allow for harvesting pens that you are working on while doing the event; the fields will still have to be torn up to plant the event crops.

    Maybe in the future there will be more slots added to the buildings or more buildings per field.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  17. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    Oh I whole hardheartedly agree with this, especially against my better judgement, I tore apart the Magical Glade which held all my pinks. I can say this is the 1st time I have torn up the glade in my I have been trying to get it back together again...while keeping trees and pets on the field. Not again....

    PS...just add another a parking they did in BP's other game...cant fantasyrama? they added levels to a tree for your dragons was also free
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2016
    dutchboy, farmlily3 and MARLYMAR like this.
  18. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    wow when i saw bp giving us store houses i thought great finally prays were answere for more space a place to put pens trees n stables so we can grow crops . i didnt know we would have to give our first born child to get them thanks but no thanks u did it again bp what a let down
  19. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

  20. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    [​IMG] 500 stars to start...? [​IMG]


