Recyclomat 2017 Strategy Thread

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Mooboy, Jan 5, 2017.

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  1. clonahmon

    clonahmon Forum Veteran

    There are only coins to be won this time. No EP, no TEP or anything else. Just farm coins.
    Didn't want to do it either out of different reasons (see feedback thread), but what's to do with the batteries and I want the giver for the candy row ;)
    Eunoia. likes this.
  2. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    Like clonahmon, I was trying to find the cheapest way to get the Candy Row giver. It looks like the most each coin could possibly cost is the same in the M, L, and XL categories- 12,500 cc per coin. I'll stay away from the S category because the worst result there means 1 coin costs 20,000 cc. :oops: As for the (worst case) battery cost per coin, the categories from cheapest to most expensive are: XL (3.75), L (4.37), M (6.25), and S (10).

    At that rate (avoiding the S category), the very most the giver for the Candy Row can cost is 625,000 cc. And that's only if I were to get the worst result every single time.
    I really don't like the Recyclomat, or the new farm coins, but since they decided to hold CR items for ransom there, I gave it a few tries. (3 so far.) The XL category gave me 30 coins, and my two tries at the L category gave me 10 on my first, and then 50! coins on my second attempt :inlove: I'm not sure if I should try for more, or just be happy with what I got. I'd love to know how others are doing, so I can decide if it's worth trying for more of the top prizes. Anyone having much luck with it?
    TERRIE, zerodegrees, habalala and 2 others like this.
  3. nicorette

    nicorette Forum Connoisseur

    Thank you so much for the number crunching, -poppyseed- :) I have feed the big black void 3 times. 1 time XL = 30 coins. 2 times L = 8 and 50 coins - fingers crossed, the Nublonians will be kind to us and will come in peace ;)
    -poppyseed- likes this.
  4. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    I find the reclyclomat a good concept to exchance and convert some free gained barn stuff into some handy goodies without spending a sngle BB. It's also a great way to avoid spending 10% market fee to get rid of barn stuff I have no other use for.

    I too strongly suggest to use the XL option only! So far I did the XL once and got 60 FarmCoins from it. Yup, the giver is safe and sound :) Next goal is to get the cyclo CR.

    Wishing everyone good luck &, keep smiling!
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
  5. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    Breakdown of the cost per farm coin:


    So yes, XL is the least expensive option.

    On my main farm, I tried the XL pool twice and got 60 + 90 farm coins.
    On my baby farm, I did the same thing and got 30 + 60 farm coins.

    I think the cost per coin for this edition of Recycl-o-Mat is low compared to other events that featured farm coins, so I will keep donating until I run out of batteries.

    I also love the new cloud row. :inlove::inlove::inlove:

    ETA: The English FAQ failed to mention this, but the German FAQ says that the jackpot in each pool (which can only be won once) is guaranteed within the first 10 rounds.

    Hit the XL jackpot (150 farm coins) on my third try. :D
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
  6. nicorette

    nicorette Forum Connoisseur

    Thank you so much for the number crunching, zerodegrees :)
  7. escalonilla

    escalonilla Forum Commissioner


    That chart is the key!
    Awesome job!
    I hope you don't mind I shared that in the Spanish forum.

    Seeing that chart, these are going to be my steps.

    1) Go for the pool XL's jackpot
    2) Move to pool L and go for the jackpot
    3) Once I get the pool L's jackpot, get back to pool XL.
  8. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    I agree, I :inlove: the chart! Based on the results reported so far, this is the event for boosting farm coin counts. Since I already got the L jackpot, I'm going for the XL. I just had a second try at it and got 90 coins. Definitely getting that CR now.:)
  9. Sabelyna

    Sabelyna Someday Author

    I'm a bit confused and beg for clarification. As I am looking at the event FAQ for the Recyl-o-Mat for April 2017 is see the barn value of required items for donation (per round) to be: small 200,000 - medium 500,000 - large 1,000,000 - XL 3,000,000. After seeing this I thought a lot of farmers would be passing on this event, because of the unusually high amount of barn items it costs. But as I read the above posts, especially the chart by zerodegrees, the numbers others are using are very different (as if divided by 10 for each category) much lower, and much more manageable.

    I have not tried this event yet, as I was hoping to get help here in understanding if or why I am seeing the numbers differently. Hoping for a reply.

    Edit: I am actually level 96, and I don't this; is there a difference between barn value and exchange value? I see the FAQ states barn value of items required, where as my barn shows the exchange value. Could there be difference, maybe this is my confusion. What do you think...anybody?
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
  10. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    The FAQ is showing the barn value (same as exchange value) required for 10 attempts at each level, but only the batteries needed for 1 attempt. I'm not really sure why it was set up that way. (Maybe because the top prize per category can be won in 10 tries or less?) Anyway, ZeroDegree's chart is showing the per chance cost for each category, as well as the cost per coin for each possible prize. Much more achievable numbers :)
    zerodegrees and Sabelyna like this.
  11. Sabelyna

    Sabelyna Someday Author

    Thanks poppyseed, for your very easy to understand explanation. I obviously was looking at the big chart in the FAQ above all else, which is different from the small typing just beneath which gives more accurate numbers. At first glance, at their semi-misleading chart, my eyes got wide and I went into shock for a moment, feeling very disappointed looking at it's requirements. Thank goodness it is only overstated, I will be able to participate after all. :D

    You are right, the actual is much more achievable numbers. Thanks so much again for replying so quickly, I will go try the event now with 185 batteries I can get two XL attempts in as ZeroDegrees's chart clearly illustrates seems to be the best way to go. :)
  12. zelbug10

    zelbug10 Forum Apprentice

    I have planted some in the rainforest and they are only 4 hour plants.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 22, 2017
  13. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    Sure, I don't mind at all! :) Thank you for the kind words. :)

    I agree. It's too bad we can't make the most of it due to the bad timing, though. :cry:

    -poppyseed- has already answered your question but I thought I would cite the relevant part of the FAQ for anyone who was wondering the same thing.

    The English FAQ is very confusing but underneath the huge table, it says:

    Each round played for each prize pool requires:
    Small - 20,000 Barn value of required goods + 10 Nublonite batteries
    Medium - 50,000 Barn value of required goods + 25 Nublonite batteries
    Large - 100,000 Barn value of required goods + 35 Nublonite batteries
    X Large - 300,000 Barn value of required goods + 90 Nublonite batteries

    The post you quoted was from the Recycl-o-Mat event back in January, so those numbers were correct at the time they were posted, but you're right. For the April edition, it should read:

    Star Flower
    Time: 4 hours
    EP/Baha-EP: 60
    Plantable on all fields
    Value for the Recycl-o-Mat per crop: 20
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
    zelbug10, julie1013 and -poppyseed- like this.
  14. Neddy38

    Neddy38 Forum Great Master

    I think I got luck this time
    just try the 4 pool
    S,M, XL give me the max. coin on 1st try:D
    only L need a 2nd try
    I used up all battery to see if I got some more good return.
    But all luck used up.
    So, this event will be over for me once I determine what prize to exchange. :)
    julie1013, -poppyseed- and Cassie101 like this.
  15. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    I can't find it in the FAQ but is it necessary to do this event to get 'Fruit-0-Mat surprise' for the 'Candy Surprise Magic Stalk Row'?

    Info from Sanddollar

    You can buy the Fruit-0-Mat surprise' for the 'Candy Surprise Magic Stalk Row'? from the Red Basket for 50 coins. xDxD
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  16. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Cassie if you have 50 Farm Coins you can go to the Red Basket and then to the farmers shop-o-rama and under the "Special Tab" you can buy it there I did! :)
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
    Cassie101 likes this.
  17. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    Thank you for that sanddollar, that's a great idea. xDxD
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 23, 2017
    kibsnfebs and sanddollar15 like this.
  18. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    :eek: This is vital information. I would and could do those 10 and be happy. Well I'm usually happy anyway, but doing big-black-void donation AND be happy

    Thank you Zero and all you other guys :inlove:, I'm back to being unrealistic optimistic and caving in to the FOCD
  19. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    Initially, I thought the same thing. But I was reading this thread in Technical Issues, and it seems like the mods may not even be aware of the jackpot-in-10-tries-or-less guarantee.

    Instead, the Maximum Pay In numbers appear to be based on how many rounds you can get out of the XL pool (10 rounds) if you fill the Recycl-o-Mat to capacity (3,000,000 CC in barn value) with the required goods. I guess they then multiplied the barn value numbers by 10 for the other pools because that would be the logical thing to do...

    Except not really. If you donated 3,000,000 CC worth of required goods, you would get:

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2017
    habalala and -poppyseed- like this.
  20. Kessari

    Kessari Someday Author

    Thank you Zero and Poppy and everyone else for the clarifications and details! xD I cannot express how much I detest the way this event is presented - clicking on the button to 'donate' and seeing that 3MIL there had me fuming, thinking that was the amount I had to give to even have a chance at getting the giver item for the cloud row. Still not at all pleased that it was placed into this event when it easily could've been added to the Firefly event instead.

    I was able to do 3 of the XL donations (got 2x 60 coins and 1 24), but unless I get enough of the star fruit for another donation, I won't be doing any more - my barn is keeping what I've got left! I was able to get the giver item plus 3 of the 4 trees I wanted, so while I'm not really happy, I'm ...satisfied, I guess.
    habalala, -poppyseed- and zerodegrees like this.
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