Crops sold out!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by PurpleSweetTart, Dec 29, 2016.

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  1. PurpleSweetTart

    PurpleSweetTart Forum Greenhorn

    I had to buy a bunch of carrots and now when I go to buy more it says sold out. What do I do to be able to buy more if/when I need to?
  2. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    If you are referring to the Seed Shop, there is a daily limit of 100 per seed type. You can still go to the market and buy carrots although they will most likely be more expensive. If you bought your seeds before "reset" you should now be able to buy 100 more in the Seed Shop. (Sometimes it takes a few minutes after reset for the system to catch up and you may need to refresh your game.)
  3. I'm confused, in the seed shop carrots are 300 each, in the market they are 23 each - how is buying in the seed shop more expensive?
  4. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    The prices in the Seed Shop are for 100 seeds. You can alter the figure to buy less, but you can only buy 100 each day.
  5. dafodily

    dafodily Forum Duke

    @HoppalongCassidy the seed shop is 100 for 300 CC's or 3 CC's each, but you can only buy 100 each 24 hours. ;) Hope this helps your confusion.
    Edit: @farmerumf typed faster than I. xD
  6. Hopalongcassidy

    Hopalongcassidy Forum Apprentice

    I have never bought seeds in the shop dafodily since they introduced the new system many years ago (I think when they merged Bahamarama and main markets. You are right, however, my mistake - I did think it rather high - but, at least the OP now knows all about it. :) Thanks.
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