Forum 'unrest' - part II

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmlily3, Nov 15, 2016.

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  1. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Thank you farmlily for explaning about our posts to each other. ;):)cylentlea, what was discussed does have to do with an event strategy as howies do affect drops. And yes, the other post you are referring to was also mine. What's your point? Are you saying that it should have been deleted also?o_O Because I am not understanding why you feel it should be deleted. If you do feel that way, then hit the report button and bring it to the attention of a mod and maybe they will delete it for you and you will have a better day for doing so!;):)
    joanc123 likes this.
  2. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    Hello Moderators,

    I'll start with a question. Who decides which posts are considered strategy and which are considered chit chat?

    I don't think you understand exactly what you're risking here. You're effectively saying that those members of the community who post and communicate on the forums are worth less to you than the members of the community who only read the forums. As such, this community is going to be losing some of its best and brightest, but let's look at this in a single context.

    There are a handful of players who actually post strategy, and most of the time the best strategies are literally in the first post. This means that any player who does not want to scroll through pages and pages of what you call "general chit chat" does not need to do so. So your point there is moot. However, you seem adamant about sticking to these forum rules which aren't functional for those community members who actually create the content which can be read on the forums. So what then will you do when you've alienated those handful of players who post the strategies? Will you, the moderators make the strategy posts? Or will it be those member who do not take part and post?

    Furthermore, do you honestly think deleting posts from players who are creating content is better long term for the community (including the ones who do not post) or harmful? The current trend has you losing players/Farmers/CUSTOMERS. I'd think someone at BP would see that losing customers is not the best business practice.

    Maybe it's time to review your rules to better fit how the forums are being used by your customers instead of ignoring your customers to feed your authority complex.
    farmlily3, Willow, Banjoman and 5 others like this.
  3. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    You have totally missed the point of my post.
    I like the little off topic conversations.
    I do not like posts being deleted.
    I enjoy the humor.
    I am not one who would ever complain about it.
    But some have, it's the hypocracy that bothers me.
    And more importantly once again, that the same rules do not seem to apply too all people.
    So, do the mods allow it or do they not? Whatever the decision, it must apply to all players.
    But really at this time, I am done fighting a losing battle.
    007Farming, flwrsndnc and joanc123 like this.
  4. MSBtoo

    MSBtoo Forum Apprentice

    Well there is my (our) alternative. Made some changes to make it easier for all.

    So then there is no need to leave the game or whatever, it is just a choice for another readily available community.

    People differ, thats just a fact, it is just impossible to please all on one forum.

    I told myself to not post here anymore, but it also is sad to see this blow up too...
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2016
  5. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Lea...Unfortunately the rules in question are subjective to the individual interpretation of each Moderator...and thus can never be equally applied, as they each have their own opinions. That's just human nature. That's why it can't be set in stone. That's why rules are referred to as 'Guidelines'.
    And that's also why they have their limitations.
    When those limits are crossed repeatedly, by either party, or the rules themselves are flawed or have become outdated and need to be modified - that's when the people to whom they are applied must object to their hard-line enforcement, and request changes to fit the circumstances.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2016
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