Feedback Menagerie

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jun 14, 2016.

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  1. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum General

    If the drills are scheduled to be a "rare" tool drop....then what is the point?? Who wants to spend 500 stars AND then to upgrade all those required animals, tools, & crops to HOPE for A RARE drill??? Unbalanced rubbish I say:wuerg:If you open something up to offer benefits...make the benefits available by providing all the necessary components...Huh?
  2. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Not getting the ones for the mainland. Not sure about the Baha ones. The almost non existant Drills don't help. Won't do the Quests, without drills, what's the point? They are not balanced for the benefit and have caused major inflation of Breeding animals in the market. They don't save hardly any space and I would only want to put Pink or Neon upgrades in them if I had them, but wait.... I can't build any Pink or Neon upgrades because I can't afford them. Most animals needed for Pink/Neon upgrades are now more than double the cost they were a few months ago. The irony is, the few lower level breeding animals I have won't get me the profits I need to buy. I used to buy the XL PF package at least once and sometimes twice per BBD but since I can't get any really nice skips, I didn't buy any for the last BBD. I feel like we have just started The Great Depression of Farmerama. I hope it doesn't last as long as the real one did. :oops::cry:
  3. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    Zero, nought, nada; zip, nothing , oh....
    All represent my drill pile - yes, it's rather low
    I've tried standing on my head and harvesting this way

    Using tool enhancing cloud rows every second day
    I even tried dropping a real drill _rom above
    My keyboard didn't appreciate this apparent lack of love!
    And now I cannot use the letter between E and G
    Lucky I need no words with That, so thank_ully !
    Each day without a power drill, ebbs my will to play
    Maybe it's time I stopped, and _ound another way
    To entertain mysel_ during parts of every day
    BP's brick wall mentality, is really not OK.
  4. Tracey0000

    Tracey0000 Forum Greenhorn

    I am a level 90 player and have been playing the game for years. There comes a time where a challenge becomes a waste of time and BP have way over-reached in that department. Clearly the new holding company is only interested in making money. The goals are unattainable. I have scraped enough stars together for 1 menagerie. I have now thrown everything I have at it. Every last animal and breeding animal, plus spent millions and millions to get more and still have not reached the final goal of a billion or so. I have enough blueprints for at least the first upgrade, but not nearly enough wood. And my menagerie has been on my field since pretty much day one of the launch and still not a single electric drill drop, required for the first upgrade. And we have to go through this greedy nonsense for 2 of each (assuming you want to pay for the second) and now Bahama too. Thanks but no thanks - with the requirements demanded for this mediocre new addition you would swear we were creating some sort of magical BB dispensing machine. I feel I need to sell a kidney, or as someone else rightly said - part with my first born. BP you can, officially take your new addition and stick it!!!!! Getting to the end of my patience with this game, anyhow. Noticed a very greedy new twist since the take-over.....
  5. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    the only thing taken over in this game is our money without paying players this game will shut down . STOP SPENDING !!!! maybe they will get the message and listen to its players
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  6. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    Padlocks, padlocks, everywhere; no progress can be made
    In the Menagerie, or manufactory or where the trees are laid...
    someone is responsible for locking every door
    This has gone on way too long! it is a such a bore...
    I purchased these multiplexes , hoping to expand
    but this now seems a forlorn hope, not going as I planned
    BP has employed a new approach to stop us in our tracks
    Like a street developer, who bumps will hold us back!
    Whoever is this pesky perpetrator, putting us to the test?
    Peter Piper or Petunia Puppet? More like perpetual pest!
    Personally, I give up.. it isn't worth the stress
    Where's that Survey now: achieving? less and Less !!
  7. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    Ahhhhhh, David Dear, you've said it very well...
    Put our thoughts and feelings all in a nutshell!!
    This used to be a good game of give and take -
    Is BP becoming all take, for goodness' sake??
    Please give us our money's worth - a drill here and there,
    And a little more space - would it really hurt to share?
    Must we give most of our farm to add a space or two??
    Don't ruin this game that we love!! B'4 it's too late, BP..get a clue!!
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  8. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    In all my years of playing this Game. I have Witness many many new Features. But This has been the Most Disappointing Feature. As to me is has taken out the Fun and Benefit of this Feature by making almost impossible to get Power Drills.

    Why Bother with this New Feature at All. As we have several new Quests to helps us to be able to Upgrade it, What is the Whole Point of Getting Blue Prints when you cannot get Power Drills.

    As we can buy Extra Menagerie for 299 BB. It Currently the worse thing to spend BB on in this Game. If these Power Drills are going to be non existent !!>:(:cry:
  9. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    This is what six power drills looks like. Just in case you were wondering. No, this isn't taken from my farmerama farm. (oops, one looks like a key chain) Please note, BP, that this is what corded power drills look like......
    You are in a trance......
    BP... Listen to me....
    drills for everybody....

    give us drills
    give us power drills...
    give us drilllllllllllllllsssssszzzzzzzzzz.....

    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
  10. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    I was the lucky person who got a power drill on the first (or second perhaps) day. No more since then. Boo Hoo. Please up the ante and give us a chance to fill our Menagerie with lovely animals.
  11. howk01

    howk01 Padavan

    I have to agree with the rest of the comments. When it was first announced about the Menageries I was very excited & lucky enough to have lots of stars to get them. I got one each of the mainland ones & decided to increase the manufacturing slots. I have the blue prints but so far have only 1 power drill. Very disappointing as I have had them going from day 1. The only thing that I am happy about is that I used stars & not BB's. What a waste of my resources!! At this rate I will never be able to add on even 1 extra slot in one of the menageries!! Giving this feature a big thumbs down!!
  12. pickles60

    pickles60 Forum Connoisseur

    I did not have the BB or stars to get Menagerie when it first started but have enough stars now. Hearing all the comments I don't think I will bother because
    1. It seems the drills are avoiding farms :(
    2. I don't see why I should put (for example) a chicken and a frog into the Menagerie when a chicken takes less than 2 hours, but has to wait to hatch until the longest hatching time (which by the way could be something like 7-10 hours or more) :cry: and before someone says!!! I do not need 3 of the same animals on my farm! :p;)
  13. Dystopian_Crest

    Dystopian_Crest Forum Apprentice

    Everybody complains about power drills, and they are right. The drop rate is ridiculous. we should at least be able to exchange some other tools for drills.... or at least make them as prizes. You had previous quests that gave tools as a prize, make the drill a prize along golden bananas and stars.
  14. gentiljunior

    gentiljunior Forum Greenhorn

    no power drills here too. :(
    dutchboy and farmlily3 like this.
  15. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    sing to the tune of 'Food Glorious Food'.....

    :music:Drills, glorious Drills !
    Why cannot we get some??!?
    I'm in 'expansion' Mood
    But No progress:- I've got none...
    farmer_broke has told us 'Why'
    but still no drills for you or I...
    Please, give us a piece of pie!
    (or I'll poke you in the eye..)
    Why won't you give me drills?
    To take away my 'Having-none' ills....
    Surely, we deserve the thrills....!!
    of getting Wonderful Drillllllllllllllls !!!!!
  16. Erridge

    Erridge Forum Expert

    I'm beginning to think the power drills are as mythical as unicorns and rarer than hen's teeth. :(:(
  17. cheeepcheap

    cheeepcheap Regular

    :DA drill!! I got a power drill!!:D:D:D They are real!!
    I just got it when I harvested my Main field - but it didn't say where it came from. I have a Menagerie on that field that has 4 frogs in it - almost from the beginning. And a Manufactory that has had 4 egg farms in it almost from the beginning. I don't know which one gave the drill.

    I was sooo excited!!...and then I realized that I need 5 more - plus 6 the same for all the others!! Eeeeeeeeekkkk!!:wuerg::cry:
    Anyone want to buy a power drill??xD
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
  18. Erridge

    Erridge Forum Expert

    Quick! cheepcheap put it in the safe, insure it, get 4 big security guys to stand in front of it. Oh! and well done, I'm not a bit jealous, grinds teeth. xDxD
  19. rosehaines53

    rosehaines53 Forum Greenhorn

    hi just spent 500 stars and was able to put 4 raccoons in a menagerie ,24 hour animals seemed like best for my schedule. liked the experience will get for the box farm. will take a long time to get another as unlikely to spend the bb for them. looking forward to drill drops. rosehaines53
  20. cheeepcheap

    cheeepcheap Regular

    xDxDxD Erridge - sooo funny!! Thanks - I needed that!![​IMG]