Feedback Mini Events: January 2017

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by shooger.sweet, Jan 4, 2017.

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  1. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    I went into the event optimistically, but quickly discovered the chances to win coins were too low, so I cut my losses early. I agree with most of the above, in that what I didn't like was the cost to play for so little reward, the exchange of stored batteries at the end of the event, and the limitation of goods that could be contributed. Another thing that really needs improvement is the donation mechanism. It seemed confusing to several newer players who thought that 1M EV needed to be contributed before they could begin (it does look that way at first glance), and it is also much too easy for both older and newer players to make one accidental click and end up contributing far more barn stock than they intended to. There should be a simpler way to contribute the correct amount of goods for each prize pool.

    On the positive, I do like the idea of the new shop, and collecting coins in different events for prizes. I also liked getting Nublonite dust from Fuzzles, which allowed me to play a round in the smallest category.
  2. GrimReaperDude

    GrimReaperDude Junior Expert

    I had high hopes for the recycl-o-mat event, especially as one of the items available from the shop was A Magic Tree!!! I couldn't wait to potentially lay my grubby, bony fingers on one these. Then the disappointment of the NEW farmerama kicked in. In total I donated 3,000,000 cc's worth of products into the machine, always selecting the high level rewards at 35 batteries per go. Unlike others on this thread I did get farm coins as my prize quite often. Why would this make me sad, I hear you ask, well I'll tell you. In exchange for the 3 million coins worth of goods I finished overall with a grand total of....... drum roll please........ 133 FARM COINS!!!!

    I have slowly become very disheartened with the game over the past few months, does anyone remember the last time we had a DECENT cloud row from one of the events? That said, do any of you remember the last time we actually had an event that was FUN to play? I do, the last FUN event we had was Carnival Queen last February.

    On top of this there is also the fact that premium membership has been done away with, yet there is nothing in place to replace it, (other than the occasional rumour of something we might be getting as part of the new membership pack which no-one knows anything about). I am going to continue playing until my harvest helper subscription expires, but unless there are some major announcements about what is happening with this once fun game, then I for one am completely done with BP.
    baw815, 007Farming, joanc123 and 5 others like this.
  3. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    I ended with 149 coins. A far cry needed for the BB's-.- As I depend on those to get my mill subscription and the movies seem to have dried up, this is def going to change how I proceed with any type of events involving breeding. I have so many comments running around in my brain right now that I can't even seem to think clearly enough to put it down into words. o_O:wuerg:o_O:(
  4. luv2farmwu

    luv2farmwu Forum Apprentice

    I, too thought this was a nonproductive event. You could delete your entire barn only to receive a couple of coins. Sad very sad. If things keep going like they have been, I may just stop playing for awhile. There is no fn in it anymore. You can't earn BB's, the events are set so high you can reach them, just getting very disappointing.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 10, 2017
  5. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Went into this event hoping for the best, since there was a chance at selecting prizes.

    Sadly disappointed with the high deposits required and low coin return. Not a fun event.:(
  6. Teagle22

    Teagle22 Forum Inhabitant

    The events are coming quick and fast, graphics are beautiful, but the game is losing it's luster. I'm going into my 5th year, and you are losing me. You've taken the Fun out of Farmerama. I don't compete all the time, I've been cured of FOCD. Other than my neighbors, most over 2 years, it is getting harder to keep logging in, let alone, play the events you are promoting. Let's see how you handle the first three months of 2017.
  7. Element66

    Element66 Forum Apprentice

    Wow. I just logged in to find the exchange window telling me all my batteries were gone. I've never done the recyclomat too hardcore, but when I really wanted some of the prizes at least I had a stock of batteries to try and get them. So I checked, and, sure, it was posted on the FAQ, but I haven't needed to read the FAQ other than the prize list for years; it should have been emphasized much more that the batteries were going away. I used about 1000 batteries this time; given the low rate of coin conversion, I stopped, figuring the new shop was like Renzo's--binge play here, casual play there, keep your tickets and coins and after enough time you get an item you want.

    I have to work hard enough to get drops for all the other events; having to do so for a mini event is ridiculous. Having to start from scratch every time now, the rate of event occurrence combined with the rate of battery drop combined with the rate of coin conversion makes the shop such a long term proposition as to render it to the "whatever" category. Very bad change.
  8. BoHoKaren

    BoHoKaren Commander of the Forum

    I participated to the extent of my batteries, contributing many thousands of crops but the rewards were very poor... This event seriously needs rethinking. A big thumbs down from me. Sorry.
  9. RubinaK

    RubinaK Forum Apprentice

    just have to say it again... renzo lost all the luster he once had... as many people are saying this is sad...
  10. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Didn't enjoy the recycle-o-math event. Too much crop, random reward, not particular good rewards either. Going to miss out on that one for the future.
    Renzo, never been one of my favourite - still not excited. I can see some players enjoying it tho. For me , I don't even know if I bother to spend all my tickets. I just don't enjoy the mini games.
    baw815, Brookeham and joanc123 like this.
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