Feedback The Fruit Market

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jul 1, 2016.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,
    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding The Fruit Market event in this Feedback thread. We are looking forward to capturing your initial reaction to the event, as well as the final opinion after participating in the event.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    The FAQ of the Event can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    We are looking forward to your feedback!
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  2. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    4 New tress, some goodies, and no interaction.:sleepy:

    I didn't want to farm the new way I'm doing as I'm not farming just checking in once a day.
    20 hour trees, upgrades mean two times a day at most I can do something on the farm?

    I don't understand the path the game is taking, farming seems to be less and less like the game wants less playing.
    The cork tree, get it grab the upgrades then nothing it sits in the barn no rhyme or reason but points if you don't want anything to do place on field and build fruit yeah fun:(.

    Now new trees again, got value or point, just something more so we can't farm.
    I remember when I started, there was time between events so we could plan, re-do our fields animals here crops there plan days till we had to get ready for next change of pace event. Now, just get all you can buy, buy, buy them upgrades!!!
    But why?
    I want to spend time on the game, see my animals, click on stuff. I don't know, just play?

    A game your doing something, checkers, thinking moving the men, king me every now and then. Basic to gaming.
    Here, I don't need to log in anymore but one time a day, My time to play is a bit more now in life, I want to race to fit in short term things, do things I don't know every hour at least?

    My cousin is young, he is beyond checkers but not up to chess, he asked me about what I play at he had his mom start up an account and quit 3 months into it as the farm is boring. The mom unit has no issue paying into his enjoyment, but it has to be fun.

    I continue in hope but all I see with the new 4 trees is maybe new land where all these things will go and hope farming will come back to the farm game?
    I need to get some files cleaned up, at least I got time as I can log in to the farm 1x in the morning and log out.:sleepy: Oh look a tree is clickable.....
    Banjoman, stacymaya, Willow and 9 others like this.
  3. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I want to start off by saying, I think this will be a decent event. The prizes are reasonably priced in star coins, I think, especially the trees, which of course FOCD demands I havexD. I do harbor reservations that, as beautiful as they are, they will be like the cork and tillia - much ado about nothing, with no use for them ever really developed other than donating to trophies or HH. I greatly appreciate that we are able to harness drops from Baha and the rain forest, but am confused as to why exactly we aren't allowed to donate island tree fruit.:( I suppose it would be deemed "unfair", because lower level farmers don't have Baha open or don't have many trees there yet, and island tree fruit is generally worth more than mainland, but that seems to penalize those of us who have worked and saved to open Baha and the trees in the temple. I will reserve full judgement until the event starts and I see how things progress. All that aside, I tend to agree with mingling that a bit of a break from constant events would be refreshing, so as to reorganize and restock our barns and enjoy plain old farming for a bit - maybe August could be a little more laid back? This is, after all, summer time of vacations!;):)
  4. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    This looks like a very interesting event: participate as much or as little as you like, when you like/can, donate as much as you want/can and choose what prizes to go for. There aren't that many prizes but I prefer that to having so much, we have little chance to get all of them if we want/can. Much better balanced than the last event of this type. A nice change ... and quite relaxing, I think. Everyone has a chance to get the four new trees too! Just what the farmer ordered. :inlove:

    Edit: I managed to get everything I wanted on all three farms (five sets of trees and all misc items on this farm, two sets of trees and all misc items on my other two farms) and was able to time it to suit myself. The drops are okay but they make little impact on the large amounts of EV required so for me they are not really necessary. All in all, I did enjoy this event and especially that it was not too frantic. :inlove:
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
  5. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    Agreed illy, I just need to do enough to get what I want?
  6. gggg806

    gggg806 Advanced

    Great event
    I've got 2 of each tree and all the misc items.
    I have enough for a whole bunch of trees if I want, but thought that I'd stick to 2 xD
    spotsbox, farmlily3 and sanddollar15 like this.
  7. Greenpaperclip

    Greenpaperclip Forum Apprentice

    Thank you for the opportunity to get rid of excess tree fruit:D

    I like being able to get new trees.
  8. dutchboy

    dutchboy Forum Great Master

    fruit event finished got 4off all plus all of Miscellaneous so done xD
  9. A nice gentle event. Even fairly new players can get one of each and the cost for the miscellaneous items is quite low and should be well within range of everyone. Makes a change to use tree fruit, which most of us have going spare in our barns. It also gives new players, who perhaps haven't got many ccs, to obtain some different trees.

    Okay, I'll admit I'm a tree lover, both in real life and in the farm and I actually don't mind that they don't have a use, except to look pretty - just as I have in my garden.

    I do have several of the more exotic trees including a Kowhai and a Silk tree and also one that gets a sun tan - truly, it turns from green to a deep coffee the more sun it gets.

    That said, I also agree we need more room and it's a point I've made repeatedly when commenting. However, for now I'm quite happy waiting to see what my trees look like in full bloom.
  10. codyj

    codyj Active Author

    loved this event!
    with it being a holiday weekend & lots of family stuff happening.
    everyone in my family plays, managed to get on to the game, & at least get 1 set of the trees!
    Thanks for organizing the event so that those of us who celebrate the 4th could actually do the event today.
    It made for a much more relaxed holiday, and happier game time.
    codyj #44475068
  11. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    This was fun. I like that there is a drop, so anyone can at least get a few things. The star coin requirements for each item are not huge. The donation amounts to earn the star coins are not huge, although the increasing amount thing was a little confusing. The new trees are so lovely. The misc items are all wonderful. All in all, a huge thumbs up :)
  12. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    Well, cleaned out my excess tree fruit inventory and got:

    1 of each new tree
    Party Spins
    Golden Bananas
    Harvest Helper Coupon
    Power Feed

    Don't know how much I will get from the drop items (only have 34 so far even though I have planted fields with trees.

    I don't like that this event started immediately upon completion of the other event as some of us still had crops in the field to try to complete the last event and didn't have time to plant with trees.

    Happy I was able to get at least 1 each of the new trees though. Also planting all my plums, apples, walnuts, etc. so that I can make some feed without having to bu the fruit.
  13. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    I like that most farmers have a chance at getting at least one of each new tree; with the choice of pursuing nice miscellaneous prizes. Having each tree at the same star value was good; as was allowing both barn stock and drops to be used for donations.:)
    The timing wasn't good, as planting trees conflicted with finishing the previous event .-.-
  14. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    I broke down, more than enough in inventory. two of each tree and most of the extra's that's it time to rebuild for the next cleanout.
    007Farming, dutchboy and sanddollar15 like this.
  15. AniE

    AniE Forum Commissioner

    I like that we could choose each of the new trees and that we could get all 4 of them.
    Also nice that there's no crop growing. I don't do events that need crops any more. Takes too much time - so I am happy with this event, thanks.
    007Farming, dutchboy and Brookeham like this.
  16. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    so this event was fun for the 1st half what? It runs for 3 days? It would be nice if the prizes would reset the next day so u can get those misc items again but other than that i have 4 of each tree...dont think I need much more.
    dutchboy and 007Farming like this.
  17. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    This was a good event for those of us who have been here long enough to get large stocks of tree fruit. I am having a hard time judging how difficult it was for others, but that is not necessarily a concern. Not all events have to be easy or doable by lower level players.

    Are the trees "worth" the donations? I would say this is definitely an alternative to BB purchases for many. Its hard to make a real comparison since the values differ so much. For some, who are able to spend money, just buying with BB may be easier. For others, real money is just not possible, so any option to get special items with farm products/CC is great. Comparing it to BB, high donation values are to be expected.

    I definitely like that we can pick our own prizes. What was offered is nice, but at the same time, not so hefty that those unable to do the event feel truly "left out" (in a sense "cheated" -- as has been the case when the prizes were very huge and not accessible to many).

    A nice overall balance, I think. I don't expect this to replace other mechanisms, nor do I think it should replace them, but I like this addition.
    sanddollar15, dutchboy and elena516 like this.
  18. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    Like: I gain access to wonderful new trees with CC ! [​IMG] (buying fruit on the market, in this case) and very nice miscellaneous prizes. [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Suggestion: add a few low level prizes for less star coins, small things, for small coins, for small farms, might be nice to have a 2nd miscellaneous window, with some deco items, perhaps even new ones, [​IMG] that cost very little, because they are just pretty. [​IMG] <--- like that. Does nothing, looks great.
  19. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    This was very doable for me - high level, lots of trees and plenty of cc to explore the market should I need. Great that you can choose what you want. I agree with farmingfreebird that low level requirements for some of the baby farms to get a few things would be nice.
    Brookeham likes this.
  20. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    I love any reason to get out all my trees. :inlove: This was really great for those of us with very limited time. I had so much back stock on tree fruit I got pretty much everything the first day and then just used my trees to replenish some of the stock I paid out. I think the new trees are pretty as well.
    farmingfreebird likes this.
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