Moonlight Mania Crops

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by puppiesnponies, Mar 19, 2017.

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  1. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    The longest crop we have for MM is 8 hours. Now that we have the cemetery and plants can remain on the field in between MM events, could we have a longer crop for overnight? My personal farming preference is 10-12 hours. Good overnight and would help with drops when we have events that we can only collect drops from the cemetery.
  2. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    This is an excellent idea Pnp. I would also like to see comfort fields there as well!
  3. Lea2191

    Lea2191 Forum Inhabitant

    Actually on the moonlight field there could be a crop that takes 24 hours or more. Planted at the proper time the crop would come up the following month. It would add more complexity to decide what to grow when. Currently I plant my longest grow time crop as the moonlight field closes.
    Jazac, 007Farming and Moraine like this.
  4. shetaz71

    shetaz71 Active Author

    I'd like to see the cemetery open longer than a day. I don't have enough time to plant crops and harvest. How about leaving it open for play for a week or 2?
    Jazac and gardengal like this.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I would also like longer hour crops because we can get better drops during events on that field!
  6. nicorette

    nicorette Forum Connoisseur

    I agree! A crop that takes about 10-12 hours and comfort fields would be great! Just make sure that the things in Jacks shop are still reasonable to get - even with a longer growing crop :)
    Arielh likes this.