Baha Quests

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by fiddlerviolin1, Nov 6, 2016.

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  1. fiddlerviolin1

    fiddlerviolin1 Forum Apprentice

    This was brought up a little in another thread, but not exactly.
    I have some Baha quests that I have been unable to complete since shortly after I started the game because I do not have enough Golden Banana's to keep buying crop and trees with. It will still be a long time before I can do so.
    For example, I need green tea to complete the Totally Tea quest. That's not going to happen for quite a while. I have if not all but most of the trees to do each level of the quest however.
    My suggestion is, don't allow the quest to be opened until either all the items can be bought or grown or when the items are more closer to be obtained. Trigger the quest so they don't just sit there waiting to be completed for a year or longer.
    If the quests are triggered by your level, wait until the player is a higher level.
  2. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    Having the quest opened allows you to plan ahead because you know that you need Green Tea instead of opening up some other Monkey Temple Statue.

    If you don't want to look at it because it will sit there awhile you can mark the quests you are working on as "Favorites" with the Green Flag in the Farmers' Society. When you open the Green Tea Statue you can then go to the unopened quests and click it as a favorite.

    I have some that have been unfinished for over a year - breeding quests and Castles in the Sand is all finished except for the higher level monkeys, camels and pandas needed. Shiver Me Timbers needs plant statues opened in Baha to finish.
    BlackCaviar and 007Farming like this.
  3. fiddlerviolin1

    fiddlerviolin1 Forum Apprentice

    However, with all these other quests that keep popping up that I can do, these ones are still just sitting there. It's almost like I work on the quests from newest to oldest. Since mine have been waiting to be completed for so long, I want to get them done but can't and that frustrates me. If they have been waiting to be completed for a year or less it wouldn't be a big deal. It's been way longer than that. I understand there are other ways too to complete the quests. I agree with the posters that have said in other discussions, we need more ways to earn golden banana's. It is nice though that the BEP needed to level up doesn't go up by leaps and bounds like on the main farm however.
    GuineaUp likes this.
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I agree.
    Seeing all the quests that cannot be opened is frustrating, confusing, and winds up diminishing the excitement of seeing new quests. It's one thing to see rare item quests, which can be done at basically any level, and seeing the Baharama quests that require items not available.

    At least wait to display the quests until that chamber is opened!

    For those wanting to know what the "future holds", it is easy enough to look in the FAQs to see the quests, (though it might be nice to have them separated in the FAQs, so they are easier to find) and folks can always ask in strategy, etc.

    In fact, because some, but not all quests appear when they can be done, the whole process is confusing. We still have to look that FAQs, or ask experienced players, what to do when. Having the quests appear when items are opened makes sense.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
    GuineaUp likes this.