Feedback "Learn and Grow" Malala Charity Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Intrepideur, Nov 24, 2016.

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  1. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    i ditto that 007 . and for animals they have no voice .and need protecting .
  2. Hopalongcassidy

    Hopalongcassidy Forum Apprentice

    I'm not sure where you are located nor if you've travelled outside your own area or country, but you seem not to understand how different it is in some countries. Not everyone can just build a well, there isn't water in some countries, because they've either not had rain for months or years, or the rivers are polluted.

    Not everyone has a school nearby that they can attend and many parents can't afford to pay for the education (no, it isn't free everywhere) Many countries restrict or ban education for girls. What about the orphans who live on the streets in poverty stricken countries, how will they dig wells, build schools so they can go to them?

    Shouldn't it be up to those of us who have to help those who do not? Even if you don't want to help, you can still do most of this event.

    This is an English language Forum 007Farming, not a forum only for those living in Britain. Which English speaking country are you referring to, when you say we need to help rebuild lives from the disasters. The game on the other hand is played in over 100 countries round the world, it isn't just aimed at English speakers.

    Do I feel deeply about this, yes - because I've lived and taught in some of the countries where orphans are abandoned to live as best they can and where I often had to bring lunch for my students, knowing it might be the only meal they had that day. I'm now lucky to teach here in England, where there's running water and education is free for everyone. But I don't forget those who aren't so lucky.
  3. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

  4. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    i stand by what i said . so if u cant afford kids .dont have them.
    oldman49 and RubinaK like this.
  5. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Sorry, playful123, but, with respect, I have to agree with the others. The reason is simple - the viewpoint you have expressed is so narrow in its scope that it eliminates most of the world's population - who for too many reasons to list here, are unable to live by your impossible - for them - requirements. 'Accidents' also happen. And no one has control over the circumstances into which they are born. Even you. Even me. That's just Life.
    If you wish to broaden your mind and horizons, put yourself in other people's situations and think of it from that/their point of view so you will have something with which to make a comparison, and therefore a more reasonable evaluation of what other people can do or cannot do.
    The wisest Book ever written stated "Judge not, lest you be judged." Sometimes, if we haven't given a subject some good, in-depth thought, we can all be too quick to 'judge' others. We've all done it at some point or other. The smart thing to do, though, is learn from our mistakes and try not to repeat them.
    'Walk a mile in their shoes'.....if they have them....and especially if they don't.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2016
  6. CylentLea123

    CylentLea123 Old Hand

    Great feedback lol
  7. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    everywhere you look there's another give me line.
    007Farming and Moraine like this.
  8. RubinaK

    RubinaK Forum Apprentice

    can we vote to keep the field though?
  9. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    The field is great, the concept isn't too bad if you look beyond the Pay To Win (complete) effect. So if everybody could have had the possibility to gain enough gravel for free I would have rated this event high. The idea of an event field of it's own I think is great.
    So yes RubinaK, I wholeheartedly agree: Keep the event field
  10. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)...and aren't you glad it's not YOU that has to be in one of those lines?!

    Of course there will always be those that are lazy and abuse the goodness of others - but why should the ones who are in REAL need be made to suffer for the sins of others?? Doesn't everyone have enough of their own sins without having to suffer for those of the cheaters??
    There are many in those lines who are sincerely in need. What if you fell on hard times? Would you want to be punished for something beyond your control?? Or denied necessities because of what some others may do??
    Just some points to ponder...

    What's that saying??..."Don't throw out the baby with the bath water"!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2016
  11. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)This thread is about helping those who cannot 'get off their ... and go to work'. They are children, girls in particular, who need an education so they can do just that when they grow up. Whose parents - if they have any - are working, but are still too poor to afford anything more than subsistence for their families. They may also be orphans who have no parents and nothing much else, either. And others in similar situations not of their own choosing, who truly do need the help of other, more fortunate, fellow human beings who can offer a little bit of help here and there.
    RE: Post #22 above by Hopalongcassidy.
    Oldman49, I am glad that you have no problem with the ones that do need help.:)

    EDIT: This was not double posted. There was a post in between that has been deleted.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
  12. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    Thank you Bigpoint. I really enjoyed this event, and the cause you chose to represent is a great one. My girls and I applaud you for shining a spot light on the Malala Charity.

    However, finishing the event should not have been tied to the ability or choice to contribute, by purchasing a basket. There are many wonderful charities and many ways to contribute - money, time, supplies, talent, etc... This is a game. You could have rewarded all your many faithful Farmers - a special EP giver in the basket, and for those who choose to give elsewhere, enough gravel to finish. That spot light would have shown more brightly to more of your Farmers.

    Great job on the graphics. I love how the school grows as you progress. :)
    And the fall colors for you farmlily3. ;)
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2016
  13. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)LOL! Thanks joan123!! :inlove: I do love the Fall - the colors are like a warm blanket, keeping cozy in the cooling weather! (But I looove Spring, too!!);)...and these graphics are great!! Makes me want to really go find a pumpkin patch, and make some homemade pumpkin goodies and pies with freshly whipped cream on top!! Yum!!:D
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    :DHungry, anyone??:D
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 1, 2016
  14. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    From what I can tell there are not enough gravel being giving out. I have the tree here and just about done but not on my other farm and I am not getting anywhere fast.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 1, 2016
    joanc123 and shellhappybj like this.
  15. playful123

    playful123 Forum Pro

    i still stand by what i said . if u cant afford kids quit having them!! its not a question of money.i spend 200 +$'s amonth feeding animals. that people dump on my property just because i live in the country.u cant save the world ! i grew up dirt poor. left home at 16 raised 4 kids 2 of which were not my own. worked 2 jobs put myself through nursing , and real estate school made something of i dont have to walk a mile in anyones shoes been there done that.
    Nellie_Noodles, RubinaK and oldman49 like this.
  16. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    The Malala charity is a worthwhile one. Educated children are less likely to spend their lives having more children than they can afford. They also are less likely to dump animals.

    That being said, I am not buying baskets to do this event. That is my choice. The basic event isn't complex. In fact, it is a bit boring. I stopped playing other games that were like this and if all of Farmerama were to be like this, I wouldn't play Farmerama.
  17. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    I think that a lot of people have made comments that show the need for this charity. As women they raise children that they can afford to feed which means that they have birth control available and also can work if needed. In some countries women cannot work outside the home, they cannot use birth control and are ruled by their husbands (or other male relatives). Whatever goes wrong is the woman's fault because she was not obedient (to god or to her family or to her husband).

    Even here in the USA we have offshoots of religions or cults that have the same problem of uneducated women and women having babies that they can't afford.

    Maybe with the charity this situation could improve for them. There is also the chance that the oppressors will find other ways to oppress.

    Negative Point: Should be able to finish the event without the purchase of any baskets. It will be short of gravel so players will not be able to get the last 2 gift boxes (Golden Bananas and Party Spins) unless something happens(maybe Santa will switch the coal for 16 gravel this year). Double negative if you need this path cleared for future events and don't have the gravel tree.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2016
  18. nortonc

    nortonc Forum Pro

    I like this event very much for several reasons:
    • it has separate playfield so I can continue with my normal farming.
    • it's small and manageable on comfortable playing, so no need for thousands and thousands crops harvested to get to the end of the event.
    • the developement strategy through unlocking more fields and crops as you go. Excellent idea in my opinion.
    • last bat not least, itlooks good and nice.
    Regarding "pay to win" policy, I can easily get to finish without paying. It's just those last two gift boxes on the gravel road containing 4 party tickets and 2 golden bananas which are out of free reach. I am quite comfortable with that. I'd preffer to be able to get to them without paying, but as it is doesn't cause me any deep heart injury. :) :)

    As to the charity, I didn't do my homework to study the charity and how they operate and how much proceeds from Farmerama goes there, so can't comment on that, but generally have no problems with charitable game plaing. This time I chose not to pay though.

    i would like to see more events like that taylored around the points I listed above. And I will happily play them without or with "pay to win" charitable approach applied, provided reasoneable free event fulfillment is kept like it is here.

    Thank you very much Farmerama for very fresh and enjoyable event. :)
  19. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Good event IF we hadn't got two events on at the same time ...its near to christmas and people have other things to do beside playing this game at this time of the year

    IF the drop rates are from harvesting as soon as crops are done ...then i think you need to cure the LAG that comes with this game ...because i am finding it very difficult to do this ...If it is based on this factor
    I play other games and it certainly doesn't happen in these .... so it isn't my computer or my Internet connection
  20. TCbaby

    TCbaby Someday Author

    I like that this event is nice and relaxed - lots of time to complete and the separate field is great. I completely disagree with forcing people to pay to finish - that is not in the spirit of charity. Whilst this may be a worthy cause BP's execution of this just makes it appear underhand and greedy. I don't mind giving to charity, but I don't like being sideswiped by it. Fair enough - have an event to raise awareness, but make it finishable and then maybe allow players to pay for additional prizes by way of a charitable donation IMHO.
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